Its just people turning into grumpy old fucks. If we had the options people have now for porn or whatever when we were all wasting our teenage years / early twenties giving the one or two verifiable girls loot for nudes in EQ we would have been probably more degenerate. "Oh no thots are capitalizing on terminally online losers by showing their tits" oh my word!
We have had people showing their asshole on that google video groups thing, a FoH porn parody, an argument over "real D's" with the old admin's girlfriend who was banging a forum member on the side, sending X-Box's to hookers in Ohio, a Emma Watson 18th B-Day countdown, Furor chasing interns around the Blizzard offices, the exploits of Johnny53 and his never ending train of hookers, a gay members AMA thread, a Trump loving tranny who showed his dick to everyone, another tranny that was a dude in a pushup bra posting DM's from other forum members, Evelys, and the most popular porn thread we have is a thot one where people dunk on Bubbles for posting Alinity and a bunch of weirdly photoshopped vaguely Asian whores.
I'd say when people get older they turn into prudes like the façade on here, but then you read about The Villages and those old fuckers bang, so its this weird semi holier then thou bs.