This dude wants ur tranny pnas if u couldn't tellSo, I've been lurking this thread for some time now... Well, since it's birth.
Now I'm going to add my two cents because it's a forum and because I can.
I really don't understand the hate towards you Vanessa, other than, as you said earlier in the thread it just goes against some people's narrative, religion, beliefs, feelings...
A lot of bigotry and hate is definitely that of a prehistoric ideal. People (even those whom claim to be open minded) just can't accept that whether female or male or both or sexual orientation that you're still human. Still bleed the same as everyone else.
I just don't understand why people are like that. Nor do I care enough. I more than likely won't post again, since I rarely do anyway. But you do you... Nothing wrong with that.
The hate and bigotry is old, prehistoric even, boring and unoriginal. The trolling is also useless.
Thanks for the great thread!

Guess your attention whoring pays off huh. Do you give these guys your PayPal, Amazon or patreon?
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