ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead


Blackwing Lair Raider
i would imagine some kind of allowance (most foreign students receive it I think) but making his own mom to pick up his game is hard to swallow.
A regular steady allowance is probably the only reasonable way for foreign parents to give their kids some spending money. But for parents with a kid a little closer to home, giving the kid money on a case-by-case basis could be an effective way to get the kid to come home on the weekends, or at least stay in touch more often. Not saying that's a healthy way for a family to behave, but I've seen it happen in less affluent and less crazy families before.


Musty Nester
Aren't the parents the one that dropped the dime on him? I think they are. They knew.

Again, this isn't me pointing the righteous finger of blame at them. But they dropped their kid onto a shrink when he was 8 years old. Eight. And probably said something along the lines of "fix him, he's beyond us". I can't think of many other reasons to drop your 8 year old onto a shrink.

Something went very very south. Very many somethings over the span of 14 years. I mean yeah, children are different. People are different. Some are so different that you could even consider them to be broken. I'm not preaching original sin, or even their undeniable moral responsibility (which I personally wouldn't lay at their feet)... but that doesn't mean they were powerless in the face of Destiny. They did have 22 years to work with.

But I mean I get it. Your kid is a homocidal nutjob. You try to provide for him, tell him not to go killing people, and hope for the best. I cannot state that he could have been diverted, only that he wasn't.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
He clearly had a strong neurological inclination towards psychopathy. This guy is like the clinical definition of psychopath as far as his disregard for ALL other human beings, men and women. He was also maladaptive, and was never able to successfully channel his psychopathy towards any of his goals in a way that conformed to societal standards. He was so maladaptive that he needed to be committed to a mental institution for the rest of his life, but he wasn't, probably because his parents had money and means.

What really fucking gets me is the fact that there's so many people writing well intentioned but otherwise stupid essays about how if all the normal, non-psychopathic males would just behave better towards women, that would somehow prevent the psychopaths from hurting women. That's fucking stupid. No amount of well intentioned public awareness campaigns, no amount of morality, will prevent the ones that are psychopaths from harming other people.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
They knew he was an Aspie, which is probably why he was in therapy. Seems like a reasonable parenting choice since most aspies aren't mass murderers.


Ssraeszha Raider
I'm not a mental health expert, but Wikipedia does tell me that if he had NPD, it's possible that nurture was part of the problem:Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So shit, maybe his parents do deserve some blame. I have no idea.
Unless they did some really fucked up things, I don't think blaming the parents is fair. They could have spoiled him and gave him undue admiration which contributed to his condition. But it's not reasonable to expect spoiling your child will cause them to go on a murderous rampage.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
They knew he was an Aspie, which is probably why he was in therapy. Seems like a reasonable parenting choice since most aspies aren't mass murderers.
He wasn't merely an 'Aspie.' He had a full gamut of personality disorders, narcissistic/histrionic/anitsocial personality disorder at the very least, and was likely slipping into full on schizophrenia as well.


Avatar of War Slayer
What really fucking gets me is the fact that there's so many people writing well intentioned but otherwise stupid essays about how if all the normal, non-psychopathic males would just behave better towards women, that would somehow prevent the psychopaths from hurting women. That's fucking stupid. No amount of well intentioned public awareness campaigns, no amount of morality, will prevent the ones that are psychopaths from harming other people.
had a few of those pop up on facebook. retarded upworthy blogs. just NO. NOOOOOOO. That shit is so wrong and misguided I can't even begin.
Want to get real pissed of?:
In The Last 33 Years, 70 Of The 71 Mass Murderers In The U.S. All Had 1 Thing In Common


He clearly had a strong neurological inclination towards psychopathy. This guy is like the clinical definition of psychopath as far as his disregard for ALL other human beings, men and women. He was also maladaptive, and was never able to successfully channel his psychopathy towards any of his goals in a way that conformed to societal standards. He was so maladaptive that he needed to be committed to a mental institution for the rest of his life, but he wasn't, probably because his parents had money and means.

What really fucking gets me is the fact that there's so many people writing well intentioned but otherwise stupid essays about how if all the normal, non-psychopathic males would just behave better towards women, that would somehow prevent the psychopaths from hurting women. That's fucking stupid. No amount of well intentioned public awareness campaigns, no amount of morality, will prevent the ones that are psychopaths from harming other people.
Good post, and I appreciate use of the proper term, psychopath.


He wasn't merely an 'Aspie.' He had a full gamut of personality disorders, narcissistic/histrionic/anitsocial personality disorder at the very least, and was likely slipping into full on schizophrenia as well.
I would say narcissistic PD and antisocial PD (with a good chance of also fitting criteria for psychopathy, which is quite rare even among ASPD), can explain the full range of his behaviors. Delusions and other thought disorder symptoms commonly occur in severe PDs. Though as vander mentioned, it is impossible to say without a diagnostic interview. Even NPD-like symptoms, which seems like a lock based on how he talks, could very well be better explained by ASPD+thought disorder, or the other way around.

