Court is adjourned. Verdict: You got wrecked. Again.
If you had to declare it, you didn't wreck anything, except the servers for these fuckhuge massive posts no one reads.
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Court is adjourned. Verdict: You got wrecked. Again.
The only thing Steve has ever wrecked is his own lifeIf you had to declare it, you didn't wreck anything, except the servers for these fuckhuge massive posts no one reads.
/cracks knuckles
Keeping my post agenda rolling, it's time to putPunko in the spotlight and let sunlight be the best disinfectant.
This is a visual comparison as to what we're driving in a battle of wits and intellect. Be careful what you say when you talk about getting wrecked Punko.
View attachment 219107
This is the first time I ever knew of your existence or crossed paths with you. You're a fucking liar... you come right out of the gate as a rustled anti-trans shithead.
But then you backpedaled and go soft after I handed you your ass in a stunning fashion, making this post: which you only started up on me again after everyone else dogpiled me because ultimately, you've always been a hate-drenched little snowflake toward me... you just felt you were the poor widdle small minority that wasn't aligned with the public opinion for a certain amount of time and tried to make peace then, but then that resentment festered and here we are now. That kind of social butterfly-ism is pathetic and deserves to be ridiculed and mocked harshly.
Truth... you need a cookie-cutter tranny who is anti-Trump, SJWish, illogical, left leaning, depressed, God-hating, and hooks. That's the type of tranny that more accurately represents the trans community and one that y'all can easily quash like a rodent instead of someone who actually shines the spotlight of your own stupidity in your face like me. If I were a dumb, ignorant bigot that was mentally incapable of understanding how all this trans shit works in the real world, I'd probably want to silence myself too.
My income has nothing to with this as there's nothing to fight. I could care less about a reaction score; you project it on to me that I care about it because you spent your real money ($140) like a jackass to put my score in the negatives. It's both hilarious and sad at the same time. Telling the forum what a cuck you are that you spent your money just to neg a person on the internet isn't complaining about it like a bitch... it's telling the forum what a cuck you are for spending your money just to neg a person on the internet. Period.
Yep, that's totally what's going on here... the moderators overwhelming love for me. (<---totally not sarcasm; I'm one of their protected classes of posters due to my tit PMs)
Not surprising... SJW's do get emotional over facts that cause them cognitive dissonance.
They're trannies; of course they won't have normal lives. There is NOTHING normal about being a tranny. What's your point?
I'm the only person in this thread that has posted research about EVERYTHING I have said and there is NO research indicating that puberty blockers are harmful (rogue individuals making op-ed pieces is NOT research, dumbass) and yet you're saying my "side" has no scientific basis for their claims whilst YOUR "side" has done nothing in this entire thread but post their "feels" about the transgender issue.
THAT is what's shocking... your absolutely ass-backwards attempt to discredit something just because you're uncomfortable with the facts.
Said it before, will gladly say it again. I'm only going by what research has shown. Had research shown that puberty blockers were indeed harmful to these poor kids when administered (and do NOT neglect the decades of research previously done via precocious pubertal kids), then I'd GLADLY and OPENLY change sides, change my mind, and be on team "Punko and the rest of the gang" concerning this and admit that I was hoodwinked by some really high-up authorities in the medical field on the matter. You still seem to think I have an agenda to push here... I'm merely going by what current medical research and facts have told us about these drugs; NOT what some jackasses with a chip on their shoulder concerning trannies think about it on the internet.
You put that in quotes and yet no one, I repeat NO ONE except you said that. If anyone has ever wondered what the strawman fallacy is, this is an absolutely textbook example right here.
You're asking ME how can I not understand this but YOU are profoundly ignorant about how puberty blockers actually work. The very way you ask that question proves you have no knowledge about puberty blockers and what they actually do and how they are used in this context. Furthermore, you weren't ignored when you asked it before, you're just too intellectually daft to either remember or realize I engaged you already about it. The dialogue from before starts here with you and I reply here etc etc.
So am I a shitposter or am I a serious poster? Which is it you illogical nutter?
Yes, I agree it's pretty normal in the western world. Your reading comprehension is just so bad that you failed to see the context of it starting here between Chaos and Maskedmelon and me coming in just to add my 2cp to the topic but instead you just wanted to look for anything to try to argue with me about because you're just a reactionary pea-brain.
Making unfunny posts about completely nonsensical bullshit is "cornering" someone in Punko's world.
You and others like you on your sad crusade to push this narrative and gaslight me is what's insane. These are the cold hard facts:
*I'm the only one here that has used research papers to back up my words.
*My words align with what is practiced medically in the real world by professional doctors and endocrinologists, NOT thiscourt of public opinion.
*I've openly offered to debate any of this via the FoH podcast format with anyone who disagrees. No one and most certainly not YOU of all people took me up on that. Usually it's the one who's willing to engage in actual dialogue and the one who's willing to face public scrutiny that has the upper hand.
Court is adjourned. Verdict: You got wrecked. Again.
All of these side effects would be terrible for a normal child. I think we can agree with this.Decreased body growth, micro genitalia, probable sterility. To say nothing of social and mental effects stemming from these effects or from the process itself.
All of these side effects would be terrible for a normal child. I think we can agree with this.
Do you think a transgender child suffering from gender dysphoria is a normal child Chaos?
Yes <--
No <--
Pick one.
You've been completely destroyed Punko. You are a vapor. Stop interfering... I'm talking to Chaos now.I'm unsure if you are deliberately avoiding to understand the entire point, or if you are actually pants on head retarded.
Really, I'm in doubt here.
You've been completely destroyed Punko. You are a vapor. Stop interfering... I'm talking to Chaos now.
They would be terrible for any child. The difference is a transgender child can elect to transition later, without the need for puberty blockers. The 80% of children who would be impacted by this treatment can't undo the effects.All of these side effects would be terrible for a normal child. I think we can agree with this.
Do you think a transgender child suffering from gender dysphoria is a normal child Chaos?
Yes <--
No <--
Pick one.
You have failed to answer a simple Yes or No question and I will ask again and I would appreciate a simple Yes or No please:They would be terrible for any child. The difference is a transgender child can elect to transition later, without the need for puberty blockers. The 80% of children who would be impacted by this treatment can't undo the effects.
What? No, by definition a child suffering from gender dysphoria is not a normal child.You have failed to answer a simple Yes or No question and I will ask again and I would appreciate a simple Yes or No please:
Do you think a transgender child suffering from gender dysphoria is a normal child Chaos?
Yes <--
No <--
Pick one.
They would be terrible for any child.
You have failed to answer a simple Yes or No question
The 80% of children who would be impacted by this treatment can't undo the effects.
He doesn't care. We've been down this road alreadyHere is your peer reviewed paper saying, that they have no clue, if GD persists through puberty or not. So giving children hormon blockers is rolling the dice as per your linked papers.
" It is now acknowledged, for instance, that children's GD/GV persists after puberty in only 10–30 per cent of all cases; when it does not, the children are referred to as ‘desisters’.1, 5 At present, there is no way to predict which individuals will or will not suffer from GD into adolescence or adulthood. "
How do you tell, if it is a genuine transgender child?
Picard posts pointing out reality. Go ahead. Keep trying to justify your sick, twisted life.