U need to get ur face fixed. Like make it look feminine. Then j think u could convince closet guys to put it in ur butt.View attachment 97088
I hope this satisfies the titsorgtfo bunch but also hope it satisfies the whole "lulz, it's a dude with tits" bunch too... my hair looks like shit and I have absolutely zero makeup on, but if you honestly see a dude trying to be a girl, then goddamn... you're my special kind of gravy on a Sunday morning omelette.
Jessika said I look pissed (I wasn't!) and also said that the dress made me look fatter than I really am... so save the "you gained weight!" comments; I haven't!
This is one of the funnest bass lines ever to play, and Geddy Lee is a legend. Hope you guys like it.
Oh god this thread legit makes me throw up
Every lil bit helps, sure. I certainly would have tried any treatment offered by my doc / shrink or whomever to abate those feelings yeah. I've heard from some older trans patients who for whatever reason (say, high blood pressure) couldn't be on a full regiment of HRT (dosage-wise) but took like 1-2mg of estradiol to try and at least mitigate some of the GD. The issue is, over time, even low dose estradiol will exhibit physical changes so you have to contend with that aspect in your social life.I'm thinking along the lines of how medications can help with depression. It never really cures the issue at hand but reduces the severity of the symptoms, making it a completely livable situation. The person is still a manic depressive or whatever it is that is causing the effect, but they can live with it and a fair amount of depressive thought processes but without the need to succumb to suicidal/harmful urges or the desperation to fix a situation that can't be fixed.
You've found your solution which is great, but say you had had a pill available to you that would have allowed you to live with your gender personality(?), but without the need to change your body to match it: Would you see that as a good option? If not for you, for others?
Because if GD can't be fixed, and making drastic changes to the body (both surgically and chemically altering fundamental standard levels in the body) is harmful, surely the solution is somewhere in fixing the need to change the body to match the mind?
No, my GD was manifest in how I perceived myself but I didn't have genital dysphoria. I didn't LOVE my dick but didn't hate it either. I was uncomfortable mostly with secondary sex characteristics... what I liked and disliked about my body was very much anti male vs. pro female... i.e. disliked body hair, preferred smooth skin, wasn't keen on being muscular, hated having no curves (I still lack good hips!). Make no mistake, if I could snap my fingers like Thanos and just magically have a vajayjay I'd do it... reality is a bit more complex than that of course. So again, I don't hate my dick but have no love for it either and I'd prefer "everything" but it's presence isn't enough to make my dysphoria uncomfortable. It's quite bizarre how GD manifests.If the transition "cured" you of GD, but you still have a peener, then is it safe to assume your dysphoria was solely related to how people perceived you, rather than your need to biologically resemble a woman?
Every lil bit helps, sure. I certainly would have tried any treatment offered by my doc / shrink or whomever to abate those feelings yeah. I've heard from some older trans patients who for whatever reason (say, high blood pressure) couldn't be on a full regiment of HRT (dosage-wise) but took like 1-2mg of estradiol to try and at least mitigate some of the GD. The issue is, over time, even low dose estradiol will exhibit physical changes so you have to contend with that aspect in your social life.
I don't know about the "harmful" tag you put on the description of surgery and HRT. I've seen some evidence of breast cancer development in women and trannies from estradiol use, yes.. but also seen some data that indicates we're no different than anyone else and some have shown the cancer trannies get are not where you'd expect (i.e. you'd think it'd be in the breast / testes / ovaries etc but it's lung cancer, throat cancer etc). I'm happy to look at any links but, unlike smoking and lung cancer, say, the jury is still out on how harmful HRT really is (or isn't). Surgery is just surgery heh... everyone gets surgery from time to time. It's pricey, there's downtime, there's possible complications from it, sure, but I wouldn't call surgery "harmful". It is simply "not ideal".
I'd LOVE to see more effective treatments for GD is my TL;DR answer.
No, my GD was manifest in how I perceived myself but I didn't have genital dysphoria. I didn't LOVE my dick but didn't hate it either. I was uncomfortable mostly with secondary sex characteristics... what I liked and disliked about my body was very much anti male vs. pro female... i.e. disliked body hair, preferred smooth skin, wasn't keen on being muscular, hated having no curves (I still lack good hips!). Make no mistake, if I could snap my fingers like Thanos and just magically have a vajayjay I'd do it... reality is a bit more complex than that of course. So again, I don't hate my dick but have no love for it either and I'd prefer "everything" but it's presence isn't enough to make my dysphoria uncomfortable. It's quite bizarre how GD manifests.
