Additional tips for new player:
You can turn on auto looting in settings but it won't loot everything. Just hold down A the entire map while you run to loot mostly everything else.
You can change settings on pc or phone to overlay map on character. Just have to click map each login to turn it on your char
ilvl 86+ gear requires flame elementium to craft, before that you can cheaply get all t2 mods on items
Basically every item you get can be sold on AH, and as long as you price reasonably with price check it will all sell very fast. I usually grind ~30 minutes, list everything for sale and log out, come back 30 minutes later, collect profit and grind again.
7.0 boss rush is probably the best early farm. Once you get 15 arcana flags done you can either do the event or just leave it at 15/15 and skip it while you boss rush. Probably best to skip until 8.0+. Follow this guy. Probably switch to something else in 8.0+ like a nightmare/God of war/beacon build.
Some mechanics are really really good but only really when you get to profound+
Will add more to this as I think of additions
You can only equip 3 items with nightmare enchants at a time.
You can spam energy rolls on gear until it hits max and then it won't roll anymore.
Completing Season Showdown 20 (SS20) and the party event rewards free legendary pulls per season. Not all chars can achieve this per season, or maybe they can but require way more investment than others. You have to make a char on asian servers to see higher populations of who has beat ss20, or ask in discord.
If you run into sealed mana issues, you may need +max mana, mana Regen, +% mana, or the skill that does .95% multiplier for supports, or life conversation instead, or a combination of all above
Codes to enter for rewards under account-> redeem code:
Do not gamble for pets unless there is an UP offer banner for the legendary pet you want currently, they rotate per season. UP greatly increases chance for those pets, otherwise it's terrible
Additional old mechanic pet offers can be found in boon->MEM->pactspirit
If you're currently in 7s or 8s, it's best to farm 7.0 or 8.0 as maps per hour is generally better than 10-20% additional quant if it takes more time or you die more.
Save revival tokens until you're around 95+ if possible to then focus more on leveling too
You get all of your mats back when you recycle hero memories you've invested mats into