

I totally didn't remember that right.


Your stats are more impressive though Vvoid.

I put 100k bonus points on Germany and on Argentina to win over on BTN just to be spending points

I have 870GB uploaded, 925k bonus points over there, I need about 10 more snatches to buy the next user class which is just member but I just use the site to fill the things sickbeard screws up on so I don't need a higher user class for much of anything.


<Gold Donor>
I love BTN. It has pretty much completely removed any use I have for sickbeard and newsgroups, even though I keep an account active just in case. The RSS feed on BTN works great most of the time (I say most, had a few issues), and typically I will get a download before I even knew the show was back on. Only a few are such low traffic that it doesn't get the format I am looking for. Like, apparently I missed this entire last season of The Ultimate Fighter because it was never upped as a 720p mkv Scene release. But 99% of the shows I watch get them at least within a few days, and I have to do virtually nothing to get them. Like sickbeard, I realize, but I am happy with this system for now.

Their promotions are pretty screwy though, as you've mentioned. I need 3 million bonus points to buy this next upgrade, which I have, but I had to keep stuff seeding for months and months to get it. Before this movie deletion issue I edited in above, I had probably 200+ BTN torrents going at all times, generating me bonus points. But I'm still 700 or so snatches from the 3000 I need. I was going to just download tons of shit I don't care about and then delete it, to get my snatches, but now that my seedbox is full up on movies that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

It is sort of ridiculous that they require so much to get to the invite level, but when you look at their stats they are clearly not hurting for users, so I guess it limits it sufficiently so they aren't constantly full up with scrubs that aren't really going to use it. To be honest you can get pretty much the exact same stuff from IPT, but the RSS feed is a lot easier to use/set up, and even though I have stellar ratios almost everywhere, I like the concept of just having to seed for a day or two at BTN if that's all I really want. Or a week for that outdated series pack that no one is downloading but me.


If I knew how to 100% automate it like SickBeard to get to my synology I might torrent more but I don't. You are manually bringing shows down to your system aren't you?


<Gold Donor>
I am manually bringing them down from my seedbox, yes. But they are automatically downloaded from BTN from the RSS feed (actually using FlexGet, which has cleared up almost all of the issues) to my seedbox.

I've tinkered with various ways to automate the FTP transfer, but in the end nothing really works any better than just manually doing it. Since FTP has limited (or no?) error correction, it can be a bit of a bitch at times, and automated systems just end up getting fucked up. Easier to just set a queue and download several at a time.

Even something like DownThemAll, which supposedly uses multi-threading, doesn't give me the same speed that FTP does. And of course it isn't any more automated. I've also considered paying more to get a huge Dropbox, but my seedbox is something like 1.35TB, I don't think they even offer a Dropbox that big. Even if they did, I'm sure the cost would make it not worth it.

I'm constantly looking for an easier way to do this. If someone tells me a way to get FTP transfers (or well any automated transfers from a seedbox to a home computer) consistently automated without frequent fuckups, I'll do gay stuff if that's what you want.

EDIT: BT Sync might be an option, if I can figure out how to install it on the seedbox. I'll have to look into this tomorrow.


Trakanon Raider
Any chance you could give a bit of a tutorial for BTN and FlexGet. I'd love to start using as RSS feed to snatch my torrents from there.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah I'm up to something ridiculous like 23,000 bonus points. I don't even know what I'll ever do with all of them, wish I could buy more invites with them or something. I get 3 per month but I do sometimes run out and have to wait for more depending on the month.


<Gold Donor>
Any chance you could give a bit of a tutorial for BTN and FlexGet. I'd love to start using as RSS feed to snatch my torrents from there.
Hmm. I can try, but it isn't something that comes naturally to me. There is a tutorial on the Whatbox wiki that kind of tells you...but not really. Also, you have to either get to a particular user rank on BTN to use it, or make a one time donation of 5 or 10 euros if you want to use it right away.

