Im all about people doing what they want, as long as they are consenting adults...You do you. My problem arise when try and force me to partake in your fantasy. You want to tuck your dick and get all Buffalo Bill, go for it. Just dont expect me to call you ma'amYou all can get up in arms all you want. Throw out whatever ad hominems you want. I still don't give a shit enough. People can and will do whatever they want. Regardless of how loud you bitch, piss and moan about it.
You're welcome for the great thread, and thanks for the kind words lurker.So, I've been lurking this thread for some time now... Well, since it's birth.
Now I'm going to add my two cents because it's a forum and because I can.
I really don't understand the hate towards you Vanessa, other than, as you said earlier in the thread it just goes against some people's narrative, religion, beliefs, feelings...
A lot of bigotry and hate is definitely that of a prehistoric ideal. People (even those whom claim to be open minded) just can't accept that whether female or male or both or sexual orientation that you're still human. Still bleed the same as everyone else.
I just don't understand why people are like that. Nor do I care enough. I more than likely won't post again, since I rarely do anyway. But you do you... Nothing wrong with that.
The hate and bigotry is old, prehistoric even, boring and unoriginal. The trolling is also useless.
Thanks for the great thread!
Yeah your assessment is far far off base, but it's okay; forest / trees. Here's a clear-cut example of what I'm talking about:Never check this thread. Skimmed a couple pages when it began, hadn't looked at it since and won't again after this.
Vanessa right now.
View attachment 203809
Take a break, bud. Caught a glimpse yesterday of what went on in the gg thread. This is coming from someone who isn't trolling you nor hates you. You're starting to sound like one of those demented old folks that you smile at and nod and say, "you're right," to simply change the subject for their own good.
Started out a semi-articulate, albeit long-winded, decent shitposter. Then started hijacking threads, constantly seeking attention, tediously debating as an arrogantly repetitive, deluded, belligerent yet sensitive of others' opinions, sophomoric, prone to a sort of impaired awareness/argumentative anosognosia, pedantic, obtuse contrarian.Vanessa is skirting dangerously close to tanoomba territory.
No, you're still just the autistic dipshit you've always been.I am the Nostrahodjmas.
People pop in here and say what you say all the time and I could tell you what I've said on page 1: I'd never expect or force you to call me *anything*; ever. People constantly pop in and say, "It's clearly a mental illness" when I have literally NEVER said otherwise. It IS a mental illness, congrats LoL~Im all about people doing what they want, as long as they are consenting adults...You do you. My problem arise when try and force me to partake in your fantasy. You want to tuck your dick and get all Buffalo Bill, go for it. Just dont expect me to call you ma'am
You all can get up in arms all you want. Throw out whatever ad hominems you want. I still don't give a shit enough. People can and will do whatever they want. Regardless of how loud you bitch, piss and moan about it.
Not all faggots are virtue signalers but all virtue signalers are faggots.
Look, I'm going to say what everyone is too cowardly to say:
Hodj and Foler are definitely pedophiles.
Reference : Transgender People | Gender | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDCActual research said:Among the 3 million HIV testing events reported to CDC in 2017, the percentage of transgender people who received a new HIV diagnosis was 3 times the national average.
I don't think you'll find a lot of play calling anonymous people cowards in a community where revealing someone's identity is a bannable offense. Maybe you'd feel more comfortable spreading your mental illness on facebook if you have such a problem with anonymity. But why did you only use your last initial? Why not post your full name? And why post your fake tranny name as if it's your real name? Why don't you post your full real name? Why not your home address? I mean, you aren't a coward are you?I'm Vanessa H. I'm from Richmond, VA. That's really me in my avatar. I fear nothing and nobody. I don't hide behind a fake avatar, an alias, or identity. Unlike the rest of you anonymous cowards who thrive on hate and animus, I build my moral foundations on love and empathy. I've heard my fair share of what you all THINK of me but the truth is you literally have NO idea how friendly, lovable, and happy I am IRL. I come at anyone new I meet with that foundation, but if you guys here want to keep bringing swords upon me, I will continue to bring swords in return (you retards [LoL]).