While I'm bumping this...Porkchop you doing okay? You said you were going to bring the wife on board here, I hope everything is well!
I don't know about the "harmful" tag you put on the description of surgery and HRT. I've seen some evidence of breast cancer development in women and trannies from estradiol use, yes.. but also seen some data that indicates we're no different than anyone else and some have shown the cancer trannies get are not where you'd expect (i.e. you'd think it'd be in the breast / testes / ovaries etc but it's lung cancer, throat cancer etc). I'm happy to look at any links but, unlike smoking and lung cancer, say, the jury is still out on how harmful HRT really is (or isn't). Surgery is just surgery heh... everyone gets surgery from time to time. It's pricey, there's downtime, there's possible complications from it, sure, but I wouldn't call surgery "harmful". It is simply "not ideal".
Yes and no... it's somewhat semantical but imo genital dysphoria would fit inside the umbrella of GD. So GD is the umbrella mental illness (because there's nothing normal about a guy feeling uneasy that they're not a female) but the GD manifests itself differently depending on the individual. So some may have more genital dysphoria (hate their cock or want a vag really badly) and others may (like me) simply find discomfort in being a muscular, hairy, rough-skinned, short-nailed, small-butt, no-titted guy. Others may hate their beard more... I mean, there's a plethora of both physical and mental characteristics which make us all what we are.. male and female. So there's various pathways in which the dysphoria may cause discomfort to the tranny in question.So "genital dysphoria" is different than "gender dysphoria"? I'm confused as I would figure the two would go hand in hand.. If you feel you're the wrong sex, and the cure is making you look like the opposite sex, I would figure that the PEENER would be at the epicenter of that feeling and cure. I would think being "halfway there"-- having tits and a peener, would almost be worse cause your half 'n half. But maybe I'm applying too much logic to this topic..
If some benefactor came along and offered to pay for your new vagina, would you go for it?
You mean deaf, right? LoLI was using the context of the conversation with the harmful stuff, trying to find a mid-point between the fix the mind vs fix the body aspects. Though, surgery is inherently harmful even if the outcomes are positive. I admit I don't know enough about what drastically altering hormones in the body really does, so I'll concede the judgment on whether it's harmful or not to you. Though, I can't imagine that it isn't harmful in some way as fundamentally changing how our individual bodies are designed to work must have significant effects.
I think you know by now I don't have any issue with people in your situation outside of how their decisions influence the lives of others, so I trust you recognize that when I talk about something like this sort of middle ground it's with the idea of there being a more beneficial option for the situation and not just something to avoid trans people being trans. Another option would especially be good for situations where kids grow up and are faced with a decision on what to do about who and what they are, and currently only seem to have incredibly drastic options. Hopefully the cowards and lunatics that are running the asylum don't squash such possibilities in order to avoid being seen as transphobic, similar to the anti-cochlear advocates in the dead community.
I prefer archaic units so no one knows WTF it means. How many hands is your penis?
You mean deaf, right? LoL
I worry about cancer as much as anyone tbh. That's to say it's not a debilitating worry but as I age (40) it's a nagging reality, and certainly it's worth pondering if HRT has effects. This trans stuff is still pretty new roads we're all going down (yes, all of us... as a society). That's why I'm all for science and research and all that good stuff. Let's learn and figure this issue out, y'know? We all benefit from knowledge. Why leftists want to censor and block shit... eh, but that's another thread right?
Logically I can't imagine that it isn't harmful in some capacity too; we just don't know yet (so far so good however)... but if I cut my life short due to this... well... c'est la vie~ I really had no choice in the end... that's not hyperbole, that's just the hand I was dealt and I have 0 regrets because I'm in a really good spot right now. Life is great and sure, I look in the mirror and know I'm a strange cat, but it's honestly been worth it.
And yes, I'm pretty aware that besides the handful of drooling knuckle-draggers here that us nerds are open minded enough about the trans stuff to try and understand but at the same time be honest enough to admit that it's pretty fucking weird. I MOST certainly hope the cowards and lunatics don't squash the possibilities either... cheers to that sentiment.