Well tranny dicks have more shit on them than straight dicksDo gays get Pavlovian (over time) with the smell of poop, associating it with sex?
As one gets better at masturbation, does it change their position on the gay spectrum? Like is it a gateway to handling all dicks as well?
I'm sorry you don't seem to have either the time or inclination like some of the other regulars here to post/debate/argue/whineYeah, I don't think that's the right approach, at least not for me. I try to be mindful of what I am saying, I don't want to let emotions or conditioning or whatever it is lead me too say something about a subject I really had no business saying. I try to apply that same kind of thing to thoughts but that's harder. Everyone just talks shit sometimes, it happens, but I also want to be empathetic, so in the case of a subject like trans issues it's probably better for me to just not talk about it rather than give uninformed opinions. I don't have the least idea what it is like to be trans, I discussed this at some length with Ms B back in the day and got nowhere. You can try to empathize with someone's plight without really understanding it, but it's another thing to then try and act as if you have some insight.
I get that yeah, you'd call that 20% "real trannies" and that's fine, for our purposes here if we go on the assumption that's true, that leaves us with 80% who aren't and no way to really tell who is and isn't until after the fact, sometimes very far after the fact. In all cases, there's no recourse. We can't rewind time or undo what is done. I can try a thought experiment and put myself in the place of all the people involved here. Be the parent who sought treatment for their kid, try and understand the pressures they are under. Be the kid who probably doesn't understand what they are feeling, ask yourself if they understand the choices being given to them. This is the only real insight I have on the situation, that and knowing about having kids and the challenges of that and also about how it feels to deal with a child with a mental health issue. And that's really where I get off, when we're talking about treatment for adults then that's a totally different discussion, but you hear something like that Adam Ruins Everything guy on Joe Rogan and he is far, far too cavalier about what amount to experimenting on children.
Very mature outlook, thanks for saying that.You can try to empathize with someone's plight without really understanding it, but it's another thing to then try and act as if you have some insight.
It's not an assumption by any means, it's just what it is. An adolescent shows gender incongruence/dysphoria. They enter into puberty and still show gender incongruence/dysphoria. They enter into adulthood and are STILL gender incongruent/dysphoric. That's your 20%. How are they NOT legitimate trannies? LoL. One "fact" that is not proven by science yet but will be soon enough is that you are born with this... GD doesn't just manifest later in life, nor does it go away. It is lifelong and innate. You can either trust me, the tranny who has both memories, family anecdotes of my youth (3/4/5 yrs old) and the countless hours of being in/around the trans-community (<--heh) under her belt or run wild with your own ideas and notions based on.... what exactly? These trannies getting ROGD in their teens/early twenties and shit are the social plague you guys hear about most. They are your detransitioners i.e. "not real trannies". OMG Vanessa that's so transphobic of you! Yeah hi there, my name is Idon'tgiveafuck. Pleasure to meet ya; have you met my friend Ionlylikethetruth?I get that yeah, you'd call that 20% "real trannies" and that's fine, for our purposes here if we go on the assumption that's true, that leaves us with 80% who aren't and no way to really tell who is and isn't until after the fact, sometimes very far after the fact.
Hence puberty blockers. It merely halts the onset of secondary sexual characteristics. It doesn't stop height growth or any other function... it delays the pituitary gland from kickstarting all the bad shit that would cause a tranny discomfort/stress. It is completely "reversible", don't be fooled by bullshit on the intertubes: This is exactly why puberty blockers are prescribed instead of just putting a teen on hormone replacement therapy once puberty starts.In all cases, there's no recourse.
I certainly try to do what you said in many many situations in life... empathy is a very strong learning tool so to speak. Southpark got one thing right about that classic Naggers episode where at the end one of the boys told the black kid, "I don't get it, and I never will get it". There's nuance there because that doesn't mean you automatically jump to the conclusion that just because you can't relate to being black that suddenly the world is now full of white privilege... it just means that your life experience is essentially completely foreign to me. Example is... well... me. I'm a tranny. I live as a tranny 24/7. There's no waking up and "feeling like a male today". I can say with 100% certitude that this victimhood narrative of trans oppression in the world is a pile of horseshit, just as black and latino conservatives would say that their "oppression" is a pile of horseshit too.This is the only real insight I have on the situation
It's been around since biblical times, yes! ...that's why God hates me so much according to FoH atheists who love God so much and know His teachings better than I do. I'll be waiting for your follow-up post for the cure to general trannyism too. I'm actually saving that link, thanks pal... I know you were shitposting with it but you'd be surprised what I save around here that actually supports my beliefs.Could the scourge of tranny tyranny have been an issue 399 years ago? Indeed, I did some research and found out this is indeed true.
