why are people saying they would vote for stein? isnt she locked up on felony charges?
missed that. whats that about?
Otherwise, lets be honest, just as retarded as the rest of them for real.
She has no idea what she is talking about with economy. As much as I would have voted Bernie, her student loan forgiveness, and free medical care is even more pie in the sky then his.
And, #1 priority environment.. get off oil, shut down co2 emissions. great. except views are totally baked by pseudoscience like many/most hardline environmentalists. Shes also anti-vaccine, anti-gmo, anti-nuclear power.
our options are, vote against someone we hate, or vote for the person we think will do the least damage.
That is something I would give Trump. All my far left friends who seem to think he is literally Hitler. But, the guy will get nothing done in office if he wins. If Obama can't get shit done, no way Trump will be able to actually elicit policy change.
Hillary has the insider access. But, is totally untrustworthy, and undermined the democratic process. Who the hell knows what she would actually do in Office.