Eh slave mechanic isn't that bad if public order is fast on the down swing just cut that off till you get some torture posts up. I'm getting like 45k a turn net right now with multiple armies decked with hydras, dragons, black guard of naggarond (love this unit and the required structure which gives that sweet public order), the works.
I don't think any other economy can touch Dark Elf right now after they spread their tendrils and get situated.
Yeah I'm sure late game they're the craziest since they have a bunch of economy buildings AND slaves are basically a massive economy increase everywhere if you can deal with them, was just saying the start was annoying, I had to kill 3revolts in the first 10turns or whatever, until I turned off slaves.
It seems they gave each race an edge in one of the campaign main aspects, skaven is growth, dark elf is economy, high elf is diplomacy and trade and no idea about lizard I haven't played yet, I guess their geomantic web shit does something good, maybe.
I'm a decent bit into my high elf campaign now, just kicked Malekith the fuck back to shittyland, fucker had 7armies in Ulthuan at some point, coordinated with my buddies to kill them all and absorbed 2 of the fuckers during that time, public order was rough due to confederation penalty but now it's stabilized, only 2 more factions left to confederate, both which are already ready to and I'll have all of Ulthuan. I was planning to war some guy for his shit but I ended up dumping 100influence on him instead and 5turns later I confederated him, shit's so strong. I'm thinking of friending some of the undeads too, fuckers have been rampaging around the southlands and the strigoi and necrach own like almost everything down there, they're #1 and #2 respectively and I don't really want to have to fight them, they're already sending boats into ulthuan which I kill pretty easily but the corruption messes up my public order and with more confederations coming up it's a pain in the ass, I'll have to sync it with the next ritual so it cancels out. I'll have to make more nobles though cause I'm low and not getting many missions and shit anymore, apparently it's based on the other ulthuan elf factions and since they're almost all gone I'm not getting it.
I also noticed a funny thing, apparently the settlements you have to defend for the ritual are kinda random? On my skaven campaign since I started them late, it seemed to always be the same 3. But when Malekith did his 3rd ritual, apparently one of the settlement was the Phoenix Gate in Ulthuan(which he happened to get from confederating the dark elf faction that was up there). I blocked it without noticing until a few turns left where I was checking if I should spawn an intervention, and then noticed the beam was coming out of the gate I took from him. That's probably why he had so many armies in the area but that's kinda weird since he had a ton of settlements in Naggaroth.