Now, This publication promises a cure for general trannyism this so I'll be sure to post it when I find out.
As much as you get it and get me, iannis, I gotta say that you is cray cray if you think I'm going to stick my head in the sand in the face of research and personal wisdom heh, and in fact I'll bet you $100.00 right here and now that by the summer of 2024 there will be more evidence for my stance, not against it. I'm not going anywhere friend, and (God-willing) both the forum and you and I should be here in 2024I doubt it. Nessa takes breaks sometimes. Sometimes long ones iirc. Probably gettin some strange.
I honestly think bashing against the hate-wall helps him in some way to refine his arguments, at least internally. But it can get wearisome. Mistrust any change that is too sudden or seems too convienent. There are some seeds that have been planted that probably took root. In five years, nessa probably won't be for giving kids hormone treatments. But he's got to come to it himself, and it takes time.
It's all a process.
Apparently we did run off Zap though. Either that or Hawaii got nuked and no one's willing to talk about it.
You guys know how this works by now... you know, basing things off the ONE time it happened before LoL. This is the post I made when I returned. Where's the "busy with RL, repost of the same argument and/or wit" in that and subsequent posts you intellectual munchkin? Why why WHY WHY WHY do the people who hate me the most say the most ridiculous mistruths about me? ...um. Yeah I just answered my own question I think. I guess that's all you really have to "beat up" anymore... some strawman caricature instead of the real deal Holyfield. I left for just over two weeks after my first dogpile there LoL... that was literally the first and only time I took a break until now which is my (shorter) second one.You guys know how this works by now; Vanessa gets run off, comes back a week or more later, claims "real life had me busy lols", makes some witty replies with a calm, collective tone to give the failed impression of "no, you guys have no chance of running me off TEE HEE" then reposts the same argument ad nauseum, picks a new target that hasn't been argued with yet that showed up in the last week or so, and the cycle begins anew.
Hmmmm, lemme take a wild guess here...... The Strawman you and Phazael have been building for dozens of pages now?Remind me again which of us wants to pump kids full of hormones to fuck up their natural development?
Wait, did Vanessa actually leave? Was she finally run off?
Man, I just transitioned to live life all snug n cozy-like; It wasn't about sexuality for me so idk... uh so I guess yes, discussing sexuality of other transgirls is a harder convo for me. I can't tell you the prevalence of this but I have absolutely seen some attractive trannies with nice honkers that get into livestreaming and gaming and probably totally get off on confused nerd dick going gaga over them. I'm totally wanting to having a more fabulous version of myself who is more flamboyant and sexually "free" share some info on trans hookups and where the common avenues of that take place on the forum... someone recruit a new lefty tranny here. WeDo some of them like larping and cruising for confused nerd dick? Sounds kind of like this forum, except we all old nerd dick now.
Vanessa how does a tranny typically approach cruising in the lgbt or straight community on hooking up? Harder conversation?
This is too gay even for a tranny thread. You've crossed a dangerous line, buddy.Do gays get Pavlovian (over time) with the smell of poop, associating it with sex?
As one gets better at masturbation, does it change their position on the gay spectrum? Like is it a gateway to handling all dicks as well?
It should. Unlike some of my hater-tots here, I love life and I love that that fact is unbelievable to them; it's highlarious to moi.Vanessa won't an hero. That would honestly, really surprise me.
I was going to post when I gave your post a like a couple days ago but I instead decided I wanted to just make one huge post instead of a buncha replies so it's taken me some time to toss all this into the bag so to speak.I just got a like on a post in this thread from Vanessa. She’s lurking haha
i doubt it, if that were the case regular dudes be going crazy over doing the whitesDo gays get Pavlovian (over time) with the smell of poop, associating it with sex?
As one gets better at masturbation, does it change their position on the gay spectrum? Like is it a gateway to handling all dicks as well?
