Well that whole "I'm gonna post four things tonight" plan that I hatched last night worked out terribly for me. Womp womp.
This aged about as well as a sunbathing smoker. See how that works, tardos? I admit fault and am very quotable when you actually have a real point and argument instead of just strawmanning me to death and/or not even knowing my position/stance yet failing to be able to quote something I have actually said that backs up your claim.
Anyway, I typed up most of it but my brother called and we talked for almost 2 hrs and then I just was too sleepy to care about FoH last night. ...and I worked a half day today so I'm just getting back to this juggernaut of a post.
Seen a few posts attributing the Straight Pride Parade to Milo. Just to be clear as glass, Milo is merely the highest profile person having interest in it and was designated Grand Marshall, but it's NOT Milo's stint. He's just a fabulous faggot that'll be there doing Milo-esque shit.
The organizer's have had their patreon and paypal accounts for donations closed down due to violating their TOS. The exact nature of what rules were broken are murky. Typical! This is what the left does. This is the very essence of the censorship that they espouse. It will get worse when it gets closer to go time.
Hello maskedmelon! Since this is the interbutts and everyone is who they say they are and how they represent themselves in their avatar and never lie, I'm going to have to ask Jasker to teach me to summon you into my bedroom.
Fantastic; let's keep talking.
You smoke pot don't you?
I do laugh at the beard thing and the cloud thing, but He IS light (but of course not literal light... He's not mere photons, but Christ Himself said He is light [John 1:5]). The fact of the matter is, the typical image of God that we humans have (as you said, believers and non-believers alike) have attributed to Him like this:
View attachment 218083
(God enjoys hiking apparently)
...is not what God really looks like, but there is a level of truth that He has SOME type of form like this, but we've sorta reverse engineered Him in our mind. Fact is, it's not that God looks like US, it's that WE look like God. Two passages come to mind:
1) We were made in His image (Genesis 1:27)
2) God's face was discussed a few times when Moses was walking upon the earth (Deuteronomy 34:10)
So God has a face. We have a face. Animals have faces. Virtually all intelligent life has faces constructed in the same manner affixed to a head; but... to the evolutionist/atheist, we evolved this way... All of us, everywhere. Yup. Totally not designed... totally just random mutations. Even Jasker with his odd beliefs of reality and origin has pointed out this interesting peculiarity.
Conflict is what being human and going through this life/reality is though. The purest conflicts are binary. Light vs Dark. Good vs Evil. Right vs Left. Trump vs TDS sufferers. Etc. Heaven will be the pinnacle of having no conflict though... where good and evil, through God's divine judgment, is separated. Hell will be eternal conflict, however, and where those who perpetuate hate, chaos, lies, evil, and all manner of sin here on earth will find eternal unrest.
If you find meaning, comfort and happiness characterizing God as mere Action, more power to you.
So since you're new and it's been a long time since I've mentioned any of this I suppose it bears saying again.
I do not reject evolution based solely upon my Christian beliefs... I reject it because it's simply not what I believe is the origin of life. Period. I think micro-evolution is 100% factual but I don't think that given enough time that simple organisms evolve into complex organisms.
Species / kinds / types ...however you want to label it, are all we have on this beautifully diverse and rich planet. I see unique and marvellous lifeforms littered among us, not a bevy of transitional amalgams inching closer to the next evolutionary plateau.
It's just a perfect coinkydink that macro evolution is bullshit and the bible fits into that narrative too.
If I was somehow shown beyond ANY DOUBT that God was a powerful hallucination and not real (not likely), I'd STILL say evolution is a bunch of peacock piss. ...and vice versa. If I was shown that the origins of life were exactly how Darwin hypothesized (not likely), I'd still believe in God. The two religions of Christian faith and Evolution don't cancel each other out. (...and yup, belief in evolution is a religion [i.e. a belief in something that cannot be proven via the scientific method], do NOT be fooled).
I agree 100% People think of the political spectrum as Right and Left and use the visualization just like sex/gender, like this:
View attachment 218086
I think sometimes, politically, the far right and the far left intersect their ideas and almost share the same extremism making the line into a circle/ring.
For example, how Antifa is so far left that they basically swing full-circle right into fascist ideology of silencing opinions and ideas, and how some alt-right go so far right that they push racism and ethnostates by ranking people based on skin color/intellect and putting them in classes, similar to far left communist ideas of the bourgeoisie (the haves) and proletariat (the have-nots) classes of people.
The extremes, sadly, are all rooted in hate.
Last I checked my middle school textbooks, this is what heterosexual sex looks like:
View attachment 218085
The above is what happens in my bedroom, not this:
View attachment 218084
My past is my past and I have repent the sins of said past. I move forward, today, straight and proud!
