It could be a pretty cynical take, but it would fit with the Corporate run world they live in. An important selling point to these expensive as fuck afterlives would be that you get to continue your existence beyond death.
But if your afterlife isn't "you", but rather a copy of you that doesn't realize it is merely a copy, then that sort of risks the whole enterprise. That would be a harder sell "You'll die, but there will be a version of you that thinks it is you that will exist in this digital afterlife, but it won't actually be "you"". If that were the case, it would be a pretty big thing to keep hush-hush. The fact the equivalent of a customer service rep could do that sort of craps on that idea, so I suspect the show will try to look for a way to argue against the cynical take. Or maybe not. The show has shown people being willing to effectively kill themselves to go to this digital afterlife, so I wouldnt be surprised if the ultimate outcome discourages people from that. Sort of like in religion - most religions almost always have a reason as to why you shouldn't just kill yourself and move onto whatever afterlife they believe in, be it eternal damnation, limbo, or getting a shitty reincarnation.
I do think if they do a season 3, then they'll definitely explore this concept. In a way, it is similar to the idea of a teleporter in Star Trek: Do you die everytime you use the teleporter, and what comes out the other end is just a copy that thinks it is you? There was a 90s Outer Limits episode that dealt with this: An alien species gives humanity access to teleportation technology, but all it really does is make a perfect copy (body and mind) in a distant location, then it vaporizes the "original" which effectively kills the person teleporting on the sending end. In the show, a woman goes to use it and the machine malfunctions and they cancel the vaporization process, as the aliens are unable to determine if the teleportation was successful. Later on, the aliens do confirm it succeeded and push the humans to basically murder the woman, because they have an ethical viewpoint that requires "balance", ie you cannot have 2 of the same exact person running around.