I just got to work for the day, so I'll see if I get some time to document the steps in a bit. I'll have to remember how to do it though too


<Gold Donor>
Any chance you could give a bit of a tutorial for BTN and FlexGet. I'd love to start using as RSS feed to snatch my torrents from there.
All right, here is my attempt. First, there is a decent wiki that explains most of it here:FlexGet Whatbox

I'm assuming that you guys can see that even if you don't have a whatbox, but if not let me know and I can try to copy/paste it. The install part should be fairly easy.

In that wiki they then send you to the flexget config page here:Configuration ??" FlexGet

This is where it gets a little confusing. In theory you could use this part extensively to manage an RSS feed that simply lists every single torrent, and just picks out the ones you want. With the BTN RSS feed, however, you've already chosen which shows you want, which format, etc. (For example, I have told it that I only want 720p mkv x264 scene releases, so that's all that show up in my feed. If a different format is uploaded, it is ignored and I never see it.) I'm not going to even attempt to outline how you would set it up for every single show yourself, but it would just be a variation of what I show below, using that config page.

While still logged into your seedbox, and in the flexget directory, you'll want to create a file named config.yml. The easiest way to do this is to type "nano config.yml" That will open the editor as well. It is EXTREMELY important that you do the spacing of each part of this properly. Every indent is 2 spaces, even though it probably doesn't look that way on my copy/paste. Not a tab key, not 1, not 3, but 2. Anything else will not work. This is what my config.yml says:

(EDIT ADD: That long rss feed url will look like 1 or 2 lines depending upon your monitor width. It is ONLY 1 line, regardless of how it looks here. Make sure of that, even if it looks different in my code paste above.)

That last line, the download, is simply the directory where you have set your Whatbox to auto-download from. I happen to have installed Dropbox so I can just save torrent files from any computer I have Dropbox on, and it will sync with the Whatbox and auto-download them. Your directory might be different. And obviously I've changed my specific directory to "rerolled" just for anonymity, and the BTN sitename because they don't like it posted anywhere. It is important to realize that the directory in the last line is where the .torrent files will go, NOT the actual tv show file. That will still be saved wherever your Whatbox normally saves them. This is just where it checks using Auto-Tools (it is under Options).

Finally, you need to make a task that checks the RSS feed every so often, typically 5 minutes is the lowest you ever want to go or you might get nailed for spamming their RSS bot. You do this via the crontab. You should be able to type "crontab -e" from wherever to get into the editor for that. It is likely you won't have one yet, so this will create a new one. My crontab says:
Mine wouldn't work without the LANG command at the beginning, which they mention in the wiki. Yours may work without it. The next line specifies the 5 minute interval, and the directory where flexget is located. Again, rerolled is just a placeholder.

What should happen now is that the first time it runs, it will essentially scan your entire feed (BTNs is 300 entries, with old ones rolling off) and then save the .torrent files to the watch directory you specified above. If this is a brand new feed, that should be no big deal because that's what you want. However, if you've been using the feed for awhile and have already downloaded and deleted a bunch (up to 300 obviously), this will attempt to re-download all of them. If that is the case, your best bet is to go into the Auto Tools section on your Whatbox and change the watch directory before you do this. That way, FlexGet will still download all 300 .torrent files and, most importantly, put them into its database so that it knows those torrents are "done" but it won't actually start torrenting them. You can go ahead and manually delete them from that directory and then switch the Auto Tools back, so it doesn't download all of them.

What should happen from now on is that every time a new item shows up on your feed, FlexGet will compare it to the torrents it has already processed, and if it is new, download the torrent file into the watch directory. You probably think, how is this different than a typical RSS feed? Why should I go through all of this hassle? Well, 3 different times now my RSS feed from BTN has somehow "reset" itself, to where it somehow forgets what is old and what is new, so it re-downloads ALL 300 items on the feed. That can be a pain in the ass if you run close to your space limit, or just have a smaller seedbox. Not to mention that just deleting all 300 later takes time. FlexGet (as far as I know) will never forget unless you tell it to, because the database is maintained on your seedbox itself. Only new items will ever get downloaded from now on.

