Because why wage war if you can't exterminate noncombatants!?
Trump. I'm an independent centrist. Hillary is an evil woman on her deathbed, I don't know how people can vote for her.
Somehow I don't think the 'intellectual base' of the Democratic Party is made of people who think "SJW are retarded, let's prove them right! That will show them!" is a good plan for a presidential election.
Because why wage war if you can't exterminate noncombatants!?
Imagine an Israel stretching from Constantinople (because we're renaming that one back to a proper name) to India and every half moon caveman gone.
All well and good until the mission creep comes in and you're exterminating all the left handed people because Hitler2.0 got flipped a left handed bird in middle school.
I think you're really underestimating what reasons the Nazis had for who goes into the death camps.
It may have been a mostly liberal board in the past but people's political views tend to shiftnto the right as they get older. If everyone on this board was eight years younger this result would look a lot different.Trump/Hillary/Libertarian-Gary-Abstain
thats a pretty interesting result for a mostly liberal board.
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135 vote(s)
55 vote(s)
30 vote(s)
Please list what you perceive as good reasons and bad reasons.
Being a Communist. Wasn't too hot with you guys either.
I'd rather know first why you're such an adamant defender of radical Islam, all of a suddenKeep going.
To be fair, it would be great for men.I'd rather know first why you're such an adamant defender of radical Islam, all of a sudden
I'd rather know first why you're such an adamant defender of radical Islam, all of a sudden
Let me rephrase/expand for clarity. Your thesis, unless I misunderstood it, is that the Democratic Party is alienating its 'intellectual base' by pandering to the so called SJW, and that, as a reaction to this pandering and the perceived lunacy of these SJW, the 'intellectual base' is voting for Trump. The absurdity of this logic though is that while the so called 'intellectual base' of the Democratic Party probably does not perceive today's world as the SJW do and probably does not envision an ideal world in the same way SJW do and consequently do not share with them the same 'to do' list to go from today's world to this ideal world, the 'intellectual base' probably shares with SJW the vision of what a nightmarish world would be.
We only think Germans are the biggest murderers on the planet because the Holocaust was recent-ish. Mass murder/extermination is not exactly a unique thing to history.
Let me rephrase/expand for clarity. Your thesis, unless I misunderstood it, is that the Democratic Party is alienating its 'intellectual base' by pandering to the so called SJW, and that, as a reaction to this pandering and the perceived lunacy of these SJW, the 'intellectual base' is voting for Trump. The absurdity of this logic though is that while the so called 'intellectual base' of the Democratic Party probably does not perceive today's world as the SJW do and probably does not envision an ideal world in the same way SJW do and consequently do not share with them the same 'to do' list to go from today's world to this ideal world, the 'intellectual base' probably shares with SJW the vision of what a nightmarish world would be.
SJW possibly think we are in that nightmarish world of sexism, racism, homophobia, patriarchy, oligarchy, xenophobia, etc, etc and this mythical 'intellectual base' of the Democratic Party probably think things are not perfect on these fronts, but that the nightmare is pretty far away. Trump is undoubtedly the nightmare candidate for SJW and having him as president undoubtedly would move the needle toward (or deeper in - for SJW) the shared nightmare. So, really, voting for Trump is voting for a world where SJW are more right, something that is pretty unlikely to soften their rethoric and, as such, is pretty counterproductive for this 'intellectual base.'
Now though it is possible that the self-titled 'intellectual base' is in fact the 'not too clever base.' As far as I am concerned, anyone claiming intellectual superiority for voting for Trump can be safely stored alongside the people who create non-ironic "checkmate atheists" memes...