Val (2021)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Maybe HPV, that shot isn't just for your genitals, will fuck up your throat and mouth too

theres no maybe. douglas confirmed he had the same HPV throat cancer as him. both treated by the same docs

Val asked Michael Douglas for his doctor.

Douglas had confirmed publicly he had an HPV throat cancer but because of the severe emotional strain on his wife, her dealing with bipolar as a result of it, and the implications-- he recanted and said it was a alcohol or drinks cancer to save public face. Which was debunked. It was HPV.

The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior Vice President
<Gold Donor>
theres no maybe. douglas confirmed he had the same HPV throat cancer as him. both treated by the same docs

Val asked Michael Douglas for his doctor.

Douglas had confirmed publicly he had an HPV throat cancer but because of the severe emotional strain on his wife, her dealing with bipolar as a result of it, and the implications-- he recanted and said it was a alcohol or drinks cancer to save public face. Which was debunked. It was HPV.
Should have gotten his HPV vax. Tsk tsk

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I dont think I ever saw a Kilmer film where I disliked him as an actor, I had a pretty good opinion of the guy.

But it sure seems that everyone else thinks he's an asshole. Maybe he's misunderstood, etc. - but that's not an excuse.


Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yes, Val Kilmer addressed the "Kilmer is an asshole" rumors by offering a tortured explanation that basically amounts to "Im an artiste and no one understands me" and then playing an interview clip of Robert Downey Jr saying Kilmer isnt an asshole


Ssraeszha Raider
Yes, Val Kilmer addressed the "Kilmer is an asshole" rumors by offering a tortured explanation that basically amounts to "Im an artiste and no one understands me" and then playing an interview clip of Robert Downey Jr saying Kilmer isnt an asshole

What? They specifically went over the behind the scenes issues with Batman and Island of Dr Moreau which is where he got his rep.

May have still been an assholes, but to say they ignored it or just played a Robert Downey Jr clip shows a lot of the doc went right over your head

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
What? They specifically went over the behind the scenes issues with Batman and Island of Dr Moreau which is where he got his rep.

May have still been an assholes, but to say they ignored it or just played a Robert Downey Jr clip shows a lot of the doc went right over your head

I wouldnt call that "going over". They barely scraped the surface, and only in a way that was favorable to Kilmer. Like I said, I like Kilmer and didnt like finding out that he was a shit head, though it was kind of funny. But yeah, he's kind of a shithead.

From being a brat, to burning set crewmen with cigarettes.

I'm sure there is more:

Nor did his behaviour improve. “Childish and impossible” is how Joel Schumacher characterised Kilmer after 1995’s Batman Forever. Kilmer was replaced by George Clooney for Schumacher’s next Batman film, amid rumours he spend much of the Forever shoot wrapped in blankets and at one point stubbed out a cigarette on a crew member.

Al Pacino might have concurred. He supposedly got into a furious row with Kilmer making Michael Mann’s Heat after Kilmer was “an impossible asshole” toward an assistant.

Kilmer, moreover, wanted out of the film the moment he arrived on set in tropical North Queensland. At one point, with cameras rolling, he sat on the ground and declined to stand up. He would also refuse to emerge from his trailer, keeping cast and crew waiting for hours. (The new documentary contains audio of the director ordering Kilmer to stop filming his home movies, and the actor refusing.)

As they auditioned, Kilmer allegedly hit her and knocked her to the floor, she said. “When I got to the room and Val Kilmer picked me up and shaked me, throwing me down to the floor…Stone just stood there the whole time laughing.” She received a settlement, though came to regret accepting it in return for her silence.

Literally none of this was explained or addressed. Way too much smoke here for there not to be any fire.


Millie's Staff Member
I wouldnt call that "going over". They barely scraped the surface, and only in a way that was favorable to Kilmer. Like I said, I like Kilmer and didnt like finding out that he was a shit head, though it was kind of funny. But yeah, he's kind of a shithead.

From being a brat, to burning set crewmen with cigarettes.

I'm sure there is more:

Literally none of this was explained or addressed. Way too much smoke here for there not to be any fire.
You should check out the documentary of the making of island of doc moraeu. Everybody lost their shit on that production especially Marlon Brando.


Ssraeszha Raider
I wouldnt call that "going over". They barely scraped the surface, and only in a way that was favorable to Kilmer. Like I said, I like Kilmer and didnt like finding out that he was a shit head, though it was kind of funny. But yeah, he's kind of a shithead.

From being a brat, to burning set crewmen with cigarettes.

I'm sure there is more:

Literally none of this was explained or addressed. Way too much smoke here for there not to be any fire.

Not saying he's not an asshole or it wasn't one sided. Just the idea that it was ignored or only addressed by Robert Downey Jr isn't true.

The Batman thing he went over had to do with most of the movie being just standing there in a suit where he couldn't move or hea. The article implying it was the studio's choice is a lie also. He was "replaced" because he turned the role down, nothing behavior related.

Dr Moreau sounds like everyone was a dickhead and him being served surprise divorce papers on set was a big contributer.

They didn't mention whatever the assistant thing on Heat was, but the way you treat people below you is the best indicator on whether your an asshole or not so to me that's the biggest indicator he could be a diva. Him being mean to a random assistant 26 years ago isn't anything you'd expect to be addressed in a doc, though.

And the last one resulted in a settlement so I'm sure neither side can really talk about it.

So he probably could be a giant douche sometimes, but the doc didn't ignore it and gave it more time than you'd expect considering the doc was made by him and usually those just turn into giant fluff pieces


Ssraeszha Raider
My respect for Kilmer is the fact that people tend to forget his roles and that he was in a lot of great movie because you see him as just his character and not Val Kilmer playing the character.

Very few actors get to his level and not have you constantly think of the actor instead of the character
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider


Triggered Happy
Didn't watch this documentary as it sounds depressing as fuck. Last night I did (re)watch Heat because this thread made me want to watch a Val Kilmer film. This film is stunning in 4k, and it hasn't aged badly at all. Michael Mann really got the best out of everyone involved in making it.
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Pay to play forum
You really liked that Jim Morrison movie?

I watched it as a kid or teenager, but have no real memory of it. So I decided to rewatch it and Val Kilmer was such a douche in it, so I had to stop. Then it dawned on me, that he maybe is just a very good actor and Jim Morrison was a giant artsy fartsy douchebag in real life. Either way, it was unbearable.

Music is great though.
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Millie's Staff Member
I watched it as a kid or teenager, but have no real memory of it. So I decided to rewatch it and Val Kilmer was such a douche in it, so I had to stop. Then it dawned on me, that he maybe is just a very good actor and Jim Morrison was a giant artsy fartsy douchebag in real life. Either way, it was unbearable.

Music is great though.
yeah of course. and you know a lot of these great musicians are near retards socially. so yes it makes sense that Morrison was actually a piece of shit in real life. musicians usually become musicians because they are nerds and are unsure how to meet women and interact with society so they play an instrument and write songs to look deep and militant. meanwhile between concerts Lemmy is playing on his portable Pachinko machine in his dressing room all night.


Ssraeszha Raider
Watched this today. Really good I thought. It can get very depressing just seeing him struggle. Had to stop it and take a break because it makes you a little depressed just watching but you want to keep watching. Tons of camcorder stuff from his entire life pretty much. Shows some shitty stuff that he had to deal with. I always thought he was a good actor so I was pretty into this documentary.
Yeah, my god his voice. I feel really bad for him.