It can be a bit confusing if you are editing things later, because you have to actually activate FlexGet to actually run it, and the easiest way to do that is via "source ~/flexget/bin/activate" You can tell if you are doing it properly because it will say (flexget) in front of the command line after you do that. Now you can enter "flexget check" to make sure your config.yml file is written correctly. If there are errors, you have to edit it again (nano config.yml) and find out what you did wrong. Typically it is a spacing issue, usually after pasting that long ass RSS feed link in. It can be a bit tricky, and I can't really explain how to get it right, but make sure that there aren't extra lines or spaces after that huge link. It is vitally important that the spacing of all lines be perfect, or it will error.

You can also "nano flexget.log" (might be in the /bin directory, can't remember) to see what is happening if it is running but doesn't seem to be doing what you want. Hopefully this helps, as this is about the extent of my knowledge. I don't know Linux for shit, I just muddled through it with the guides and eventually got it to work. If it doesn't work you can ask, but I can't promise I can help. Someone else might be able to though, because I know a lot of people are way more familiar with this stuff than I am.


Trakanon Raider
Holy hell ... thanks Vvoid ... I'll try to get that working for my needs ... I usually web-dl TV shows, and then use scene for movies.


Trakanon Raider
Ok, I take that back. Sorry James! (never made it over to RR did he?)

Pretty sure it was Eomer who invited me and then burned his own account somehow.

Joeboo, I gave you your invite. Well done on the ratio!

No idea what you're talking about, I don't have any torrent site memberships.


<Gold Donor>
Wait til the Linux purists chastise you for using nano and not vi or emacs
Eh, the Whatbox wiki uses Nano, and that's the extent of my knowledge, so they can write a better guide if they are that concerned about it. I don't need to learn Linux beyond stuff like this, and I don't ever intend to learn it unless someone is paying me a salary to do it.


A Mod Real Quick
Eh, the Whatbox wiki uses Nano, and that's the extent of my knowledge, so they can write a better guide if they are that concerned about it. I don't need to learn Linux beyond stuff like this, and I don't ever intend to learn it unless someone is paying me a salary to do it.
PS. I use nano too.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah the transfer from seed box to raid is the only thing holding me back.
Just messed around with BT Sync at work. It works! It will require a bit of management, but no more than normal really.

What it does, basically, is installs on your seedbox (wiki on whatbox gave me everything I needed), then you access it via a webui. Add the directory that you want to share, and then generate a "secret" code for it. Now on whatever computer is hooked up to your Synology, install BT Sync there as well, and give it the secret from your seedbox directory. Make a directory on your NAS for it to sync to, and that's pretty much it. You can set that secret code to read only also, so that nothing you do on the computer end will affect the seedbox.

Obviously you are going to want to manage which files are synced, since if you're like me and have a 1.35TB seedbox you don't want to waste 1.35TB on your local device as well, so just have every new download go to the synced directory, and then after it is on your NAS, move it to the correct NAS directory (movies, TV, music, etc.) and then also move it on your seedbox (or delete it). It will determine that it doesn't need to sync that file anymore, and you're all done.

Also, there IS a Synology app that should allow it to function solely on the NAS itself, without a computer running, but I haven't messed with that yet, and since I always have at least one computer running (usually my HTPC NUC which takes almost no power), there's really no point in me going any further. If the power for the NUC went off, the power for the NAS went off, so neither would work anyway.

And since it pretty much says Bittorrent sync, it must use torrents to sync, which means it should get the maximum throughput available, with error correction, so my days of FTP error correction might be over! I'll report back after I've done more, since I've only really messed with it from work so far, not actually done it at home where it matters.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
I went to the extent of trying to get FTP to work on my phone because the connection there is heads and tails faster than my home connection, and the home connection has a cap on it.

Rooted the phone, gave permissions to this and that, got a wifi app, tried USB tethering etc etc. My seedbox is 2.7tb, almost full, and getting it down from the seedbox is still my main issue.

If I could un-American Inventor my phone / FTP app that would solve the seedbox issue for me, but right now its still the bottleneck.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just noticed IPT came out with RSS feeds, but I'm not sure exactly how that's helpful. Maybe it works different on IPT than others, but it looks to me like you would use it if you wanted to get everything out of an IPT category?

Wtf use is that? I don't want to download every single TV show ever posted? It doesn't seem to have any filters, beyond category, so that seems really weird.