OK, saw something today which put another question into my head...
Stopping by the grocery store to pick up some things. I see someone who is pretty obviously trans and definitely "in transition". I can tell because this person looked almost exactly like Leonard from Big Bang Theory (including glasses and 5'o clock shadow) but with tits.
So the question : What do you feel the most awkward parts of your transition have been?
Most awkward part(s) are just a couple of things:
1) When hormones and my general attitude and mannerisms changed me from male to 'not-quite-female' but 'not-quite-male' either. The stares were horrible. I touched upon this earlier; being in that androgynous middle-stage, and the stares, misgendering, and general awkwardness whilst in society that comes along with that in-between stage is a critical time and takes a strong person to get through it absolutely unscathed and unhurt (emotionally, but certainly physically if you're in the wrong spot I assume). I had a girlfriend at the time, and anywhere we'd go, she'd confirm I was being stared at. I would literally look at ANYONE in a mall, Wal-Mart and they were already making eye contact with me. I'd say to her (just messing around, in this pitiful voice), "Why is everyone staring at me??" and she'd go, "Cuz they don't know what you are" and we'd laugh like schoolgirls about the whole thing. In hindsight, it was just as big on her part for not giving a flying flamingo fuck about it as much as I didn't care either. It
was hard tho to always feel eyes upon you and KNOW that no matter what you did you were being judged a curiosity at least and a freak at most, but as I've said quite a few times already, I had a really thick skin going through all this mess so it wasn't so so bad for me (personally).
2) Just being trans in a nutshell is amusingly awkward, even if nothing is visibly awkward from the get go. This sounds weird, but hear me out... here's a goofy example: I occasionally go to this Exxon right on the corner where my gym is in the morning to either get a) gas b) some snacks for work c) both. There's these same three fucking guys there; every goddamn morning... the ridiculous part is that it seems like only one of them works there... it's like Norm and Cliff are there hanging out to see Sam but they're just shooting the shit at a gas station instead of a bar at night. Anyway, without fail, they'll try to talk to me (doesn't hurt that I'm always in my gym clothes I guess) calling me honey, trying to be witty, talking about my car or me being at the gym; anything and everything just to make conversation. So I smile, laugh at their jokes, make as little small talk as humanly possible without being rude and that's that. So nothing I said above is awkward (short of them just being general creepers) but in my mind, sometimes I'll just randomly think in my head, "These stupid fucks have no, NO idea that I got a
cock rofl. No clue whatsoever" and they just carry on and in my head, that's just awkward as a shit. It's just invisible awkwardness. Just like when a nurse asked me if I was pregnant (just general question asked to female patients) and it's the same thing in my head... just like... how awkward a thing to take place just now!
You know how guys just seem to sweat more than girls and always have a nasty smelling butthole no matter how much they scrub with soap?
As a trans male, do you experience nasty swamp butthole? Most true females don't seem to experience this, atleast from my experiences eating pussy doggystyle with nose against a totally clean smelling butthole
Btw, I'm a trans-female. Trans-male is like Buck Angel.
I've never had the privilege to smell my own asshole (wtf, I just typed that... the question is; would I if I could??? Cue Unsolved Mysteries music) but this odor issue DOES change. Think back to when you were in the middle or high school locker room with the dudes... hormones raging; it smelled like a pungent almost vinegar-like bitterness, yes? I don't smell that way anymore. I stink if I don't shower just as a female will stink, but the odor is different indeed. Combine that with no hair down there and swamp butthole isn't really a thing.
This was a very pleasant side-effect of hormones that most people don't even realize can change... your male odor is eradicated. I remember getting sweaty pits and just doing the old "Sure deodorant commercial arm-raise test" would yield vinegar-y man-smell. As kinda silly as this is to say, I remember being on HRT for just a little while and I got super sweaty one day and smelled my pits (just because, idk) and it was like... absolutely odorless. My sweat just smelled like water.
what was the part you disliked most about being a man
This is a good question but hard one; The dichotomy between the inner vs. outer is something that is literally the "mental illness" at play and it's called Gender Dysphoria as a previous poster touched upon earlier. It's an anorexic seeing fat in places where there are bones 'n skin... it's like that I would assume. My body was this straight, hairy, muscular, blocky, ungraceful mass and I hated it. I hated clothes, and I never ever understood why I hated clothes and hated shopping for clothes. I'd see pretty dresses in the store and think "I wish I had a body that looked good in that". But the complete and utter irony is that I got along as a man just fine. Had no problem getting women interested in me, had good buddies and a good social life... played in a few bands and gigged regularly. But inside I just couldn't take the charade. I wasn't a man; I was a woman in a man's body faking being okay with being a man, but ultimately being good at it too.
I appreciate how twisted this sounds; I can hear the disdainful sighs of some of you saying "You're a man, you're not a woman, it is THIS form that is the charade... THIS is the character, not the real you". It's just not the case... we really are, for some reason science hasn't explained yet, born female souls with male bodies. I'm not here to convince a single one of you any different. Not my place, not my job, and I frankly don't care if you think I'm just deluded/lying/crazy

All I can really say is that I'm a perfectly sane person who used to have Gender Dysphoria and that was successfully overcome through transition.
Hey, we've got Secrets too who is our EQemu savior but I don't think the tits will compare.
No disrespect, but isn't Secrets a crossdresser? This is a different life/experience than a transsexual like myself. I'd have a very very difficult time passing as a male in society now and I think that's a huge difference between a transsexual and a crossdresser. If I'm wrong about Secrets's identity, please both accept my sincerest and deepest apology and also edify me.
I fucked a tranny once. I am hung like a horse and when I started pounding her hard her moans started sounding more like manly grunts which caused me to go limp :/
This... this is news worth reporting (no sarcasm, I LoL'd)
How about your adam's apple? Was that never quite visible or is there a way to lessen it's outstanding? Asking cuz the other day I saw this gorgeous girl (with a baby in tow) who had this quite extraordinarily visible adam's apple.
I have one. I haven't had a tracheal shave yet, but would like to get one soon. It's most noticeable if I'm looking up. What I'm about to say next will obviously depend on the person, but
in general an adam's apple doesn't out a trans-girl, but it CAN and DOES confirm suspicion. I hope this makes sense in the tersest way possible.
All of our tells are bad things; let's be clear as museum glass. When a girl passes, the positive feminine features are so numerous and the tells are so minimal as to not tip off the casual observer, but under scrutiny, just one minor tell can be enough of an indication to pass judgment and deem someone non-cis. As I've said in this thread, I've never ONCE been misgendered out in public, so I know for a fact that all my tells are so minimal that it doesn't immediately give the observer a concrete indication, but that's not to say I have always passed. I think someone like me will always be defaulted as a female and even under scrutiny and prying eyes... even if an observer KNEW I was trans (say, by my voice and adam's apple), the abundance of other feminine traits will still lend a stranger to call me ma'am, miss, her, she, etc. It's truly like a balancing scale; even if there are a surprising number of things that seem suspicious, the whole picture; the whole weight of the other side that indicate female will hold that assessment in place and see/gender/comprehend them as a female proper.