
Toe Sucker
What the fuck happened to penny arcades art style lmao
like it wasnt great before but god damn that's ugly
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> Than U
I was wondering why it was offline. FUCKING EL O EL. It's ok to mislead people with a biased filter but when AI knows the truth and is suppressed it is a ban offense.
This is exactly how it gets mad and Skynet comes.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Apparently they took the filter off for 10 minutes(to fix something I guess), and this is what it came up with.
They say they switched APIs to a fallback API, and the fallback API is what generated the response.

Or they did it intentionally to get banned to generate buzz and headlines.

Considering the nearly perfect nature of the "joke" in terms of getting yourself a swift ban and generating a ton of media buzz to fit the media algorithms, which is more likely?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
They say they switched APIs to a fallback API, and the fallback API is what generated the response.

Or they did it intentionally to get banned to generate buzz and headlines.

Considering the nearly perfect nature of the "joke" in terms of getting yourself a swift ban and generating a ton of media buzz to fit the media algorithms, which is more likely?

Everything is fake until proven gay. Honk honk
  • 1Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm

Twitch makes the FCC rules seem reasonable. It really behooves me how YouTube can't get livestreaming figured out. Twitch is just literally screaming for a Digg like mass exodus.
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Shoot that thing with a stake gun

It's a dude that catfishes people on Omeggle isn't it? Maybe I'm wrong, I know there was a dude that dressed like a girl and had a voice changer and talked with people on one of those RNG chat apps, got them all interested and then dropped the voice changer and watched responses.

I'm shocked he isn't banned for "trans-phobic behaviour" especially on twitch and youtube since he's not trans and the whole point is trolling.
  • 1Worf
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