Total War: Warhammer


<Silver Donator>
So what fucking "suit" thought it was a good idea to release this shit on the 24th (sunday) when the weekend is my time to slay the god damn fucking dragon. Next 4 weeks is hell for me with work and travel so i was looking forward to one nice relaxing weekend watching my Spurs destoy some bitches and playing this ending with some Game of Thrones. Totally ruined it BOB
The 24th is a tuesday. I assume you read may as april. It's not releasing this week. It's releasing in a month.


<Silver Donator>
They changed their stance on the Chaos Warriors DLC very slightly. It's now free for anyone who buys the game for the first week, so you can wait for player reviews and shit before buying the game without having to do the refund shit if you want. It's still more or less the same thing if you planned on waiting several months for balance and bug fix patches though.

And new video to go with it:


<Silver Donator>
NDA has been lifted, can find a bunch of reviews everywhere although that's not particularily relevant since most reviewers are a bunch of shills(scores are all fairly high). Still it comes with a lot of videos and stuff and the game seems to be working well. They've also been streaming a couple of hours everyday uninterupted campaign gameplay and the game seems to be stable, so that's pretty good stuff.

It seems people are allowed to stream the game too as part of the NDA removal(not always the case), so there's a bunch of streams up on twitch if you want to see the game played by non devs.


Molten Core Raider
Watched some streaming tonight in the back ground while doing some other things and I'm not going to lie i'm really excited about this. As i mentioned i've never played any of these games but man this looks right up my ally. Need something to get that micro management and chracter development itch. I've randomly downloaded like 250 dollars in steam games in the last week looking for something (i'm extremely narrow in what i enjoy) and fucking haven't made it past 2 hours in any of them as they just don't have that good combination of epic feeling and character development.

Limping through banner saga 2 (never played 1) to see if that catches my interest as i like the grid base fighting and choices etc. Story is always second to me vs character development but it is nice to have a story for a change. Reminds me of a modern day Organ trail! (man what % of the world even had the pleasure of fording a river or losing maa to dysteria!)


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yeah I've been watching some of the streams and I'm really keen for this as well. I loved fantasy strategy games back in the day (Lords of Magic, Age of Wonders 2, etc) and this looks like it will hit the same mark, except with the unique Warhammer flavor as a bonus.

If you're browsing Steam for something similar to fill in your time for the next few days, you could always try King ArthurKing Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame on Steam. It's basically the same concept (turn based map mode, big tactical real time battles) with Arthurian legend as the backdrop and similar cool RPG elements (quests that combine dialogue options and battles, upgrading your heroes as they level up with stats/spells/items, etc). It's a little dated and clunky and the balance is a bit wonky, but a good placeholder, especially if you're into Arthurian/Celtic mythology like I am.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Watched some streaming tonight in the back ground while doing some other things and I'm not going to lie i'm really excited about this. As i mentioned i've never played any of these games but man this looks right up my ally. Need something to get that micro management and chracter development itch. I've randomly downloaded like 250 dollars in steam games in the last week looking for something (i'm extremely narrow in what i enjoy) and fucking haven't made it past 2 hours in any of them as they just don't have that good combination of epic feeling and character development.

Limping through banner saga 2 (never played 1) to see if that catches my interest as i like the grid base fighting and choices etc. Story is always second to me vs character development but it is nice to have a story for a change. Reminds me of a modern day Organ trail! (man what % of the world even had the pleasure of fording a river or losing maa to dysteria!)
My advice, from someone that has played Total War since the original Rome... Wait a few days after release and make sure everything works decently. 90% of the time on these launches (Regardless of reviews and streams) you will encounter game breaking issues that won't be patched for months and by the time they * Are * patched, you could buy the game for 50% off. They locked one of the 5 factions behind a paywall initially, but reversed course due to customer backlash and said if you buy the game within the first week of release you will have access to that. I would advise waiting until next weekend, scout reviews on Steam and from folks here on rerolled, and then make your decision. Especially a new comer to the series.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Over the last couple days I've probably watched 7 hours of gameplay of various streamers playing only saw 1 crash happen


