See Dom, I'm putting your quotes at the top again. I
do care!
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really is a sad crusade, thank you for calling it like it is as always Dom. You would've been a good Amod... you made it clear you didn't want that evil put on you though, and I complied by nomination inaction (next round though, c'mon... let it be so)
Whoah, wait... what? This was almost missed but this is point in fact that I DO read everything in my thread (even the articles and vids!) When did you flip?
At my old job before this current one, there was two gay guys I worked with. One was a flaming queen with an outlandish lisp, and one was a dude who kept it secret and only told people he trusted and respected.
I could NOT stand flaming queen guy (everything was a big deal and drama) and the other guy was just... a guy and I liked him just fine and got on well. When he finally told me he told me out of trust and respect and I was like... cool LoL, you do you. Then we went about our jobs and it was totally fine. The difference in these two individuals is that one person made being gay his entire identity, and the other guy simply tossed that fact into his backpack of things that make him
him and it was all gravy.
It's surprising to hear from you, Dom, but it literally changes nothing about how I feel about you. The way it should be. Respect to you.
Truth x1000
Lots of gay people read to kids of course... there are thousands of gay elementary teachers out there I'm pretty damn sure. Quite the difference between professional teachers in professional attire doing it vs. a drag queen. I still just can't wrap my head around the fucking
POINT of drag story time... it's so wtf to me.
Nitpicking you Dom: transvestites are indeed fetish-rooted. Drag queens are, as was mentioned correctly, performance. It's as fetishy as improv comedy frankly. It's performance art, nothing more and nothing less. (
Unless you're seeing some really seedy type of shows and think that that's the norm?)
For fun. For community. This is what, in theory, should be the only reason people celebrate and do parades. Same reason we do a Thanksgiving Day Parade or Christmas Parade, yes?
But gay pride parades march around with "Fuck Donald Trump" banners and that's kinda hateful!

Thank you, and yes, of course it's real. You accept this because you don't have hate in your heart toward trannies. You realize we're just people born with a rare, fucked up thing and dealing with it as best as we can.
I also believe GD is being abused insofar as it is being latched on to by frauds and kooks for political points, oppression points, or identity gains. Let's be clear about something: If you detransition, you were NEVER really transgender to begin with. People prop up Walt Heyer and say, "This is proof the transgender movement is a fraud... one of their own has even denounced it as being made up" and yet it takes just a simple dig into this person's background to see that they were not a Gender Dysphoric child born with this but merely the product of a sick grandmother that forced gender identity upon him. In other words, the Dysphoria didn't spring out of him, it originated out from the grandmother... and HE is the pawn people on the right use to push their narrative about
all trannies. Pitiful, and disgraceful.
Aye, we disagree with that I think. But I don't think any less of you as a person or a poster on this forum for that and both of us maintain and harbor mutual respect. Disagreeing in a civil manner without trying to tear down the proverbial platform like some of my detractors do is what fosters actual understanding. The trolls that shit up this thread have no intention of this... their methodology is more primitive and SJW in nature.
I think
every generation since probably the crusades has said "It's the end times" and have pointed to their own lived culture or leaders or historical events as evidence that the 2nd coming is upon us, but OUR generation? OUR culture? LoL... honestly, what's next? 2020 baby!
Bring it on home.
You can't... and you shouldn't. That's the issue. If I was being scrutinized by Blaire White of all people and was
actually intersex, I'd have medical documentation to be like... look bisch.
This is what's what. Then hold up some type of medical documentation to the camera to stick it to Blaire. That's how to roast someone in a debate. They both knew they would be having a debate; come prepared??? But that's not what it's about... you can't prove bullshit wrong when it's bullshit LoL!
I was completely unaware of this situation: Holy shit. He didn't say anything offensive. He was actually VERY tactful with his words but that STILL wasn't good enough and almost got him fired? Unreal. He should've never apologized. When will conservatives learn: The microsecond you cowtow to the left, you've lost.
20 years ago no one cared about being woke
That doctor is a Christian Conservative shill tho~ Let's see if he gets reinstated like what happened with Ken Zucker (betcha he won't).
This could be a manner of semantics, and I can't speak for Chaos obviously but my own hot take on it:
I think homosexuality should be normalized in the sense of not being demonized by society, not having gays face discrimination, or treated different in any capacity (same with trannies). But immoral or perverted sexual behavior shouldn't be normalized in the sense of male buttsex, bestiality, pedophilia etc being morally and socially "okay".
I think that this pic is one of the first attention whore meme pics I remember from the internet, but thousands of others have followed in its footsteps:
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Admit it Hodj... you're the guy who spits on the pavement after getting out of his car at Wal-Mart, am I right, or am I right?
Let me pull this puppy out... it's been collecting dust:
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"Because we are uncreative and unintelligent drool-pools that thrive on destruction and chaos, Hodj and I jerked each other off for pages upon pages in the past posting nothing but useless garbage in this thread in an effort to get this rickshawed because we are actually jealous of this thread but it didn't work and in fact showed the Amods that we were actually even MORE retarded than initially thought as evidenced by people
other than Vanessa reporting our sad attempt in doing so at which point Amods intervened and shut our dumb shit down. But it can't be
us that are this dumb and useless; it
must be Amods protecting Vanessa because of something unknown to us."
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Well, there you have it. The Retard Translator does its job yet again.
You joke, and the joke is appreciated, but I legit believe Hodj has some internalized trans issues he's dealing with. The projection that he has demonstrably, repeatedly, and unconsciously put on display in this thread over the years is disturbingly clear, not to mention an unhealthy obsession with me. Think that's just my ego talking? Literally today:
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These are month old posts; In the span of 2 minutes he went through 8 pages just to backtrack my posts and react to them. He reacted to no one else's shit and obviously in 2 minutes time he wasn't reading anyone's posts. He's a fucking fruitcake of the highest caliber. Walk a mile in my shoes and you'd understand.
Oh btw, this dude friend requested me on Facebook this morning guys:
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How should I approach this nice young man named Convention from Nigeria... I am unaware of his customs and feel a bit embarrassed and sheepish by his gracious extension of friendship across the Atlantic Sea via social media. Should I accept his kind invitation of friendship? Have I finally found my Nigerian Prince, ready and eager to meet me with a royalty paycheck in hand! Time will tell (peep photo #3 in his profile LoLoLoLoLoL!) God I love the internet.