

<Gold Donor>
Or with something like FlexGet. It allows you to specify exactly which files you want to download, if you dig deeper into the documentation. I didn't need to since BTN sort of "pre-filters" it before it ends up on your RSS feed.

Most of them are like IPTs, unfortunately, so not really useful unless you want to spend a lot of time creating filters. That's why I love BTN so much.


Trakanon Raider
Would have been years back on FoH. But, can't say for sure. My "invited by" space is blank because the user no longer exists.
When I said "dont have any torrent site memberships", I literally mean I have never had a torrent site membership anywhere. As far as I can recall anyway.



You just won 243,000 bonus points, for your bet on Brazil v Germany ().

Enjoy your spoils, but remember to game responsibly!
- BTN Staff
Not too bad, should have put more on the game.


Just messed around with BT Sync at work. It works! It will require a bit of management, but no more than normal really.

What it does, basically, is installs on your seedbox (wiki on whatbox gave me everything I needed), then you access it via a webui. Add the directory that you want to share, and then generate a "secret" code for it. Now on whatever computer is hooked up to your Synology, install BT Sync there as well, and give it the secret from your seedbox directory. Make a directory on your NAS for it to sync to, and that's pretty much it. You can set that secret code to read only also, so that nothing you do on the computer end will affect the seedbox.

Obviously you are going to want to manage which files are synced, since if you're like me and have a 1.35TB seedbox you don't want to waste 1.35TB on your local device as well, so just have every new download go to the synced directory, and then after it is on your NAS, move it to the correct NAS directory (movies, TV, music, etc.) and then also move it on your seedbox (or delete it). It will determine that it doesn't need to sync that file anymore, and you're all done.

Also, there IS a Synology app that should allow it to function solely on the NAS itself, without a computer running, but I haven't messed with that yet, and since I always have at least one computer running (usually my HTPC NUC which takes almost no power), there's really no point in me going any further. If the power for the NUC went off, the power for the NAS went off, so neither would work anyway.

And since it pretty much says Bittorrent sync, it must use torrents to sync, which means it should get the maximum throughput available, with error correction, so my days of FTP error correction might be over! I'll report back after I've done more, since I've only really messed with it from work so far, not actually done it at home where it matters.
I put a scripting guru on it to make a perl script for the seedbox and for the synology.

We shall wait.


<Bronze Donator>
Does anyone here use their NAS as a seedbox? I don't have either, my gaming PC essentially acts as both so I haven't felt a need to purchase one or the other. But, if I could shutdown/sleep my PC(which draws ~200W idle) when I'm not using it and purchase a NAS and dual purpose it as a seedbox, I might be able to justify the upfront cost to myself. Or does NAS hardware still not have enough power to do that?


<Gold Donor>
Synology has an app that will allow it to do exactly that, but you have to make sure you get one with a processor powerful enough for it. I don't know what that cutoff is, or which NAS have those processors, but I know someone linked a list at one point. I don't have one powerful enough myself, but I know it can be done.


I put a scripting guru on it to make a perl script for the seedbox and for the synology.

We shall wait.
You guys are over thinking this.
1. Share a public key from your NAS to the seedbox. Whatbox has a guide for this.
2. CRON an rsync between the remote folder and the the local one.
3. Job done. Have beer.


You guys are over thinking this.
1. Share a public key from your NAS to the seedbox. Whatbox has a guide for this.
2. CRON an rsync between the remote folder and the the local one.
3. Job done. Have beer.
Still not to the point that Sickbeard is. That is what I want. Plus that requires you to have identical folders which means if I am seeding it on the seedbox I have to maintain it on the synology in more than one space since my actual media folders are pristine and renamed.

Right now sickbeard does the following.

1.) I put the show I want and the quality into it's database.
2.) It checks for it on air, downloads it, extracts it to the right folder, renames it, marks it as downloaded, notifies XBMC it is there, and then grabs the next episode.

That is an insane amount of automation. Replicating it is hard with torrents without file duplication, I don't mind file duplication with an episode or 20 staying on my seedbox but I don't want a folder sitting on my RAID just full there because then it matches my seedbox.


Molten Core Raider
Does anyone here use their NAS as a seedbox? I don't have either, my gaming PC essentially acts as both so I haven't felt a need to purchase one or the other. But, if I could shutdown/sleep my PC(which draws ~200W idle) when I'm not using it and purchase a NAS and dual purpose it as a seedbox, I might be able to justify the upfront cost to myself. Or does NAS hardware still not have enough power to do that?
I went with a HP Microserver Gen8. It has more than enough power to work as a seedbox, supports 4 hdds, it's cpu / ram are upgradable (if you want to add plex transconding or other shit) and you should find it for under 300$. Power usage should be around 15-20W at idle and ~50W at load.


I'm running ESXi on it with 8gb ram with a routeros vm for gigabit routing and a debian for flexget/plex/etc. With that crappy 2.4ghz Celeron I can download at gigabit speed from my desktop or at about 400 mbps on the storage or transcode 1080 for one device. One day I plan to upgrade to a e3-1230v2 and throw another 8gb of ram.


<Gold Donor>
Just an update, BT Sync works wonderfully for what I need it to do. It isn't totally automated like Sickbeard, but it is better than the FTP route I was using...except for one thing. It isn't maxing out my speed consistently like FTP does. The seedbox is clearly capable of sending at much higher speeds than I can receive at, so no idea why it wouldn't be max.

