Regarding this current forum favorite:
I watched a livestream of some dude named
Asmongold and his guild raiding MC last night to get an idea what I'm missing. Keep in mind that I never played WoW (yup,
#truestory). I stuck with EQ after the mass exodus to WoW in... what was it, 2003? Then quit EQ sometime in like 2007 because I got off my ass and got a job LoL.
Anyway, so I saw them last night wipe twice then pull out a win and realized the only thing more pitiful than raiding for loot in Everquest is
watching people raid for loot in Everquest's successor.
I don't want to be misunderstood here. I WISH I could do all of that again. I tried with Faceless and loved every minute of it. I think WoW looks like Everquest-done-better basically and would've been an amazing experience had I simply had the time/drive... and both of those factors are extremely important to "getting into" an MMO. I tried the casual route with MMOs; it doesn't work for my personality... I want the best or I don't want.
So when I say it's pitiful, it's not bashing YOU guys or the game... it's bashing myself and my inability to commit to a sweet gaming experience but here's the facts: Every time I try to play MMOs I start to dislike the person I become. It's like a drug, and that drug becomes more important than other things. This is why I salute the people who have jobs / families who play hardcore and can
make that work in their life. I couldn't. I just couldn't balance those two things ...and when the rubber hits the road I care more about myself and staying healthy, looking good (or at least trying!), keeping my place clean, and most importantly
feeling good than getting that +100hp necklace that doesn't even exist.
I'm glad most of this forum is enjoying the WoW experience all over again tho; I wish I could too, just in another life
Also, to add:
Sigh... it looked like so much fun! The word
Regret may have 6 letters in it, but is definitely a 4 letter word. Maybe next year!!!