Guess I'm not allowed to sleep and go to work. My little obsessive stalker already assuming the worst ROFL. Jesus what a fruitcake.
All things considered, this past 20+ pages has at least given me pause to reflect on the ethical nature of this discussion. The facts are still the facts and that is unchanging. But it has opened my heart to the possibility of having mistakes being made on non-Gender Dysphoric kids who may just be extremely effeminate (or masculine for the girls) or gay. This is (regardless of whatever narrative individuals who shall rename nameless want to push) something I would absolutely hate to read about. Thus far, I have YET to hear about this happening, but you ALL make a damn strong case in that even ONE false positive is one too many and it's statistically impossible to NEVER have misdiagnoses. On this, I agree.
I also watched the rest of that video thatAaron linked in the GG thread; I just hadn't had time previously, but was able to finish it before bed last night. I'll probably devote an entire post to just that video here soon (in the next few days... depends on time).
You're welcome for the great thread, and thanks for the kind words lurker.
Why do I get hate?
I mean, the hate wasn't always this bad, but I also didn't buck the system early on either. But even from the beginning (anyone can read the thread from the start), I had haters.
Let's be completely real and blunt about this. This forum has its fair share of Godless, hateful, racist, homophobic, transphobic garbage. People like Mariospeedtard, Zyyz, Hodj, Foler, Wormie... they are almost what I would literally define as evil and I don't say that lightly as a Christian. You CANNOT carry on like they do and just pretend that its mere trolling, and the perfect litmus test for ALL of this is simply asking anyone here: If your employers, family, or friends knew who you were and could read your posts and rhetoric here, would you mind? They bash me repeatedly for "being a retarded tranny" and yet the sheer irony of this and what makes them so blind to this irony, is that, of course it is THEY who are the abomination of society. People's whose heart clearly reflects what they are predicated on: Hate.
I'm Vanessa H. I'm from Richmond, VA. That's really me in my avatar. I fear nothing and nobody. I don't hide behind a fake avatar, an alias, or identity. Unlike the rest of you anonymous cowards who thrive on hate and animus, I build my moral foundations on love and empathy. I've heard my fair share of what you all THINK of me but the truth is you literally have NO idea how friendly, lovable, and happy I am IRL. I come at anyone new I meet with that foundation, but if you guys here want to keep bringing swords upon me, I will continue to bring swords in return (you retards [LoL]).
Anyway, thanks again for the kind words new guy
Yeah your assessment is far far off base, but it's okay; forest / trees. Here's a clear-cut example of what I'm talking about:
I posted in the Amod thread that I didn't think (and hoho, was I wrong!) that Hard in Paint was Kegkilla simply due to Keg never hitting on me but this new guy has been multiple times. That was IT, and the village idiots replied to me and I replied back. You then proceeded to claim that I make every thread about me, failing to realize that my point was made with ONE post, and had people just left that alone, it would have been DONE. You're going to blame ME because others keep posting about me? Get fucking real. Gshurik is a bit of a "pop in just to troll the trolls" type dude but he immediately realized and stated exactly what was going on.
When others have thought that I was trying to hijack a thread, THAT is how it plays out most of the time. I respond to people that engage with me most of the time. If that's attention whoring to you, then... I really don't know what to tell you dude. Hate to break it to you, I'm also GIVEN a lot of attention even if I'm not even active, from positive, to playfully negative, to downright hateful. I think you're rational enough to see that that's true.
Also I'm the exact same, articulate poster I am now than I *ever* have been. I've just made a lot more enemies now than 3 years ago and have had more disagreements. The difference is in perception alone, sorry.
