It's okay, honestly

I'm not in a depression per se, just getting over someone if I can be 100% blunt about it. We still talk and see each other which makes it a bit harder, but w/e. Like I said, just normal life stuff, nothing to do with said thread topic.
Maybe I'm a bit biased, but i'd put it at "lips up" is on point. Again, my chin and jaw suck and I totally see a dude if I look in the mirror from lips down
Asians make the best trannies, bar none!
Good pic showing hip-waist ratio and my face profile. Ratio is okay and I'm happy, don't get me wrong, but it's not quite cis-female proportions and that's a bummer. I think just +1 inch on hips and -1 inch on waist would be "it" but oh well~
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Edit: Also, after all these posts, I certainly HOPE that at this point you know me well enough and trust that you can ask me anything AT ALL without feeling like you're going to hurt my feelings or feel like it's too sensitive or cruel or mean a thing to say, ask, comment about. I realize, as Gauze has pointed out, that the general 'zeitgeist' of the trans-world is one of overly-sensitive snowflakes that you need to walk on eggshells around and respect. Rofl, fuck that noise~ We chop our balls off, true, but we should still have a pair mentally.