What does Elliot Rodger and Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen have in common?
Neither will ever be an alpha.
Haven't watched the video but "girl writes what?" is generally very supportive of the manosphere and usually very well reasoned and even tempered in making her points. Look at her youtube home page, her banner says "this is what anti feminism looks like".Are feminists citing forum posts in their MRA research? Nubs
No, but it does authorize you to wear that "I'm sort of a big deal on the internet" t-shirt.
INB4 some wanna-be-hero or fat greensuiter says "TRIGGAR DISCIPLINEZ"
No, what's actually happening is a bunch of entitled, spoiled middle/upper middle class college educated little princesses infected the feminist movement with their "Life is frustrating or uncomfortable or hard or sometimes even a little scary... FIX IT DADDY! MAKE THE BAD MEN STOP" attitude. They've basically completely diluted the term, and it didn't even take them very long to do it.Some feminists have jumped the shark to such a degree at this point that it's getting harder and harder to tell who's being serious and who's being sarcastic.