This new wall-o-words will get more shitposty as time elapses; I'll get the 'internet is serious business' stuff cleaned off the plate first:
I recently went to my PCP because I had a wicked migraine. It was the kind that caused involuntary vomiting due to the severity of the migraine. I've been to her before for migraines (no, it's not a toooomah) and she prescribed me some butalbacetometaphin (3in1 kinda pill... and I'm positive I butchered that spelling). Shit didn't work... not well anyway. A close co-worker suggested Imitrex to me a while ago because one day she walked into the restroom and I was throwing up & crying because of a migraine and she said it was a game-changer for her migraines. So I brought that up to the doc and badabing, badaboom... call me Tyen cuz I just got me some TREX. It worked well... the real test will be a few weeks down the road when symptoms start again.
Of course, that got me thinking
Did my PCP take my blood for a positive diagnosis of my migraine? Did she do an MRI? Did she pull up peer-reviewed studies on migraines to go over with me while I sit there suffering? No, she listened to her patient's complaints. She prescribed meds. E-Z-P-Z. Was my migraine part of some conspiracy? Was my pain faked? Did I just want to get out of work? OMGAWD so many issues over a migraine! Well knuckleheads, this is how shit works in the real world. People don't just waltz in to a doctor's office on a Thursday late morning complaining of a migraine when in actuality they're perfectly fine. That'd be... special indeed. Possible tho? Meeeebe! Likely? I dunno, how bored are you and how much money do you have to cough up copays and insurance claims etc.
So obviously Gender Dysphoria is an entirely different and new animal than migraines, both in diagnosis and treatment. For starters, GD is (or still should be, if the left hasn't get their way) much more scrutinized. You don't just walk into a gender clinic, say you're trans and dysphoric and get meds. Granted it's easier than I thought as time has gone by (see below) but I don't think it's just wham bam thank you macho-ma'am. Try it... video tape it, put it on YouTube, show the world how EASY it is to get life-changing titty-skittles prescribed to you. Make and/or show me that video, and I'll be one of the first people calling that facility to complain, I promise! (think: Lauren Southern is a man type vid but with meds) Some countries have 1 year RLE before getting meds. Some countries have much much less. Gatekeepers = good. Informed consent = bad. It helps people find the drugs they need, not just the drugs they think they need because of YouTubers.
Point is --> The medical community accepts a patient's headache symptoms on their own, but GD needs a bit more "proof" but still relies, like migraines, on the patient merely making their complaints known. But it's not proof enough, can't we all agree on that? Everyone's (well, everyone who's actually tried to discuss this instead of the useless degenerates) has made a good case about their stance, and I love that the dialogue is moving forward through multiple avenues. Even Candace Owens is weighing in on the discussion and what do you know, yet another guest (conservative journalist, but still... she's right) reaffirming my stance on the matter: There are genuine young people out there with GD who need help to transition to have a better life for themselves while simultaneously acknowledging what many have you brought up before... the 80/20 situation. <--- this is the heart of the matter where people need to focus on. If by now you're still coat-tailing this notion that GD doesn't even exist and that NONE of these kids are really trans and suffering, then you're essentially falling off the map insofar as the dialogue at this point. They also talk about peer contagion which is essentially the ROGD that Brown's Uni studied and showed that a lot of these newfangled trannies are merely doing this not to curb GD but to fit in with a clique or whatever... i.e. what I've been talking about for years here! Transtrenders! This is all very worrisome and I know many of you are worried too but what makes this so complex and difficult to understand is the nuanced distinctions in all of this mess. What should be happening RIGHT NOW is more scrutiny, psychiatric care, and methods in determining GD in patients. I think rational, sensible people would want this. I think the far right just wants us dead and non-existent, and I think the left wants the opposite of what I want: less scrutiny, less psychiatric care, and less research in determining GD in patients. So far, it seems the left is winning this fight, doesn't it?
What's important is that we keep talking about it as a group, as a society, as a core to ensure everyone is getting the help they need and are happy. Limiting drugs that have been shown to help certain people is NOT the answer, I'm sorry... you guys are wrong and you know it and I know that's a hard pill to swallow but you need to come to terms with that fact.
