This was WAY better than I expected it to be. I'm not saying it is high cinema by any means, and it has a lot of problems, but I expected this to be Halo levels of shit, and it isn't. The humor style didn't bother me much, although at times it can be pretty bad. And you've got to accept the hand-waving or outright ignoring of continuity, where they run away from someone (Agent Stone usually) and yet somehow he's also ahead of them and they run into him again. Or a convoy of big rigs that apparently never stray too far from some lady's house, but also covers several states. It would have been great if they got rid of those inconsistencies, but it also doesn't really matter because it's a dumb show about cars and drivers shooting each other.
Mackie was ok. I expected to hate him, and didn't. I'd have loved a Nathan Fillion or Ryan Reynolds type instead (to go along with someone's Deadpool comment) because that's sort of the humor they were going for, and I think Fillion would have been perfect. But Arnett as Sweet Tooth was fucking amazing, and the physical actor was incredible as well. I like Beatriz as well, so Quiet was good. I can never remember his name, but Rafi from The League killed it in the one episode he was in, and even Neve Campbell was great for her limited appearances. The guest appearances by various drivers from the game were cool, even if many of them were quick and/or ridiculous. The F1 car being a prime example of ridiculous, but who cares??
I will gladly watch another season, and I look forward to it. I even attempted to watch on Peacock because they gave me Premium for free with Xfinity. But then the first ad played and I was like, wtf, I have Premium, why are there ads?? So I looked, and oh, you have to pay for Premium PLUS to get no ads...except we'll still put ads on our extra popular shows because fuck you, that's why! So back to pirating. I might let them play with the volume off though just to get some view metrics in, in the hopes that they make more seasons.
It was dumb, but it was fun, and I'd watch more. Sweet Tooth was by far the best part of the show too. As he should be, honestly.