Regardless, there is a really strong genetic basis for this cluster of behaviors, though environment always plays a role. Environment doesn't always have unique influence, though. We shape our environment through our behavior, so the environment often ends up reinforcing genetic predispositions. A kid who has difficulty relating to others is more likely to be rejected socially, exacerbating those difficulties, etc.

Prediction always comes up in cases like this, but there is substantial evidence that clinical prediction is considerably worse than actuarial prediction. In other words, mechanical, group-based prediction methods, with enough adequate predictors included, are better than a clinician's judgment individually tailored to the person, even if they have substantial personal experience. We just can't predict violence like this with any kind of reliability.

I'm curious what therapy the kid had. It's surprising to me that he did this despite being in therapy since 8 years old. Therapy for externalizing behaviors (eg acting out) is very effective for children and adolescents, when using the proper technique, of course. However, many rich kids go to long "mental health retreats" designed for rich kids with behavior problems. These programs have been studied extensively and have proven to be iatrogenic, ie harmful, ie worse than no treatment. There is a lot of science in the mental health fields these days, but it is heeded less often than not. Most go for nice sounding treatments instead of those supported by the science. It's the same as seeing an alternative medicine "healer" or whatever to cure cancer, but it's often motivated by ignorance ("there is science behind psychosocial interventions??") rather than mistrust of the establishment.


FPS noob
why would that piss anyone off, its completely true. men are more violent than women, if you cant accept that fact then you are just lying to yourself. no clue how you would fix this without fucking other things up even worse, but i'd hope everyone here admits, on average, men are far far far more violent than women

lck said it best. mens #1-5 cause of death? heart attack, cancer, car accident, etc.
womens #1-? danger of death: men

getting your pussy pounded by a dick must feel amazing because i still have no clue why women put up with men


Avatar of War Slayer
why would that piss anyone off, its completely true. men are more violent than women, if you cant accept that fact then you are just lying to yourself. no clue how you would fix this without fucking other things up even worse, but i'd hope everyone here admits, on average, men are far far far more violent than women

lck said it best. mens #1-5 cause of death? heart attack, cancer, car accident, etc.
womens #1-? danger of death: men

getting your pussy pounded by a dick must feel amazing because i still have no clue why women put up with men
the fuck are you talking about

Men also commit suicide ten times as much as women. Are men committing suicide due to Misogyny?
Its number 7# on the mens chart.

Like, do you think the sandy hook asshole killed kids out of some hatred of kids, that society says we should kill or devalue kids, or misogyny? the targets of spree killers has NOTHING to do with what is even wrong with them in the first place.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
violent to a degree of physical harm. women are violent just as the same, except they do not have to means to exert total physical dominance over men due to their state, so they would have to resort to other means. it's like asking david to fight goliath fist to fist. women aren't retarded. they have other means of exerting violence.

but forget that aspect. if men is the greatest enemy of women, then men is the greatest enemy of men since they kill each other more frequently.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
lck said it best. mens #1-5 cause of death? heart attack, cancer, car accident, etc.
womens #1-? danger of death: men
Makes a good standup routine but it's a pretty laughable idea.

I don't know what the video Caliane linked would piss you off, though I guess I turned it off when I jumped to the middle and heard, "and he killed to prove he was the true alpha male". lol. I wonder what he'd think after being so explicit in saying he was going to kill to cause the world the pain he 'suffered' from chicks going after alpha males if he heard people saying he did it to be an alpha male.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
why would that piss anyone off, its completely true. men are more violent than women, if you cant accept that fact then you are just lying to yourself.
Ironically if this kid had been more manly-man alpha tough guy he probably would've been getting laid, thus denying us this awesome thread.

Take that Laci Green!

Oh, and I like how she tries to say it's not about crazy. Guess she missed the parts where he said he was a God.


Millie's Staff Member
all we need now is tanoomba to add his thoughts and the cosmic ballet will be complete. last night on nbc nightly news when they werent jizzing themselves about interviewing snowden exclusive they talked about this story and they said that eliot had a form of autism, they never expounded on it.


Trakanon Raider
I think instead of breast cancer awareness month we need to have a male aggression awareness month since it's the major concern of death for women.. Check your privileges, bros.


Musty Nester
all we need now is tanoomba to add his thoughts and the cosmic ballet will be complete. last night on nbc nightly news when they werent jizzing themselves about interviewing snowden exclusive they talked about this story and they said that eliot had a form of autism, they never expounded on it.
That snowden shit is genuinely funny.