I mean, I haven't been to every pride parade in the world, I'm just saying, I've been to a few and only at one did I really see over the top antics etc. And I don't agree that it's unnecessary.
I've seen some of that, although I don't agree with lumping in "person refuses to use gender pronouns" with academics harassed for research. You're posting this as if there's no conservative, or indeed political, presence on these platforms. There's tons of content on every one of those platforms about all sorts of right wing issues. I've seen people on both sides getting demonetized or taken down etc, sometimes it's warranted and sometimes it's shitty. But I just don't think it's an excuse to give up.
It's not an excuse to give up but less and less people will be willing to "fight the fight" when they are being treated like that, which means they are winning. They have the backing of the corporate establishments now, which is hilarious and something 20 years ago I'd never guess.
I'm only just now learning about this. I never did anything or said anything before, because I thought it was all a bunch of bullshit fearmongering. It never occurred to me that "let's drug children and change how they grow" would be a real thing that doctors would allow to happen.
Pretty sure we knew that's where it was headed. My line of thinking at the time is that when you don't flat out shut down, as a society, fringe elements that push narratives like this, they go more and more and more and push more and more and more until society does that. We've been saying for years now that normalization of pedophilia is next, and while it's not
fully here yet, you have children going to drag queen story hours and calling people like Desmond "brave" and "stunning" as he does a drag dance in front of a bunch of gay guys in a gay bar as they throw money at him. You have stories and stories on how pedophilia is normal, and nothing to be ashamed about.
This is going to desensitize and normalize this behavior to the younger children growing up to the point where pedophilia will become more and more normalized and eventually it will happen. Mark my words. Unless an adult steps up to the task and somehow mythically gets through to these fringe elements, our grandchildren are going to be dealing with this threat.
I want you to look at this editorial, as this if what we're up against, Chaos, and I want to reply to 3 points to it:
In regard to the Letter to the Editor on July 31, "Library's drag queen story hour should not have taken place," I would like to comment that it
I am so glad that the event did take place as the LGBTQ community is part of this community, a bigger part of this community than people think, and it should be represented. Shame on the Christian group for not accepting all people for who they are.
What does a "Drag Queen Story Hour" in a public library marketed to children have to do with LGBTQ in general?
No one was forced to attend this program, so if protesters didn’t agree with it, they didn’t need to go. Instead, they were sending out emails and social media calls to flood the library and the mayor’s office with demands that the story hour not be allowed to happen.
Yeah, and yet you sure like to force specific people to bake cakes don't you? And #WaxMyBalls, right? Hypocritical garbage here. LGBTQ rights are no more or less than Christian rights, or they should be. If the Christians wanted to protest like this, they have every right to.
I can attest that those who did attend enjoyed what was really a very simple event: a person from the community volunteering their time to share stories with children.
Oh, sure. Just some person from the community sharing stories with children. Uh huh. He declined to say that the drag queen was a well known member of Antifa in the area. The agenda is clear, and it's an attempt to normalize sexual behaviors at a very, very young age. It has nothing to do with reading stories to children.
I think the first, and probably most important, thing to do is speak out when possible in a way that shows compassion both for the kids themselves and for the adults who want to act ethically but just don't know what to do or whatever the case is. I'm trying to give people the benefit of the doubt that they aren't just evil.
That's fine, but unfortunately you're going to find out the moment you do, evil that you thought didn't exist will come and bite you, because part of the help and ways to be compassionate to these people is to make them understand the fantasy they are addicted to and want isn't reality. This isn't the case for everyone, but for a lot it is. It's like tough love, but they will fight you on it.
And support platforms, especially outside of political silos, that talk about this issue honestly. I've seen a couple of left wing guys on youtube talking about how they don't even approach certain issues critical of the left because they get nothing but shit in response, those type of issues come up because people fail to actively support people or platforms, the only response they get is negative.
That's correct, and its even worse if you're on the right and try. You could even be a huge ally, but the moment you step out of line you're used goods and will be trampled by the mob. How many times have you seen someone who is a darling of the left fuck up once and get ruined? Happens a lot. They will constantly eat their own.
I don't really think there should be legislative action beyond encouraging academic study of these issues to properly arm doctors and parents with objective information, I don't know how that works though, my neighbor's a state senator, planned on asking him about that.
You can bet your ass these things are moving toward legislative action.
Doctors won't speak up and when they do...
Expert demoted for opposing child sterilization.
They pay the price.