Every time I get a Facebook IM bubble from some dude that I was friends with years ago with a virus attached (see pic [this was a generic GIS pic, not from the actual IMs I've received]) I always suspect they were looking at some shiesty-ass pr0n at that exact moment and their embarrassment is now magnified x1000 as their dick is flopping around and they're getting barraged with these awkward IMs from old flames, 2nd cousins, ex-coworkers, and that one
2am last call at the bar hookup that you haven't thought about for ages because of how Facebook algorithms filter out posts from people you don't interact with but neither of you care enough (or are being far too empathetic) to simply unfriend them saying "Hey dude you got a virus on your phone" or whatever. (<--epic run-on sentence) Then I think about the poor sheep that actually CLICK on the links and what kind of tomfuckery is going to befall their phone and info and it's just a mess... a damn mess.
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So my thought train for the night is: who is the pasty white dweeb who actually codes this kinda shit, sends it out there, and how do they reap the benefits of said virus? Not that I'm interested in "learning the ropes" of hackers or anything like that... just wondering, y'know? I'm a curious cat

A virus that sends out an IM like that to literally EVERY FB friend is evil and I'm positive the person(s) who coded it wasn't a Trump supporter~
Anyway... on to the responses:
Look at you, Gerbil! You deserve a kit-kat break with all that elbow grease you've been putting into this thread lately!!! No clue what I'm talking about? Oh I just thought you've been overworking yourself building that huge strawman of me that you'd
really love to dismantle.
I think biology is wonderful... you just
want me to think I'm against it. I'm okay with the Falwell comparison but Lenin? C'mon dude... that's a nut punch.
What I enjoy is that your answer to Methhawk's post is what/how I would've answered too. The fundamental aspects of evolution I understand perfectly well. I merely think it's bullshit. You and wormies hot take on this is that anyone that says evolution is bullshit is too stupid to understand it. Your argument (correct me if I'm wrong) is that the proper understanding of evolution is to also believe it to be true... and vice versa: that believing it to be false (as I do) MUST be a lack of knowledge about it. Is that accurate?
Do you feel a little odd that I
agree with 7 of these 10 points? (The Hitler gets an agree but I still need to
comment so I don't potentially give future me 'splainin to do LoL!!!)
202 pages in and people
still think calling me a man is something I get offended over or
disagree with. How sad.
1. There is no god - Hey... it's your soul friend, not mine. A lot of Christians feel that their calling and/or goal of life is the Great Commission. I kinda like the line said by Lucifer in that shitty 90s movie (can't remember the title right now) that sums up how I feel about trying to preach to others, proselytize, and be converters: "God is love. I don't love you". I wouldn't wish eternal separation from God on
anyone (i.e. what plebs call Hell), but I'm not going to lie and say "I love you, and I only tell you to turn to Christ
because I love you". That's a lie... I don't love you. I care for you enough as a fellow human being that I can say that I sincerely hope you understand and accept the truth before your ticket is punched, but it'd be disingenuous to pretend that your salvation makes me weep at night. Again, you say there is no God... it's your soul, not mine.
2. All religions are a money grabbing scams - Bad grammar aside, you
do realize that preachers and other church employees need to eat and pay their personal bills just like you, yes? You
do realize that members
want to tithe, yes? Now here's a fun little mental exercise for you: List out all the private businesses that you know of that you can get service from that you don't HAVE to pay for said service? What restaurant can you go to for a meal and after you're done, have the manager say "Other patrons paid today, it's okay... enjoy your meal on us". How about that landlord that tells you "all the other renters have paid; we're more than set for this month... you're covered". What can we say about that car dealership that tells you "We'd really appreciate it if you financed with us for your new car, but if you don't want to, you don't have to... just think of our overhead, and bless you". But religions are the things that are all about grabbing money. Okay~
3. There are only two genders - There are infinite genders in
theory; There are two genders in practice / practical societal applications, yes
4. You are a man - Last I checked, yes
5. Body dysmorphia is a convenient way for hide mental illness - Of course; like those people addicted to plastic surgery... they have a mental illness. Are you sure you meant
Body dysmorphia instead of
Gender Dysphoria? Just playing devil's advocate here... But on your literal statement, yes I agree.
6. Penis is meant to go into vagina not into an anus - Yes, as God designed it!
7. Hitler was right. - Politically and ideologically, yes, he was. But then he had to go nucking futs and slaughter a shitload of God's Chosen, start invading everyone and their mothers, and thinking Aryans were superior to others. Said it before, will say it again: Any country that goes against Israel will be destroyed... God does not tool around with this and history has proven that to be completely true.
8. TWICE is better than BLACKPINK - You made me Google this weaboo shit . You're dead fucking wrong... look:
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I'll take the 4 hair-dye surprise girls over the 9 interchangeable slumber-party robots any day. This is merely based on looks... I'm not judging their music.
@hodj something - my little shadow deserves something, agreed. He's a trooper for reacting to
every post I make in this thread... that is a 4 letter word where I come from:
10. ... -
Not a hard concept for a believer; I agree completely... for a non-Christian though? The concept of Original Sin is just as odd and strange as a 2 legged horse with a pewter saxophone sticking out of its ass.
