Right. Please recall I have said multiple times that what I want is for the right people to receive the right treatment. Some people may be okay with one type of treatment and some may be okay with another type. This is PRECISELY why I can't just write off early transition and puberty blockers because for some highly dysphoric kids, this is absolutely the right choice. If you guys had your way and puberty blockers were taken away as an option and teens couldn't transition until 18 or 21 or whatever you define an "adult" you would be harming more kids than not. A lot of you have this unrealistic idea that EVERY child that has dysphoria is transitioned... this is simply NOT true and I have posted evidence to support this just a handful of pages back.With GD however, a full transition (with or without SRS) is not a cure for everyone.
If this were the case and the 20% AND the 80% were put on puberty blockers BAR NONE, then I would say right here and now, like RIGHT NOW in this post that this is too far and proper GD diagnosis needs to be nailed down before another child is put on puberty blockers. That's why I said this:
It's not that I think the majority of you guys aren't justified into feeling the way you do about this whole puberty blocker bullshit... it's that I think you think things are one way and in the real world things are entirely different.
Do you think Psychologists and Endos working with trannies want to be sued for malpractice or unethical treatments? Now imagine that threat and how much that threat is multiplied when working with children. This far-right conspiracy shit that doctors are just puppets of the left wanting to destroy society and the atomic family by creating a new generation of kid trannies is just pure fucking nonsense and insanity. I have the utmost faith that docs are doing their damn best to ensure that only highly dysphoric adolescents are going through transition at young ages which, of course, lead to no regret. As I've stated, the papers I have read show this to be the case. If you or anyone else has evidence to the contrary, POST IT.
If GD could be nailed down easier, earlier, and more effectively (and more accurately, which is the most important thing I think we're all concerned about here) and every transgender person could transition early instead of later, these issues solve themselves (sans the neo-vag / neo-cock... SRS is a reality that no matter WHAT age you transition, will be a problematic issue... that's the nature of the beast that will literally NEVER be adequately solved/cured).It might be for some, but for others they might experience regret, or they might have deeper mental health issues that were not treated first. Or, they might still have GD after the fact, such as the realization that after SRS they have a rather poor neo-vagina, or their breasts don't grow after years of estrogen or they are unable to speak in a more womanly tone, or they have a very pronounced jawline, or adams apple. Despite fully transitioning, things still do not work like a, as the SJWs say, "cis-woman" and this leads to a disappointment.
As I stated before, this would even solve the transgender-ruining-sports fiasco. Trannies only ruin sports because of advantages of biological puberty happening before transition.
Well right out of the gate, no one fakes GD... that's an extremely poor word choice. I think the transtrenders which are scientifically classified as ROGD cases are both victim and active participants in what Candace's guest called a "peer contagion" or an almost "social virus" where I truly believe that they truly believe they are transgender, but which they will very likely detransition because they aren't transitioning to cure a real GD in their mind/heart/soul but for other social reasons. Here's where I'd like to point out that I don't think adolescents fall victim to this... I think true GD manifests itself, as I stated, at birth and there will be signs that the parents will see long before social contagion can reach them. THIS is why I still stand behind the notion that, even though GD NEEDS better and clearer diagnosis, very young transitioners are very likely doing MUCH better via transition than late teen / early twenties transitioners insofar as cases of REGRET and the wish to DETRANSITION.If one fakes their GD, and it's not genuine, what are the consequences? Conversely, what are the consequences if someone goes into a doctors office to get migraine pills when they actually are not suffering from a migraine?
^ Remember my words here folks ^ bookmark this and quote me years down the road... I absolutely assure you that time will show this to be true. I will fucking videotape and share on YouTube me eating bull testicles if I'm proven wrong about this.
I'm not arguing about any of this... you're correct. I think you're a bit too focused on my migraine analogy for the wrong reasons... you're somewhat preaching to the choir. I was, again, merely making a comparison in this more in agreement that it's a bit too easy to diagnose something much more serious. I'd love to see more biological components in diagnosis of GD.When you started taking estrogen for the first time, I have to assume that this was a life-changing time for you. You were going to be completely different. You were leaving your "man" behind, and starting your journey to develop into the woman you are today. You would also expect (to a reasonable degree in your case, since you're a much more reasonable transgender than others) society to change the way it looked at you -- M to an F on your driver license, perhaps your birth certificate change. Using the ladies room. Now contrast this to a medical condition around migraines and headaches. Is taking your migraine pills, or advil a life-changing moment for you? Is it going to fundamentally change your inner hormones? Are you changing a major facet of your body and life for the rest of your life (correct me if I'm wrong but when you grow boobs on estrogen they don't ever go away)? Are there any expectations for society to look at you different, because you cured yourself of a headache?
Yeah well that's what Candace and her guest were predicting in the near future... lawsuitsThe higher the risk of complications of a misdiagnosis, the less likely a doctor is going to willy-nilly prescribe something to you.
Transvestites aren't trannies. Completely different problems here as transvestites aren't really dysphoric and are perfectly comfortable being men. You're comparing mall cops to state police (an analogy I've used before with great satisfaction haha).Extremely valid points. To be honest I think transvestites do pretty well here in the middle ground. That’s pretty harmless long term.
Not arguing with any of this, though age isn't the only reason I'm not okay with chopping off legs and blackface heh. Correct (mostly).If a trans-abled adolescent wanted their leg lopped off in order to be permanently disabled, do you feel it's a correct solution? Do you believe that trans-racial adolescents should be able to change their race earlier? Perhaps apply blackface at 12?
I suspect your answer is no. And why? Because you would argue that there is no advantage to lopping your legs off at 12 vs. 25, or changing your race as 12 vs. 25, but with GD, there IS an advantage, because if a MtF transitions at say, 10 years old, they will look almost indistinguishably female once they are 18 and this is something that simply does not happen if you started transitioning at say 25. The older you are in your transition the less it will "look" proper.
You know why... you're smart and reasonable Aladain. I'm going to let you answer your own question because you know the answer. (hint: why do trans people have a higher suicide rate at all? Why is Jerle dead and I'm alive and happy?)To which I would ask: Why would your looks matter in this scenario? What is the the actual "cure" part of GD? Is it whacking off the cock and balls and having a hole or is it growing breasts, or is it simply being passable? Is the answer the same for everyone? Other than physical appearance, what does transitioning at 12 give you vs. 25?
LoLfurries for those degenerate fucks (hey, wait a second...)
I guarantee you (completely conjecture, but I would bet history will prove me right) that a lionshare of the people that have GD have it because they are subjected to "perfectness" and very attractive physical appearances everywhere and they want to be that. Anime girls, for example..
The best credit I can give to you with this line of thought is that you'd be describing someone that doesn't have GD but some twisted form of vanity... if that was your entire point that there are other mental problems that can mimic GD, then that's well met... but if you're trying to say that this is part and parcel of GD, then I'd disagree and call that quite the stretch.Hey 12 year old girl, don't worry about all the bullshit of having to look pretty every day, just be a boy! Etc.
Research has been done... a shitload of it. You're conflating a wish for MORE and BETTER research into this with NO research being done it sounds like. I think you know that that's a shallow basis for the argument at hand.Why are people advocating for GD treatments before research has been done, and not after like everything else? I mean, overall your point is fair, but I really disagree with the notion that we have to transition pre-pubescent children into other genders simply because they would "look better" post transition. That's a recipe for disaster.
That's worked so well in the past, lemme tell you. Projectioning dipwad is on ignore anyway, he'd be whining to the wind.Holy wall of text! We needhodj here to quiet her up!
Anyway guys... I'm sleepy and it's way past bedtime
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