Oh, and as far as my lack of participation (I'm putting that in a diplomatic light haha):
This thread has waves of activity... I have NO ONE to take the reins when dogpiles happen and I can't even keep up! Thought Morrow would have been a fighter but she cracked after like two of Erronius's posts... I was like, holy shit... So anyway. One of me, many of you (this has been filmed before, hasn't it?). It's not that I think the majority of you guys aren't justified into feeling the way you do about this whole puberty blocker bullshit... it's that I think you think things are one way and in the real world things are entirely different. Yes, I find the irony in that statement absolutely delicious.
I'm sorry you don't seem to have either the time or inclination like some of the other regulars here to post/debate/argue/whineYou at least seem... chill? Everyone has an opinion. You not knowing the ins and outs of the trannyverse (why would you really?) doesn't make your opinion less important than anyone else... it's up to observers to determine who has more credibility, true, but where this thread has taken a massive turn is the debate of the younger tranny population, and I think it's accurate to call that topic a social ethics issue with more import than some wacky adults chopping off their dicks to look cute in a leotard.
Let me dig into your post a bit though because yours is the most interesting of the bunch after my last post.
Very mature outlook, thanks for saying that.
It's not an assumption by any means, it's just what it is. An adolescent shows gender incongruence/dysphoria. They enter into puberty and still show gender incongruence/dysphoria. They enter into adulthood and are STILL gender incongruent/dysphoric. That's your 20%. How are they NOT legitimate trannies? LoL. One "fact" that is not proven by science yet but will be soon enough is that you are born with this... GD doesn't just manifest later in life, nor does it go away. It is lifelong and innate. You can either trust me, the tranny who has both memories, family anecdotes of my youth (3/4/5 yrs old) and the countless hours of being in/around the trans-community (<--heh) under her belt or run wild with your own ideas and notions based on.... what exactly? These trannies getting ROGD in their teens/early twenties and shit are the social plague you guys hear about most. They are your detransitioners i.e. "not real trannies". OMG Vanessa that's so transphobic of you! Yeah hi there, my name is Idon'tgiveafuck. Pleasure to meet ya; have you met my friend Ionlylikethetruth?
Here's a 'truth' to chew on in that survey: "117 of the individuals surveyed had medically transitioned. Of these, only 41 received therapy beforehand. The average length of counseling for those who did attend was 9 months, with a median and mode of 3, minimum of 1, and a maximum of 60. I’d like to have something cool to say here, but I’m honestly just stunned at the fact that 65% of these women had no therapy at all before transition." <--- Dude, FUCK THAT. That's ridiculous, regardless of how unscientific the survey was conducted (social media poll). It also shows how easy it is for non-real trannies to slip through the cracks, even the ones that have undergone therapy. This is a problem... a big problem. Cue the typicals with their nonsense like "Yeah and you want to force this kinda shaky stuff on kids!!!" No, Tardicus Maximus, I want stricter therapy guidelines and more research done, as I've been saying from the start. Call me crazy, but I trust cops, I trust judges, and I DO trust doctors. You can take me off the "paranoid shitball" rsvp list; I actually have 0 issues with authority.
When the papers talked about the 80%, they mentioned adolescents that showed some gender incongruence/dysphoria but after puberty found that they were just gay males or lesbian girls. I forgot who it was but paaaages and pages ago someone mentioned they may have been trans in their early life but just turned out to be a gay-boi and were grateful they grew up in the time they did instead of now because they'd hate to be a tranny today. Hi 80%... it's me, the 20%.
If you or anyone else disagrees with what I'm saying here, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts as to why.
Hence puberty blockers. It merely halts the onset of secondary sexual characteristics. It doesn't stop height growth or any other function... it delays the pituitary gland from kickstarting all the bad shit that would cause a tranny discomfort/stress. It is completely "reversible", don't be fooled by bullshit on the intertubes: This is exactly why puberty blockers are prescribed instead of just putting a teen on hormone replacement therapy once puberty starts.
To repeat myself, the irony of all this faux outrage over puberty blockers is that they have been used for decades before trannies were even on the social map and having these drugs administered to us.
I certainly try to do what you said in many many situations in life... empathy is a very strong learning tool so to speak. Southpark got one thing right about that classic Naggers episode where at the end one of the boys told the black kid, "I don't get it, and I never will get it". There's nuance there because that doesn't mean you automatically jump to the conclusion that just because you can't relate to being black that suddenly the world is now full of white privilege... it just means that your life experience is essentially completely foreign to me. Example is... well... me. I'm a tranny. I live as a tranny 24/7. There's no waking up and "feeling like a male today". I can say with 100% certitude that this victimhood narrative of trans oppression in the world is a pile of horseshit, just as black and latino conservatives would say that their "oppression" is a pile of horseshit too.
