Yah, I have zero problem with that too. I dunno. I just don't think that she should be on camera, at all. (Besides porn)
If she wants to go to each house and loot it in TW3 on her own time? Hey, far from me to deny anybody that right. But to be on cam and doing it? Whew, that takes it to a whole new level of taking a shit on stream.
I mean, she had a youtube channel (err, well, I suppose she does, but all the videos were taken down) years ago. Like when she first got into porn, years ago. She called it Shades Of Grey, or something of the sort. And the videos weren't that great. I mean, they weren't that bad, but definitely not great. And I believe that she said that her main purpose of putting up the videos was to start a communication between us and her. Here's the rub, she didn't have anything interesting to say though.
Meh, I'm just rambling now.