Just finished this. This show was really, really good. Cinematography was absolutely fantastic, very movie like. It had to be better or at least just as good as any TV show I can remember watching. The soundtrack was weird in a very good and, fitting way as well. End of season 2 got to be a little much to follow, but its a very minor criticism for a very good series. RB is an insane character! I am also not really surprised this was cancelled though, the morality is very grey the majority of the time & is extremely violent. All in all, I loved it. Definitely one of the more enjoyable series I have watched so far.
Sucks that the David Fincher & HBO couldn't work out a budget for the US remake. Would absolutely love to see him take an adaptation with how fantastic he is. His style is very fitting. If they can't pull him back in, hope they get someone else to do it at least.