Julian The Apostate
Vyemm Raider
- 2,397
- 2,494
Get the SFO mod from what I understand. You can play any faction minor or major.I need Hochland playable
See above, but also CA has highly rumored he is gonna get his day in tw:wh3Boris
This sounds like Eltharion. Are you an elgi?Hoping for them chaos dwarves
I want to torture, enslave and sacrifice
I somehow went from being able to win on legendary / very hard to struggling on very hard / hard.
Time to get back up there.
They also have another trait, I think its called war eternal, that when you get enough Arch Lectors hired and with this trait they will make any WH campaign action 100% successful, regardless of the level of the WH. As in a level 10 will 100% assassinate a level 40 hero. Best thing about it is that the Arch Lector doesnt have to be on the map for the skill to be working. So you can hire an Arch Lector, skill him with War Eternal then disband him.
You are still going to want Karl Franz for Ghal Maraz's campaign effects. Dont have have him sit out for too long.
Maybe, but it'd be money lost and ultimately unlike some other games where the expansion lock out new systems and such, you're mostly just buying the race to play the race, everything else is available, so I don't think they'd do it. They might and probably will sell like TW1+2+3 in one pack though, but with the DLCs still separate. Maybe throw in the preorder DLC races in there for "free". That's the best I could see them doing, it doesn't make much sense to pack like 100$ worth of DLCs even during sales into one box(that also includes all 3 base games).I wonder if they are going to release an ultimate collection of the game within couple of years.