One of the 3248972389478923 reasons gnomes are superior.
Can you not sell your starting tunic for 3g or whatever anymore? This training robe the necro GM is handing out has no sell value and I need mah pet.
So what are peoples thoughts on leveling paths? Is it worth it to try for something like befallen or unrest for a ZEM, or is just grinding out someplace brainless like lavastorm going to be better?
Is your puller a hard motherfucker or a pussy? The top spots are worth it as long as you aren't cucked out of spawns constantly.
Do keep in mind that lavastorm and sol a are actually very good, and upper guk is not bad either. Unrest is only like 10-20% better than these, so if you are holding your dick >20% of the time? Not worth it.
Can we get someone to look at the Nektulous newbie area spawn rate? After the patch the mob count has gone down drastically, and the respawn rate is very slow. This basically removes Nektulous as an option to start on for Agnarr.
This change looks like it was brought upon by the latest patch.
If we could get some Dev attention/response on this, that would be fantastic.
This change is intentional. Those spawns were originally added for Gates of Discord as a way to accelerate the low levels for new Berserkers and so are restricted to Gates of Discord on progression servers. You may need to change up your low level hunting strategy to account for the more classic-era population.
Thought cities didn't get instancesThat isn't a problem. Five-thousand people would spawn five-hundred instances of Freeport and everyone would still have shit to kill.