Yeah you have bigots out there and that's a reality of life... shit, many post here and like to claim that I think that EVERYONE here is a bigot that disagrees with me (hi hyperbole, nice to meet you), but the bigots are dying out, thank God. I'd say "cya in hell" but I won't be there bros. Stay warm without me. The hate is only really online; I have never had a situation froth up in real life and idc what you clowns think about me, but my life is completely normal. Many would call it boring in fact... Jessika wasn't my alt heh. IOOTI !!!!!!!!!
It's been around since biblical times, yes! ...that's why God hates me so much according to FoH atheists who love God so much and know His teachings better than I do. I'll be waiting for your follow-up post for the cure to general trannyism too. I'm actually saving that link, thanks pal... I know you were shitposting with it but you'd be surprised what I save around here that actually supports my beliefs.
As much as you get it and get me, iannis, I gotta say that you is cray cray if you think I'm going to stick my head in the sand in the face of research and personal wisdom heh, and in fact I'll bet you $100.00 right here and now that by the summer of 2024 there will be more evidence for my stance, not against it. I'm not going anywhere friend, and (God-willing) both the forum and you and I should be here in 2024
Zapatta will be back. We all come back... even banned people come back!
You guys know how this works by now... you know, basing things off the ONE time it happened before LoL. This is the post I made when I returned. Where's the "busy with RL, repost of the same argument and/or wit" in that and subsequent posts you intellectual munchkin? Why why WHY WHY WHY do the people who hate me the most say the most ridiculous mistruths about me? ...um. Yeah I just answered my own question I think. I guess that's all you really have to "beat up" anymore... some strawman caricature instead of the real deal Holyfield. I left for just over two weeks after my first dogpile there LoL... that was literally the first and only time I took a break until now which is my (shorter) second one.
People making up shit about me on this forum is actually becoming a thing and I find it pretty amazing. Hell, keep it up; can't wait to see who I become in 2020.
P.S. you're still an insignificant nobody Asmadai. Relish that status!!!
Hmmmm, lemme take a wild guess here...... The Strawman you and Phazael have been building for dozens of pages now?
View attachment 210344
No one's ever really gone
Short of being banned, naw, I'd never abandon the best forum on the interbutts... you guys are theheroesassholes that I deserve, but not the assholes that I need.
Man, I just transitioned to live life all snug n cozy-like; It wasn't about sexuality for me so idk... uh so I guess yes, discussing sexuality of other transgirls is a harder convo for me. I can't tell you the prevalence of this but I have absolutely seen some attractive trannies with nice honkers that get into livestreaming and gaming and probably totally get off on confused nerd dick going gaga over them. I'm totally wanting to having a more fabulous version of myself who is more flamboyant and sexually "free" share some info on trans hookups and where the common avenues of that take place on the forum... someone recruit a new lefty tranny here. Weneedwant this voice here.
This is too gay even for a tranny thread. You've crossed a dangerous line, buddy.
It should. Unlike some of my hater-tots here, I love life and I love that that fact is unbelievable to them; it's highlarious to moi.
I was going to post when I gave your post a like a couple days ago but I instead decided I wanted to just make one huge post instead of a buncha replies so it's taken me some time to toss all this into the bag so to speak.
My ultimate goal is to essentially write my first book about all this stuff in the form of ONE POST.
View attachment 210369
Aye, read the whole thing, I acknowledged obvious differences in that comparison based on diagnosis and treatment (and you're right, based on physical/mental roots too) but I made the comparison merely to point out that docs will prescribe stuff loosely based on patient complaint, and on that one point, they are similar. I'm saying that something as life-altering as a medical transition needs much more scrutiny than merely getting Imitrex for migraines.Comparing a headache to GD may not be the best. That’s comparing a physical ailment to a mental illness. I’ll try to read through the rest of the post wall later. Bravo on post length.