Molten Core Raider
Appreciate the feedback Utn but this dog enjoys day releases more then anything about a game. I love figuring shit out before things are complete public knowledge and trying to find ways to abuse systems etc. Plus i'm on vacation the following week so i'll take what i can get

I'll try the King Aurthur suggestion thanks. I watched more of a guy streaming 24 hours straight on War Hammer and i really really think i'm going to enjoy this. I don't care much for RTS in general but this looks to have everything i really enjoy minus a stronger emphasis on magic (i love having mage characters my focus so any "power leveling" exp focus etc i'll make it so i have weak other characters but my mages get all the love so its all or nothing which this game looks to not cater to what so ever but aside from that this shit is going to be fun.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yeah I have to admit the magic looks really cool - I was watching a stream where they were playing Empire with the metal wizard hero and some of the spells were just badass. Still a little unsure how the whole system with the Winds of Magic works works though - is it just a randomized mana bar?

Did you ever play Lords of Magic or Age of Wonders 2? They're a bit dated now, especially LOM, which is a 90's game, but both of them are games more or less along these lines but with a huge focus on magic, so you might get a kick out of those if you torrent them.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I have to admit the magic looks really cool - I was watching a stream where they were playing Empire with the metal wizard hero and some of the spells were just badass. Still a little unsure how the whole system with the Winds of Magic works works though - is it just a randomized mana bar?

Did you ever play Lords of Magic or Age of Wonders 2? They're a bit dated now, especially LOM, which is a 90's game, but both of them are games more or less along these lines but with a huge focus on magic, so you might get a kick out of those if you torrent them.
Magic regenerates at a fixed rate. The pool is shared amongst all of your wizards. If you are playing on campaign as opposed to skirmish, the fixed rate is variable depending on how strongly the winds of magic are blowing in the area the battle is being fought at. I think most if not all wizards also have an in battle ability to regenerate the winds faster for a short time, usually allowing you to get one more spell off.

Edit: There is also still some magic missing. The Empire has access to all 8 Winds/Schools of magic. They currently only can make wizards for 3 (Light/Celestial/Bright). They have access to the Lore of Metal through Balthezar Gelt only (as opposed to just a Gold Wizard). Chaos has access to generic Metal/Fire/Death sorcerors, Empire is missing Death entirely (but they do have them in the lore). Lore of Life/Beasts/Shadows are all not implemented yet but are scheduled as Free DLC by the end of the year (before Bretonnia full release). Vampires also have access to their exclusive Lore of Vampires. Greenskins have access to Big/Little Waagh as well.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Appreciate the feedback Utn but this dog enjoys day releases more then anything about a game. I love figuring shit out before things are complete public knowledge and trying to find ways to abuse systems etc. Plus i'm on vacation the following week so i'll take what i can get
No worries. Just making sure you are informed of the series before hand.
I hope the game turns out well. I may be someone purchasing it as well within the first week as long as I do not see a myriad of complaints.


So apparently they gutted a good portion of the economic micro management and along with that a fair share of how you gain money. Instead money comes from the ether/void whatever and some races will have a hard time fielding any more than 2 full stacks regardless of how many provinces they own. You can however raise towns/pillage whatever to raise funds for more armies and you would have to keep doing that right to the end of the campaign.

This is not from first hand experience but a review from RockPaperShotgun.You can read it here.

Basically they seemed to have done this on purpose to make the game feel more like Warhammer, by making each battle incredibly important as mass losses can't be sustained for long, but you lose the feeling of Total War. They had to pick one over the other and until mods come out it sounds like that's how it's going to be. For some people that might be a no-go and others it's exactly what they are looking for.

Food for thought.


Molten Core Raider
come on RR secret lurkers, paying well for a magical key to let me play this weekend~!~~~


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Works for me, I hate micromanaging resources in these games, and my favorite strategy is "build one or two armies, stack them with OP/leveled units, then roam around smashing everything with them."