John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
You hateful ass-warts have this really weird obsession with visualizing me killing myself. I've been transitioned and integrated into society for over 7 years now dude... Regardless what kind of

existence you lead here on the internet, my life is perfectly normal, sane and boring. I buy my own milk. I pump my own gas. I get asked out often and people think I'm very attractive. Now I know that with your inbred brain that the idea that a biological man fitting in with society so well as a woman breaks your tiny worldview, but that is my reality, and I'm very happy with how my life is. You take umbrage with that fact? Come see me at the Straight Pride Parade in Boston... I'd love to hear your opinions face to face.
I love it when someone makes me literally LoL on this forum. Thanks for being one of the funniest duders on here Soygen; so many of us appreciate your wit.
They're all cowards who, while they easily type up platitudes about their feels and sling out more ad hominems than facts (GOOD ARGUMENT BROS), deep down know two things:
A) They'd look foolish
B) Know that I'm right
...and here's the undeniable thing: If I was such an obvious retard and crazy person with such easily debunked ideas like so many of them relish saying about me, then you'd think quite a few would be like, "Yeah I'd enjoy ripping some clueless tranny a new asshole in a live debate, that'd be EASY" and that I'd be quivering in fear over getting my shit pushed in were what I say not true or a troll job. Yet I'M the one quite openly, confidently, and resoundingly inviting the discussion.
So here again, if none of my detractors want to actually debate me via a podcast format it will further show that they are a bunch of ignorant trolls who merely revel in their ideologies.
I loved your first podcast (and your voice!). I'd be honored if you could be a moderator in a debate with myself vs.
a victim a hateful person who frequents this thread that either volunteers or the community duly appoints and they sheepishly accept the challenge.
If no one is willing to debate me, I'd be honored just to be your humble guest! I'm not boring that's for sure LoL.
gatekeeping is what trannies hate when it comes to getting their diagnosis and meds fast and
now. Listen to how illogical it is:
Gatekeeping is often seen as a form of transphobia because it holds transgender people to higher standards than cisgender people by believing trans people's gender identity is less valid."
Right off the bat, what
isn't transphobia?
Regular Person: "Pretty day today... the sun is so bright!".
Offended Over Everything Tranny: "The son?"
Regular Person: "Yes, the sun! It's bright today"
Offended Over Everything Tranny: "You just gendered our star as a son. Please respect its non-binary nature".
Regular Person: "Um"
But seriously... gatekeeping is apparently ->
transphobic <- because it makes trannies do things logically, lawfully, prudently, and medically. In other words, gatekeeping is bad to trannies because it is civil... and
right, not
From the GG/SJW thread:
It is totes a mental illness; that fact seems self-evident, and yet here we are in 2019 and the left and LGBTQWTF want to have that fact erased because of 'feels'.
"We're not mentally ill... it's society that is wrong and unaccepting; it's the systemic bigotry that is the problem, not us!"
Here's what the APA has to say about it:
Gender dysphoria is not the same as gender nonconformity, which refers to behaviors not matching the gender norms or stereotypes of the gender assigned at birth. Examples of gender nonconformity (also referred to as gender expansiveness or gender creativity) include girls behaving and dressing in ways more socially expected of boys or occasional cross-dressing in adult men. Gender nonconformity is not a mental disorder. Gender dysphoria is also not the same being gay/lesbian."
I 100% agree with this assessment. Notice they
only said Gender Nonconformity wasn't a mental illness, not Gender Dysphoria. Cross-dressing is just pervy kink stuff, drag shows are mere entertainment put on by gay men, non-binary transtrenders who don't medically transition is mere fad/fashion, and girls behaving and dressing in ways more socially expected of boys (to quote the APA) are tom-boys and/or dykes... similar to ultra-femme gay dudes who you can't help but see as women in a guys body but they're just flaming... they don't have that
certain something in their brain that gives them discomfort and unease in being in that man-body. Gender Dysphoria is the actual mental illness (formed in utero) that pushes people like me to socially transition into the opposite birth-sex.
I do not! More than happy to have a refresher if you'd like to do the leg-work. I'm more stunned reading that the Iranian government condones trannies and sex-changes at all in their country over allowing said trannies to play soccer. I thought they were more keen on chopping off our heads instead of our dicks... you learn something new every day!
As far as trannies in sports... don't look at me, look at yourselves (and the LGBT community themselves). Y'all are the ones who condemn early transitioning (and the LGBT community condemns scientific research into legit Gender Dysphoric trannies). If EVERY tranny born was transitioned right at puberty, the societal problem of us physically superior women trannies with our manly bodies competing in women's athletics would dry up. But nooooo, keep virtue signaling that transition should happen as an adult, right? Fine, then keep getting Ursula the Czech tranny smashing your women's shot-put records and making Brittney the biological female feel useless as a woman shot-putter, I don't give a shit.
Of course, this is FoH and I can
already hear the collective groans and grumbles echoing through the thread! LoL "OR WE COULD JUST FORCE TRANNIES OUT OF SPORTS; PROBLEM SOLVED". Yeah, problem solved; in your internet clown world. In the real world, however, some trannies might want to compete and have fun in sports just like anyone else out there, and that's their right to do so as human beings. <--- this is what the LGBT community is good for; ensuring equality. Of course, like any radical group, they go too far though, but that's another post and another topic. I've already waxed poetic about my disdain toward the LGBT community, no need to rehash right now.
Alright buckos... that should give you enough content to nibble on for a few days.