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<Silver Donator>
3.63 star(s) Rating: 3.63/5 8 Votes
Title: Upload

Genre: Comedy

First aired: 2020-05-01

Creator: Greg Daniels

Cast: Andy Allo, Robbie Amell, Owen Daniels, Allegra Edwards, Zainab Johnson

Overview: In 2033, people who are near death can be “uploaded” into virtual reality hotels run by 6 tech firms. Cash-strapped Nora lives in Brooklyn and works customer service for the luxurious “Lakeview” digital afterlife. When L.A. party-boy/coder Nathan’s self-driving car crashes, his high-maintenance girlfriend uploads him permanently into Nora’s VR world.


<Gold Donor>
I've watched two episodes of this so far, and I really like it. It is a little cliched, but I like some of the little attentions to detail, like talking about instances, frame rate drops, etc. And the HCoAE (Hot Chick of Ambiguous Ethnicity(TM)) they chose for this one is kind of endearing. And as discussed in the Code 8 thread, Robbie Amell is just a likable dude. Not sure if this will catapult him into mega-stardom, but so far I don't think it will hurt any. His "high-maintenance girlfriend" is literally a stereotype that you can't help but despise, and it is clear where this is probably headed, but whatever, I'm enjoying it. I might change my tune by episode 10, but so far so good. Oh, and they are only like half hour episodes for the most part, so not even much of an investment.
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Molten Core Raider
Enjoying this a lot also after two episodes.
Good chance I'll binge it all over the weekend.
The setting is pretty great. They do a good job of presenting a very believable near future that is also significant different from our today (sans covid19)


<Gold Donor>
How similar is this in humor to the Office and Parks & Rec?
I feel like it is quite a bit different in tone. However, I'm not an expert on those two shows, so someone else might disagree. I mean, obviously there's none of the looking at the camera sort of thing, but apart from that, I still think it had a different style of humor.

I finished the whole season, and I really enjoyed it. The chemistry between all the characters was great, particularly between the two mains. I'll be honest, I thought I wouldn't like the main chick much at all when it started, but she really grew on me, to the point where I actually looked to see if there was anything else she's been a big part in that I'd want to watch (don't think so). Even her coworker Laquisha was pretty cool, as was Luke the military guy with no legs. They added just enough of other character shit that it balanced out the mains. And call me a fag, but I'm actually a big sap when it comes to romantic shit and I usually end up smiling like a big dummy over decently done love stories. Overall, I am very happy that I watched it; it isn't the greatest thing I've ever seen, and a ton of it was pretty obvious, but they threw in a little bit of a curveball here and there that kept it from being completely predictable.

The only thing I wasn't really pleased with was the cliffhanger-ish ending, but to be fair, that's what almost every show that hopes to get another season does. This is no different than the season finales with JR getting shot, or Chloe seeing Lucifer's true face, etc. It's just disappointing because of how "easy" that kind of ending is, you know? Still, I definitely want to see more, and I will be pretty upset if it doesn't get another season, so I guess that tells you how much I liked it. 8/10 for me, because the 5'ish hours just flew by, and I could have easily watched 5 more.
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Fun show but god damn them SJW talking points, did they hit them all because I feel like they hit them all.

I mean ultimately I still say I enjoyed the show, maybe because I like the premise. Certainly worth a watch if you can wade through the SJW agenda.

Hamfisted in SOME areas with the plays on CAPITALISM IS BAD!" tropes that media is known for doing. I thought for a bit it was going to be a play on "SJWism is overdone, everyone has been equal for a while in 2030" but they still manage to squeeze in some awkward lefty bullshit.

Overall a decent show though, I REALLY liked the War Vet character combos, they created some seriously good side characters off him. I really hope we see more of him and his Angel playing off one another, they mesh super well.

I enjoyed that they didn't outright play off that "RELIGIOUS PEOPLE ARE INSANE!!" and put an honest effort into seeing 2 sides of the coin about afterlife in that regard.

The little kid that's really 18 was a cool idea and they could have played a TON off that. I felt they dropped the ball HARD on his character and that one episode where he turned into a girl. The gist that "OMG I lived ONE day as a woman and WAHMEN has it hard!" line was so campy I grew ovaries and then aborted them. Bruh, if a teenager suddenly turned into the opposite gender and were aware of it, they wouldn't have a cathartic moment, they would sit in their room and jerk off. You wouldn't be like, "BRUH WAHMEN HAS IT HARD!" you would be like "Okay so if I touch here...sex?" So, they had a trans character (meh..diversity) BUT THEY WERE HANDED A HOLY GRAIL MOMENT FOR PUSHING TRANS "AGENDA" AND DIDN'T TAKE A SWING?!? What the fuck? For real all they had to do was have the kid turn into a girl and be like, "I think I may stay a girl for a bit, maybe change back later" OR "Can I stay a girl...but keep my penis?" boom, agenda points.

I dunno, I wouldn't care about agenda driven writing if it wasn't so stupid.

yes yes yes, I get it, white men bad, white women stupid / vapid / bitches, ethnics good / spiritual / ethical, sexism bad, acceptance good (Does not apply to white).

Man, now that I'm really sitting down and taking a critical eye to this, the story is almost all SJW talking points.

Rich white family hates one another, poor "Diverse" family loves one another.

Poor white dude dates rich white girl, works on project to save the poors and the diverse from bad whites.

Black girl sees white dude, instantly assumes he's a douche. Later takes him on to open his mind to the plight of the poors and the diverse, not knowing he was already self-flagellating.

LITERALLY the only person who I feel isn't a fuckin 100% trope is Military dude and Afro Girl. Because afro girl treats everyone like they are on a short-leash and doesn't treat people super differently, they all suck in her eyes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Only watched the first episode so far, this feels a lot like the movie Downsizing, if that movie had been at all funny or good.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I guess I just can't get into new TV. Every character on every show is an asshole.
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<Gold Donor>
It was a joke Misty, have not seen this one, and probably never will. Looks pretty gay.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I dunno, I thought this was supposed to be a comedy but I maybe laughed once in 4 episodes.

This show is not laugh out loud funny, not very many are. If that is what you are looking for try 'What We Do In The Shadows'.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
It disturbs me how much Nora sounds and speaks like Lauren Chen.

I wouldn’t at all compare it to The Office or Parks and Rec, doesn’t feel like it is fitting that niche or trying. It has running gags about mega corps in the future. A couple of sprinkles here and there that almost feel like Better Off Ted (would have been awesome with some more). It has a serious plot with the ex-gf, Nora, and murder mystery that keeps it out of the whacky end of the pool.
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
It disturbs me how much Nora sounds and speaks like Lauren Chen.

I was laughing when they showed her talking into the mic the first time. I turned to my wife and was like, "Watch this, so many dudes are gunna ASMR jerk off to this 5-10 second clip".

Not gunna lie, it was pretty sexy. Then the show started.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I was laughing when they showed her talking into the mic the first time. I turned to my wife and was like, "Watch this, so many dudes are gunna ASMR jerk off to this 5-10 second clip".

Not gunna lie, it was pretty sexy. Then the show started.

She cute though. Could whisper in my ear anytime.
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I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I enjoyed pretty much all of this except the last episode. Just not a fan of any of the directions they're heading with it.

His 'best friend' throughout reminded me of Steve Zahn.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I really liked this. Despite its very campy aspects it does show how totally fucked up the human technological singularity will be.
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