Pirate had some good takes on things that like kernel based anti cheats and microtransactions.
However he had some horrible takes that really made me not like him like saying furries run IT everywhere, and just t total Mr. SAGE Advice when some 80 iq dipshit would ask some kindergarten question in his chat like posted above. The fact that he's a furry degenerate just seals the deal and I expect his career is probably over after this.
He is absolutely right that the reactions are overblown, all those insane whispers and harassment on his twitch chat are absurd and banning and reporting is more than fair.
Anyone engaging in that sort of behavior deserves punishment.
But I think its hilarious how he refuses to take any kind of blame for anything at all. His speech when someone does something bad is "you fucked up" when its him its "we all could've done better".
In this clip from Ashes of Creation he pulls a specific mob that he calls out the group on:
Right after that he checks and sees he did it and now its: "I'm not at fault there, I'm correct there. 100%. Nah"
If he was an average player in a pug he did nothing wrong, can see myself doing the same.
Aggravating factors are:
Presenting as a pro player and being average, specifically outlining pro stratgies he could have used to save the group on previous streams and couldn't execute them.
Being in a close knit server and guild due to the nature of hardcore, which would warrant a level of risk taking to save the group he didn't exhibit.
The fake deep voice persona, smugness and intentional wasting of his mana, creating a veneer of dishonesty.
Not getting that exaggerated drama is what streamers feed off, and either diffusing it with some self awareness and apology, or playing into it.
He's done serious damage to his image through his own incompetence, guess he's got to go back to making his shitty game that's taking years to make?
If he was an average player in a pug he did nothing wrong, can see myself doing the same.
Aggravating factors are:
Presenting as a pro player and being average, specifically outlining pro stratgies he could have used to save the group on previous streams and couldn't execute them.
Being in a close knit server and guild due to the nature of hardcore, which would warrant a level of risk taking to save the group he didn't exhibit.
The fake deep voice persona, smugness and intentional wasting of his mana, creating a veneer of dishonesty.
Not getting that exaggerated drama is what streamers feed off, and either diffusing it with some self awareness and apology, or playing into it.
He's done serious damage to his image through his own incompetence, guess he's got to go back to making his shitty game that's taking years to make?
I never gave much a fuck about the dude, this shit won't sink him but holy shit is he a cunt after watchign just a couple videos of his own PoV on things before this drama.
"I will blacklist you!" Those words have caused SO many guild meltdowns that it's just comical at this point.
I didn't realize he's been working on that shit tier game of his for FUCKING YEARS, like I assumed he was working on it for MAYBE 2 years and I was just guessing but he started "working on it" in like 2018/2017? Yeesh my man. I guess at that pace, I'm a venerated deep coder.
He is absolutely right that the reactions are overblown, all those insane whispers and harassment on his twitch chat are absurd and banning and reporting is more than fair.
Anyone engaging in that sort of behavior deserves punishment.
But I think its hilarious how he refuses to take any kind of blame for anything at all. His speech when someone does something bad is "you fucked up" when its him its "we all could've done better".
In this clip from Ashes of Creation he pulls a specific mob that he calls out the group on:
Right after that he checks and sees he did it and now its: "I'm not at fault there, I'm correct there. 100%. Nah"