Anyway, it is literally synchronizing everything from my seedbox to my home computer, and is read-only so that if I move it on my home computer it doesn't delete it on the seedbox. It might try to start re-downloading it as soon as I move it, but then all I do is go to the seedbox webui and move it to a different directory, and it stops. So anything brand new downloads automatically, I move it at home, then move it on the seedbox, and I'm done. The only hiccup is that when I first started I had hundreds of GBs to catch up on, so it sort of just randomly does directories. It will do a complete directory for the most part, but it might be a subdirectory only. Like, I have only 2 of the 3 LotR movies downloaded right now, each in a subdirectory under the main one, and it decided to move on and download something else instead of the last movie. But once it is synced up, that won't matter anymore. And if I have a bunch of stuff and really want one thing now, I can just fire up FTP again.

Overall, thumbs high for BT Sync! Not quite Sickbeard, but you might even be able to configure Sickbeard to somehow move'd just end up re-downloading it though once it got renamed/moved, but if you don't care about bandwidth that's not a big deal. I'm content with it the way it is though, I'm used to moving everything myself, it was just the download I wanted to be automated, and now it is.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You guys are funny. I know you guys are not bashing on Sickbeard, but if you are willing to pay for a seedbox, why not just pay for usenets, and just use Sickbeard?

Seems like a much simpler solution. I then use torrents for things Usenets doesn't pick up as fast, or has DMCA'd faster than I can get it.


You guys are funny. I know you guys are not bashing on Sickbeard, but if you are willing to pay for a seedbox, why not just pay for usenets, and just use Sickbeard?

Seems like a much simpler solution. I then use torrents for things Usenets doesn't pick up as fast, or has DMCA'd faster than I can get it.
I am using sickbeard right now and paying for usenet and love it. I am just interested in automating this for my brother and just to see if I can.


<Bronze Donator>
You guys are funny. I know you guys are not bashing on Sickbeard, but if you are willing to pay for a seedbox, why not just pay for usenets, and just use Sickbeard?

Seems like a much simpler solution. I then use torrents for things Usenets doesn't pick up as fast, or has DMCA'd faster than I can get it.
Usenets doesn't have everything I want.


<Gold Donor>
You guys are funny. I know you guys are not bashing on Sickbeard, but if you are willing to pay for a seedbox, why not just pay for usenets, and just use Sickbeard?

Seems like a much simpler solution. I then use torrents for things Usenets doesn't pick up as fast, or has DMCA'd faster than I can get it.
I have a Usenet plan, actually paying more for it than I should because I rarely use it and it is monthly instead of a GB amount. I prefer torrents. Aside from having more that I want, I just prefer them. I've never even installed Sickbeard, even though I know it does all sorts of wonderful things. I use them reverse of you is all, where the majority of what I get is from torrents, and the few things I have trouble finding I use newsgroups.

I can't say precisely why I prefer torrents, but I'd imagine a lot of it has to do with having a BTN account. I love the way their layout works, allowing me to look at a particular show, decide if I want to add it to my "favorites", and look back any time I want at which shows have been downloaded, probably all the way back to the beginning if I cared. I can see if anyone has even uploaded the format I want, and if not, if I want to download an alternate format. With Sickbeard I'd never know if someone released the 720p MKV Webrip instead of the Scene I prefer, unless I set both to download, because they might be DMCA'd before I even think to search for it.

Sure, not using Sickbeard requires a bit of interaction from me, but I'm fine with that. I sort of enjoy organizing my shit, and tinyMediaManager makes it about as painless as it can get without using Sickbeard.

EDIT: And now that I think on it, using torrents for movies is way, way better for my tastes. There are literally dozens of 720p releases of every major movie, and dozens more 1080p, etc. If I were to even attempt to use an automated downloader for movie torrents, I'd end up with a shitload of the same movie. And not all 720p are the same. I don't want the 800MB version, I want the 4-6GB one. But there can be 10 different versions of that one too. There's no real way to specify that, at least that I'm aware of.


Yeah I use newsgroups for TV only and torrents for movies. That is all because of Sickbeard. I can't explain how amazing sickbeard is running on a synology just doing its thing in the background, it is cheating.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I can't access IRC at work, does anyone have an invite to an ebook tracker? I have a seedbox so ratio should not be an issue


<Gold Donor>
I can't access IRC at work, does anyone have an invite to an ebook tracker? I have a seedbox so ratio should not be an issue
Shoot me a PM with your email address if you want an invite to Myanonymouse.

It is almost impossible to get decent ratio on ebook trackers anymore, but this one has a bonus system so just keep it seeding and eventually you'll be buying 10GB of upload credit, while you've probably only downloaded a couple hundred MB max.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think having both is the best way to go. With all the TV shows out there, automating that part of it was the easiest thing. I'm not a huge movie guy, so pulling one of those every once in a while from a torrent, if newsgroups don't have it, is just fine for me.

I just knew that sometimes people object to having to pay for this stuff, like it defeats the purpose, but then saw many more than willing to pay for a seedbox, so I wanted to bring it up and see peoples thoughts.

Good chat!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've never done automation. I know I'm playing the ignorant fool by asking this, but why use torrents to RSS to your seedbox?


I've never done automation. I know I'm playing the ignorant fool by asking this, but why use torrents to RSS to your seedbox?
You probably watch the same shows every week? Well when a new episode comes out the RSS will just dump it instantaneously to your seedbox with zero thought. That is mainly what people do with it.