I need to work on that whole pre-marital sex thing though... it's a doozy of a sin, and my weakest fault as a human.
Freedom of Speech. Stop being an SJW that keeps trying to destroy other ideas that you don't agree with... gosh, what are you a stupid hypocrite or something???
Why? Because you don't like the direction it goes sometimes? I want to hear you out though; what do you suggest happen? Paint a picture for us in the universe where Bubbles is in charge and Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread V2.0 is just unveiled. What now?
Soygen, I figured you'd be a fan of this vid:
Their hypocrisy is unmatched, and I thank you for being another person besides myself to put a spotlight on that. Bravo ya Brit!
Wat? WAT?!?!? If you're talking about the God/Jesus stuff, the things I say aren't (technically) factually incorrect or correct... it's just faith based. If you're talking about the tranny shit or anything else, I challenge you to find and quote me ANYTHING I have said that is factually incorrect. Keep in mind, just because you and others don't LIKE the things I say, that doesn't make them untrue. This is the bulk of the problem with the retards of this thread: they literally shitcan scientific research papers just because they don't like the social / moral implications of it. THIS is why I call many of you (not YOU specifically iannis, but maybe...) SJWs. Y'all are acting just like the typical leftist SJW with a LOT of the tranny shit and y'all don't even realize it. Trust me I'm laughing about it RIGHT NOW and would be laughing at anyone that actually had the gumption to debate me on trans shit via a podcast.
I don't have kids, correct. The closest I had to kids was my nephews and they think I'm just dandy. I have never, nor would ever, try to push my trans shit on them... their father (my brother, who I'm VERY close to) would come on here and attest to this. Zyyz and Punko are either trolls to the hilt or their perception of me is so skewed that it's almost frightening.
Of course no actual harm is being done. All the top research points to these drugs being safe and effective. No one has posted anything counter to this other than SJW feels, frankly. Find the peer reviewed papers showing that these drugs are harmful and you'll have a point. This is the tally of how many people have done this in this thread:
That's a big fucking goose egg. None. Zilch. Nada. People have posted conservative-slanted news articles that speak against blockers, true. People have posted blog posts that talk against blockers, right again. People have posted YouTube vids from Christian-based agenda groups that are against it. People have posted independent practitioners with an opinion-based groundwork against it. But no one has dropped ONE shred of peer-reviewed research that this is harmful here or anywhere from any esteemed research group. I.E. the unbiased people doing the actual researching and testing has concluded they are safe and effective. <--- This is who I trust about trans shit. Doctors. Medical Professionals. You know... the people who actually STUDY this shit for a living. Go out and do your independent journalism yourselves. Interview the people at the gender clinics. Interview the Endocrinologists in your local community about all of this stuff. Do your research. Post your findings. BE MY GUEST. It'll be YOU guys who will look like the crazy nutters in cuffs when you walk out of these places to condemn puberty blockers, not me.
They're not 'fucking with kids', they're treating mentally ill adolescents with Gender Dysphoria and making them happier. It's not an if/when scenario Iannis... it's already being done across the world. That's what I've been saying... retards are demonizing me for literally just saying why this is being done and spinning this narrative into this faux outrage like I'm the one that advocated for this. I'm merely the one popping in explaining why this is happening... but for almost 100 pages ignorant SJW retards strawmanned their way to hysteria. I ask: Where are ALL the harmed children??? Where are all these stories of evil doctors putting normal healthy kids on puberty blockers? The answer is clear: Nowhere.
See now, THIS is where we would stand together. It's fucking evil.. EVIL to manipulate your child into a forced gender role or raise them as agender or whatever. Boys as boys and girls as girls is just fine. IF the parents are raising their child normally and the child starts to express an incongruence in their gender, try to steer them back to normalcy LoL. You WILL see a pattern of resistance with highly gender dysphoric children though. It is persistent and INsistent. THEY are the children who need to then be taken to see a specialist and only after it becomes a "problem". Doctors and shrinks are smart enough to weed out where the root of the gender shit is coming from though; the kid or the parent.
I see why you said that, trust me. Transition would have helped me, yes. Puberty blockers... maybe, but probably not. I didn't start puberty too young, and, had I and my parents known then what we know now, wouldn't have needed blockers to "give it more time". It'd just be a lateral transition to female at the onset of puberty, which would make puberty blockers moot. So no, puberty blockers wouldn't have benefitted me I don't think.
Here again, as I've said for the billionth time, puberty blockers are just one method to help treat a rare condition of mental illness found in adolescents. I don't disavow puberty blockers if THAT is what helps someone out there for the exact same reason that I don't disavow gun ownership or want to block the 2nd amendment just because I myself don't own a gun.
Stop being virtue signaling SJWs about all of this. Thanks.

ps. for your mental condition, not to get chopped
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