Hrm, I apparently missed this thread the first time around (probably because I got asked for a divorce a year ago yesterday, so was dealing with some shit), but since I got a soft mention, I guess I'll contribute.
First, the guy my ex bailed on me for was dude #10. How bizarre. 7 before me, me for 18 years (one during, open marriage, totally legit), then #10 and out the door. I'm not saying it correlates to anything aside from the fact that it made me chuckle.
Second of all, if you wanna go for sub 10 these days, you're going for women like 23. That's not an exaggeration. Any woman nearing or in their 30 that's never been married has upwards of 50 partners.
Third, I'm not entirely sure there is such a thing as a worthy woman nowadays. Every one is so fucking entitled and thinks the world owes them something because they have a vagina. It's odd to see from the perspective of not needing sex anymore, that that is all they have to offer. The vast majority of them have horseshit careers, horseshit credit, no assets, no retirement, no housekeeping skills, can't carry on a conversation on nearly any topic, they can't cook...fucking nothing. I think feminism really sold women a raw deal. They were supposed to delay having children to focus on their careers and build a life for themselves, but due to their impulsive nature, they do none of that and just end up continuing their childhood for their 20's and 30's having no responsibilities and nothing to show for it.
I used to look sideways (not necessarily down, but sideways) at guys that just used women for sex. Just bang a chick for a couple weeks or a month, and then move on to the next one. But now I realize that's not only a pretty decent plan, but it may actually be the optimal plan. Society has degraded so much and the social contract that used to be in place between men and women is null and void, there's no reason not to. Women aren't there to support you and your career. They're not there as a partner. They don't give a fuck about your dreams and goals, and they're only focused on their own dreams and goals, which sadly, are generally their own pleasure at that moment. There's not a lot of long term planning in most of the women i meet these days, but I can tell you exactly what my work, financial, and property plans for the next 25 years are, and what my retirement plan is.
With all of that being said, picking the right woman becomes easy - you'll know her when you find her. If you do find a woman that bucks most of those trends (probably not all, because lets face it, dudes aren't perfect either), then you probably found someone you can be a partner to. But even then, proceed with caution, marriage offers no benefits to men, and a helluva lot of downsides. I don't know what the right path is for men wanting children these days. There's a whole lot of bad options and not many good ones. The children just become pawns to use against you, and society will still largely side with women these days, despite the evidence. The only thing that saved me is my oldest being aware enough of what's going on to be on my side too, and society will side with man + child over woman.
If you have your shit together as a guy, and have a good job, a decent car, a decent place, are in fair to good shape, the world is truly your oyster now. Everyone - both men and women these days are mostly impulsive children. You having any amount of responsibility and drive makes very attractive to the opposite sex, and since they're just in it for their own pleasure, you might as well be too.
Just wrap it up or get snipped.