Top 10 movies of 2012


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Bronze Donator>
So a guy at went through 53 different top movies lists and gave each movie points, depending it's rank in the list. So his top 10 is:

1. Zero Dark Thirty: 291

2. The Master: 202

3. Argo: 170

4. Amour: 152

5. Beasts of the Southern Wild: 132

6. Lincoln: 156

7. Moonrise Kingdom: 152

8. Silver Linings Playbook: 109

9. Holy Motors: 104

10. The Dark Knight Rises: 74

I mostly agree with his list.. the only two I didnt see were Amour and Holy Motors. I was really surprised Skyfall and The Avengers didnt make the cut and I would probably switch Moonrise Kingdom and Argo.


Just a Nurse
The Master was rated #2? Holy shit, no. That was a movie that makes you want to gouge out your eyes out with a rusty spoon and jam a screwdriver through your ears.


The only way Holy Motors can end up on a top 10 list is if you rate movies based on their greatest moment (Holy Motors does have some great moments - especially a melancholic singing scene with Kylie Minogue in her best Jean Seberg impersonation) or if you rate the concept rather the execution (the movie is very original and based on a very strange idea, but it's a total mess).

I am surprised to not see Ruby Sparks or The Cabin in the Woods (or is that 2011?).


FPS noob
fuck that pretentious hipster douchebag list. heres a real list

1. Expendables 2
2. django unchained (assuming)
3. the hobbit or avengers
4. dredd
5. skyfall
6. the raid
7. taken 2
8. ted/looper/end of watch (havent watched any of em yet, heard good things)
9. i liked dark knight, it wasnt great tho
10. some shitty flick from the first list to watch when your chick is on her period

honorable mentions to case de mi padre, 21 jump street, 7 psychopaths


Millie's Staff Member
in no order and i may edit this after today. i also am not going by quality of the film only. i also am judging if it was entertaining
Safety Not Guaranteed
Dark Knight Rises
Expendables 2
Cabin In The Woods

actually, there really wasnt much to be excited about this year


<Gold Donor>
Agreed with the #1 - Zero Dark Thirty was really, really good. Argo was also good. Never saw The Master.


1) Zero Dark Thirty
2) Argo
3) *THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR DJANGO (please don't let me down)*
4) Ted - Funnier than I thought it'd be. Great movie
5) The Hobbit - had a ton of fun watching this.


Trakanon Raider
Had no idea what Zero Dark Thirty was, googled it. Osama's death is already a hollywood movie? Did they hollywood it or take the actual events into the movie too? Guess that would make it more of a comedyish than serious though.

Like adding 4 or 5 different "this is how it ended" before they made a final desicion on how it ended. Could have that black screen thing between the scenes (like The Return of the King did). Maybe add that to the blu-ray version with alternate endings.

Have a large buildup with the chase until the end, just before the final assault it all goes black the 20 minutes where the last action happens because the cameras suddenly stop working.

Then it cuts to the ship where they throw him into an unmarked location in the sea.

Movie ends with the photographer realizing he left his camera on a magnet deleting all the pictures.

During the credits they could have the press conference.
- We got Osama
- YAY! How?
- Not quite sure yet, cameras stopped working in the final part!
- Shit. When can we see him?
- We threw him in the ocean.
- What?
- But... Pictures?
- Well, no. You can't have any.
- What?
- We got Osama!

The end.

Not sure what my list is this year.
Ted will be on it. Going to see the Hobbit tomorrow. Also enjoyed Dredd far more than I thought I would (I figured it would be like the Stallone movie, more of a action comedy).


Trakanon Raider
overall, movies have been pretty god damn disappointing lately. the only movie i've seen in the theaters over the past few years that i really thought was outstanding was "the king's speech." "the hobbit" was very good, just not as epic as i thought it would be. i'm probably forgetting a few smaller releases and indie movies, but overall my movie going experience has been a lot more shitty movies than really good ones.


1. Avengers

Whole lot of nothing

2. intouchables, as hard a time i have watching french movies, this movie was very very amazing.
3. Ted
4. Expendables 2, mindless fun, more badasses, they include a kitchen sink in the next one.
5. The hobbit, feels good to be back in middle earth.
6. Dredd
7. Skyfall, will someone please tell the DJ's to stop playing the theme song?
8. Looper
9. Taken 2, not as good as taken, but still pretty awesome.
10. The bourne legacy, and only to show how much the dark knight rises sucked.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
in no order and i may edit this after today. i also am not going by quality of the film only. i also am judging if it was entertaining
Safety Not Guaranteed
Dark Knight Rises
Expendables 2
Cabin In The Woods

actually, there really wasnt much to be excited about this year
fucking astrocreep.


Zero Dark Thirty, Lincoln, The Master and Django will all be 2013 around here :/

I still have some movies to see to make my 2012 list though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Anyone who says End of Watch isn't a top 10 of 2012 is just fucking stupid.

Zero Dark Thirty probably is the best movie of 2012. Argo will undoubtedly be the most overrated movie of 2012, it's simply a movie that critics and award groups will fucking devour.

Is Silver Linings Playbook really THAT good? It looks like a typical fucking romcom, and none of that shit belongs on a top 10 list.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I can't believe how many people are listing Ted. I mean sure it has some funny moments, but it's not like any of the lines from it are going to be spouted off years from now the way Superbad and Anchorman are. Again I liked it, but it's basically just a 90 minute long family guy episode

I keep thinking the same about Silver Linings, it looked pretty bad from the trailer but it's on like every top 10 list, wtf. I also have a hard time believing Zero Dark Thirty could be that great.

Argo was a good movie, but yeah, it's biggest benefit is that it's coming out in a fairly weak year. I still need to see about 10 more films to even have an idea, since they save the oscar bait for limited December releases anyway