As far as Tanoomba, I was also much less active 2-3 years ago. When I popped into here as Vanessa, Tanoomba was just on his way out via his ban. I really hadn't seen how he engaged with others, what his posting style was... I was quite clueless about WHAT everyone thought was so awful about him. Since Puniehop slipped under the radar for a bit... if that's *exactly* how Tanoomba engaged, I cannot see what the fuck he did that's so wrong. Maybe it's a case of -you had to be there- but Puniehop didn't strike me as the massive retard you guys make Tanoomba out to be. So the guy didn't follow the common narrative around here. Big fucking whoop.
Lastly: Contrarian? Me a contrarian? Really dude? /eyeroll I agree with this forum a LOT; we (me vs. the common-think here) have disagreed on literally just 4 topics:
1) Punching women
2) Okay sign being white supremacist symbol (NOT saying it's legitimate!!!). Okay sign means white supremacist JUST LIKE American Inventor means black person. It's not a "real" definition as much as a contextual thing that SOME people use interchangeably.
3) Puberty blockers
4) ...uh, something else I can't even remember atm
No, you're still just the autistic dipshit you've always been.
People pop in here and say what you say all the time and I could tell you what I've said on page 1: I'd never expect or force you to call me *anything*; ever. People constantly pop in and say, "It's clearly a mental illness" when I have literally NEVER said otherwise. It IS a mental illness, congrats LoL~
Not trying to sound egotistical (it just comes natural), but I definitely can relate to movie stars who do interview after interview while promoting a film or whatever and get asked the same questions about the film over and over and over. It really does get tiring repeating yourself like a broken record... but at the same time, it's still all good... just saying I can understand.
Not only that but posting style similarities. Tanoomba at first wasn't too bad till he got overconfident, picking fights nonstop, unable to disregard any disagreement. Answering almost every wisecrack, claiming facts and victory and shit. Everybody wised up and started shitting on him relentlessly which only made him double down like a halfwit.Yeah I mean that's exactly what I've been pointing out from literally page 1 of this thread. Trannies on the internet make every single thing, post, game, thread, guild, etc. all about them. Because they are attention whores. Just like @Tanoomba
Others are starting to see it,Vanessa
Just like I said all along they would.
I am the Nostrahodjmas.
Every time I run for amod here, I win and get the highest vote count. Looks like you're the one that doesn't belong pal. There's a thousand other "nerd" communities that you can go be a fag in.The number of current and Ex-Mods in this thread who chose to engage in suicide baiting here is fucking disgusting.
The only thing you lot are demonstrating is how completely unfit you are and/or were for being in said "job" and how the lot of you should be fired or resign/be stripped of all board service type accolades. You -lack- everything needed for doing said job.
The main 99% reason we're all here is because we're gamers/dorks and came to this site throughout the last 20 years is because once again we're gamers.
All of this off the reservation Anti-Semite/Islam/Homo/Trans bullshit hatred belongs elsewhere and go fuck yourself if you've engaged in it.
Vanessa.. I find it incredibly difficult to believe in you and no when else more extremely than now. A trans person who desperately craves reassurance from their purported conservative tribe whose tribe then repeatedly shows you that they want nothing more than your literal death and who then keeps at it for more than a hundred pages by presenting factual evidence of etc etc etc... You're -NEVER- going to convince people like this of anything.
It doesn't matter whether you're dealing with sexuality things, climate change, anti-vaxx stuff, whatever.
FACTS DON'T IN ANY WAY AT ALL MATTER TO YOUR ATTEMPTED AUDIENCE/S in these cases. Their minds are made up and made of Impervium.
Stop feeding them trolls.
I care little if you're Conservative/Liberal or whatever but encouraging folks to suicide means you're trash, utter garbage.
Your type do -not- represent the majority of this board or U.S. society despite how bold you've been allowed to become here. Fuck off.
It's just people being edgy boys for internet props.
Every time I run for amod here, I win and get the highest vote count. Looks like you're the one that doesn't belong pal. There's a thousand other "nerd" communities that you can go be a fag in.
Or you can sack up and engage in the conversation instead of whining like an ineffectual pussy.