Vanessa said:The medical community accepts a patient's headache symptoms on their own, but GD needs a bit more "proof" but still relies, like migraines, on the patient merely making their complaints known. But it's not proof enough, can't we all agree on that? Everyone's (well, everyone who's actually tried to discuss this instead of the useless degenerates) has made a good case about their stance, and I love that the dialogue is moving forward through multiple avenues. Even Candace Owens is weighing in on the discussion and what do you know, yet another guest (conservative journalist, but still... she's right) reaffirming my stance on the matter: There are genuine young people out there with GD who need help to transition to have a better life for themselves while simultaneously acknowledging what many have you brought up before... the 80/20 situation. <--- this is the heart of the matter where people need to focus on.
Aye, read the whole thing, I acknowledged obvious differences in that comparison based on diagnosis and treatment (and you're right, based on physical/mental roots too) but I made the comparison merely to point out that docs will prescribe stuff loosely based on patient complaint, and on that one point, they are similar. I'm saying that something as life-altering as a medical transition needs much more scrutiny than merely getting Imitrex for migraines.
Cool story bro. Can we have some tits now?
In all seriousness, I need to address just this part of your post:
Here's my problems with what you said here, and bear with me - I am not lithose, I don't order my thoughts very eloquently from time to time.
A migraine and/or headache is an exceptionally common medical condition that everyone, at some point in their lives, has. Unless you die at a very young age, you're going to experience this at one point in your life, and then upon taking appropriate medicines, you're cured of the migraine/headache episode. Your migraine may re-appear later in life, as does your headaches, but they are by en large, easily cured -- those responsive to aspirin can actually cure these issues with as little as 10 cents.
With GD however, a full transition (with or without SRS) is not a cure for everyone. It might be for some, but for others they might experience regret, or they might have deeper mental health issues that were not treated first. Or, they might still have GD after the fact, such as the realization that after SRS they have a rather poor neo-vagina, or their breasts don't grow after years of estrogen or they are unable to speak in a more womanly tone, or they have a very pronounced jawline, or adams apple. Despite fully transitioning, things still do not work like a, as the SJWs say, "cis-woman" and this leads to a disappointment.
Do these such issues ever arise when prescribing medication for a headache or migraine? After taking the medication and the migraine goes away, do you find yourself wishing that you still were in bed, vomiting, and kneeling over in pain? Do you ever feel like after your migraine cure, that you're were not actually cured of it. That your body just doesn't work like it did before the migraine, despite months of time after no longer having the migraine?
If one fakes their GD, and it's not genuine, what are the consequences? Conversely, what are the consequences if someone goes into a doctors office to get migraine pills when they actually are not suffering from a migraine?
When you started taking estrogen for the first time, I have to assume that this was a life-changing time for you. You were going to be completely different. You were leaving your "man" behind, and starting your journey to develop into the woman you are today. You would also expect (to a reasonable degree in your case, since you're a much more reasonable transgender than others) society to change the way it looked at you -- M to an F on your driver license, perhaps your birth certificate change. Using the ladies room. Now contrast this to a medical condition around migraines and headaches. Is taking your migraine pills, or advil a life-changing moment for you? Is it going to fundamentally change your inner hormones? Are you changing a major facet of your body and life for the rest of your life (correct me if I'm wrong but when you grow boobs on estrogen they don't ever go away)? Are there any expectations for society to look at you different, because you cured yourself of a headache?
In summary: Of course not. The higher the risk of complications of a misdiagnosis, the less likely a doctor is going to willy-nilly prescribe something to you. Any male can walk into a doctors office and get viagra without second thought, because the complications of a misdiagnosis are practically zero. In your case, the reason the doctor was so willing to prescribe you something for a migraine without a second thought, was simply because the consequences of that prescription if it was a misdiagnosis is trivial to zero.
I'm not familiar with the phrase, doing the whitesi doubt it, if that were the case regular dudes be going crazy over doing the whites
Point is --> The medical community accepts a patient's headache symptoms on their own, but GD needs a bit more "proof" but still relies, like migraines, on the patient merely making their complaints known. But it's not proof enough, can't we all agree on that?
you guys are theheroesassholes that I deserve, but not the assholes that I need.
1) The evidence still shows that the correct solution is to help trans-adolescents with an early start to transition. So I'm not backpedaling on this fact until research shows otherwise... I don't think it will but being a (generally) open-minded person... well I'll just say, let's let the research speak for itself.
2) We need, NEED better research with all of this. Like... yesterday.