
Golden Baronet of the Realm
If any company takes steps to moderate and prevent harassment for a single issue then they have to do it for all issues to avoid liability.

Twitch is admitting that using those tags would cause you to be harassed and they would rather block them than put any effort into policing their user base. Please get your own moderation team to handle all of that for them kkthxbye


> Than U
Posted this in politics the other day.
I opened Twitch and this was front page.
Notice both of the featured vids titles and tags.
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I stand corrected, my sanity check was not thorough: when I tried to add the "straight" tag in Twitch the drop down menu proposed dozens of variations of it, but not this exact word with this exact spelling (I got fooled by "straíght").

I suspect the idea behind it is that "straight" is loaded and implies that not being it means one is bent or defective, so it's indirectly derogatory. Oddly, both "heterosexual" and "homosexual" are also banned tags. "White" is not accepted, but "caucasian" is... so who knows what's the logic behind it. Not to mention two absurd things : no one uses tags to find streams and you can create your own tag to go around any kind of moderation.
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I wonder if CIS Male works, LOL.

Gotta use their language if you wanna be "Normal": CIS Male, Melanin Deficient, NotACriminal


Have fun with your ban when an admin sees your stream, LOL.
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<Silver Donator>
It's not the government
I looked it up. Of course there is a law (like almost everywhere in the western world)

Federal laws prohibit discrimination based on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status. Laws prohibiting national origin discrimination make it illegal to discriminate because of a person's birthplace, ancestry, culture or language.

Does not exclude "white" or "US citizen", shocking, I know.. Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of, Inc.
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Potato del Grande
You can imbecile/picard my post all you want but please explain how not being able to use #white is discrimination prohibited by law. Are black people able to use #white and its only white people who can't? Can all the fags on twitch use #straight?
  • 2Moron
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
I looked it up. Of course there is a law (like almost everywhere in the western world)

Does not exclude "white" or "US citizen", shocking, I know.. Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of, Inc.

Not the government was in response to someons saying the constituion and freedom of speech.
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Potato Supreme
You can imbecile/picard my post all you want but please explain how not being able to use #white is discrimination prohibited by law. Are black people able to use #white and its only white people who can't? Can all the fags on twitch use #straight?
There is no women's restroom. Only a men's restroom. Men cant use the non-existent women's restroom either and women are free to use the men's restroom. NO PROBLEM HERE!!!
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I'm pretty sure white people are allowed to stream on Twitch and quite a few of them do... Shocking, I know.

People are talking about stream tags, not the ability to stream.

Stream tags just mean you can virtue signal with shit like #Gay #BlackCreator #SingleMom #Ukraine #Whatever..

Now...I 100% state with certainty that if you use the tags I mentioned, they WILL ban you if they see it.

That said, the point people are making is you can tag #gay #black but you can't use #straight #white. If you try using Straight and white it says those terms are offensive or some shit.

Did that clear this up?
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<Silver Donator>
You guys seem to be very challenged by the concept that an US company can not violate the Federal Protection against national origin discrimination. This has nothing to do with "the government did not do it". And no "It's their service they can do whatever they want". Exactly why these kind of laws were penned. Here in the Switzerland BLM could not get away with the "whites can not be discriminated because they did it first" or whatever the common believe in this kind of behavior is. It would be ruled as a "hate crime".
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Potato del Grande
People are talking about stream tags, not the ability to stream.

Stream tags just mean you can virtue signal with shit like #Gay #BlackCreator #SingleMom #Ukraine #Whatever..

Now...I 100% state with certainty that if you use the tags I mentioned, they WILL ban you if they see it.

That said, the point people are making is you can tag #gay #black but you can't use #straight #white. If you try using Straight and white it says those terms are offensive or some shit.

Did that clear this up?

I understand perfectly and have the entire time.

They aren't discriminating against a person based on their race/familial status/sexual orientation or anything else by not letting anyone use certain stream tags. If they were allowing anyone but white people to use #white or anyone but straight people to use #straight THEN you could argue that they were violating those laws.

I guess you could try to argue its violating those laws but since kaines is only giving out reactions i'm assuming he can not, in fact, make that case.
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Potato Supreme
I understand perfectly and have the entire time.

They aren't discriminating against a person based on their race/familial status/sexual orientation or anything else by not letting anyone use certain stream tags. If they were allowing anyone but white people to use #white or anyone but straight people to use #straight THEN you could argue that they were violating those laws.

I guess you could try to argue its violating those laws but since kaines is only giving out reactions i'm assuming he can not, in fact, make that case.
I did make that case. You're just too stupid to follow it. Liberalism is a terminal mental disease.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You could argue by not giving the same amount of tools to connect with an audience they identify with they are getting an unfair share of viewers compared to the other tags.

IANAL and don't give a shit enough to lookup the discrimination laws, but it does seem like there is something there.
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People are talking about stream tags, not the ability to stream.

Stream tags just mean you can virtue signal with shit like #Gay #BlackCreator #SingleMom #Ukraine #Whatever..

Now...I 100% state with certainty that if you use the tags I mentioned, they WILL ban you if they see it.

That said, the point people are making is you can tag #gay #black but you can't use #straight #white. If you try using Straight and white it says those terms are offensive or some shit.

Did that clear this up?

I refuse to believe they're actually this dense

Has to be intentional