Top Chef - Seattle

erff Sheldon, why why why


only upside is I will actually be able to afford to eat where ever he is gonna be cooking now.


It was a pitty to see Sheldon go. But, on Top Chef, the person that steps out of their cooking comfort zone doesn't typically fair well. I hope Kristin wins. Brook's neurotic/Xanax quality has just gotten overly annoying at this point.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The second sheldon said how he had grown as a chef and wanted to show the judges you knew he was a goner. Sucks because he was the coolest chef this season, but in the end Brooke and Kristen were the top two all season and deserve to be in the final.

The mock iron chef looking final is pretty lame, hope they don't have thier assistants screw up anything major.
The second sheldon said how he had grown as a chef and wanted to show the judges you knew he was a goner. Sucks becausehe was the coolest chef this season,
He repped Hawai'i well, his attitude and demeanor are pretty much how most local people are. laid back, casual and don't buy in too hard on hype / stress


I'm really not sure what, if anything, the finale format brought to the series. Perhaps they were bored with the tasting-like presentation of the other seasons. For me, in my finale, I would want the purest expression of each chef's ability without gimmicks/confounds, so a tasting presentation would seem ideal while acknowledging that there'd never be a perfectly equitable format.

The endless flashbacks/recapping was also a bit obnoxious. It felt like a 20-30 minute episode stretched to fit a hour format.

Tinfoil hat: How does judge voting work on this show? With the framing of each episode, the intent seems to be to display the maximum amount of drama while foreshadowing a contestant's downfall. In the finale, it seemed like Kristen had the second round, but for the sake of prolonging the episode the round was given to Brooke. Had this happened, and Kristen won the third round, would they have ended the finale? It seems very unlikely, so the voting seems a bit orchestrated. Then again, I'm happy with the results, so what do I care?


They could've definitely put less backstory and more episode up front (show them choosing their team, for example). But overall, I think it worked. I was expecting Iron Chef, so the format we got was okay. I can't decide whether or not it would've been better to have them do all their dishes up front and be judged afterwards like a normal finale. But the way they did it, you get a bit more drama by lighting a fire under the other person's ass with losing rounds.

Also, the timing of the episode made it pretty obvious that Kristen would win. Watch What Happens Live in 15 minutes with Kristen 2-1 and they're still making the 4th course?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Finale format was total bullshit. The finale has always been the one challenge where they drop the reality show bullshit and let them just cook and this time they made it the most reality bullshit challenge of the season. Also, how do you go from staying up all night arguing over who won to putting it to a vote 1 second after they try the dish?

Also, if you told me that a LCK person was going to win the season I would have called that bullshit too.

All that said, despite all the bullshitty bullshit involved, I totally feel like the right person won and that pretty much redeems the season. Really hope they go back to the normal format for the finale next time though.


Holy fucking bitchiness Batman.

Could Padma have been any more cuntlike with her delivery on the line about the third course being cold?


Trump's Staff
Well they had to make like 80 plates. If her biggest gripe was that it wasn't piping hot, that's not much of a real complaint.


FPS noob
meh on the finale. It wasn't Top chef, it was Top Catering. We didn't see anything about how they picked their sous chefs and Kristen had the stronger team. We saw very little on why they chose their dishes, what it means, what the ingredients were, or what the sous chefs were doing. It was dumb serving 85 people or whatever, should have been just the judges and the previous winners table. The judging comments were all basically "this was good!", not much there. I can't really say it was that much worse than previous finale formats, but it didn't feel like Top Chef really more like some reality Iron Chef hybrid. I am glad they stopped it at dish 4, I was pretty much ready for some bullshit "lets go to a secret round!!" but at least they kept that part honest.

Seeing all the past top chef winners really makes me wish they'd do a Top Chef: Top Chef.


Throbbing Member
I didn't like the way that finale ran. It was boring and did nothing really to showcase the food. However, I bet they do this again because almost all the old winners were like "I wish I was down there right now!"


Molten Core Raider
I just hope Top Chef Masters goes back to the original Masters format. I found it so much more appealing.


FPS noob