I prefer she/her of course but to force you to use that is absurd. My political views are quite basic, but I'm a huge proponent of freedom of speech (amongst many other freedoms!) and I'd be appalled if it became a legal issue and people were disciplined if trans people were misgendered either in the workplace or in public. Being misgendered in your private life is quite normal for us honestly (family takes a long time to adjust). However... If you look like a dude in a dress, that's not the fault of the person perceiving you... they're simply reacting to what they see. The trans community NEEDS to realize that regular people aren't horrible, transphobic bigots... they're just living in reality. So many trans-girls who don't pass get all butt-hurt and think the world is this oppressive, hateful society when in reality THEY themselves are not fitting in. Is it the world's fault?? No, of course not... but it's not ugly girls fault for not being attractive either... it's just who you are. That doesn't mean you can blame others for your own shortcomings.
It's bad enough I'm babbling on about something so un-PC as being trans... I think who I'm voting for is 100x worse (i.e. confirmed Trump voter, obv)
I'm quoting myself because this was, essentially, the first post of information I've ever made about who I am, and what I believe.
Fact is, I'm a tough nut to crack. I'm a Christian Conservative Trump loving Tranny. Radical leftists have even gone so far to call me an alt-right Nazi, white supremacist, and racist. This isn't my only social media platform I post to but it IS my favorite. I love this forum.
Why is that? People shit on you here a bunch; are you sadistic?
No, it's just that everything I am and do is all there in my first post above. I haven't changed in the 3+ years I've been open here. I'm a huge proponent of freedom of speech. I don't push my belief in God on people and that didn't come to light until a year or so later but... no one asked

When this post was made I honestly had NO idea how this forum voted or leaned politically. I was actually worried when AG asked me because I just NEVER read much out of Screenshots back then and thought there was more leftists on this site than there really were. But yes, I did vote for Trump in 2016; I LOVED him and still do.
So I am an outlier. An anomaly. Due to that, I ruffle a lot of feathers, am misunderstood sometimes, and have been banned from a lot of places.
This sounds weird but try to bare with me and relate: EVERY platform out there on the interbutts I feel like the ground is littered with eggshells, but the walls are so nice and welcoming.. especially to a tranny! This is how a lot of this world works. Try to step outside of the echo chamber and realize that trannies are very much accepted in real life and on other platforms. I'm not here to argue if that's good or bad for society. I'm merely stating facts. But this place... heh. FoH feels like the ground is littered with soft cotton, but the walls are fire.
I LOVE that I can say what I really, truly feel about ANYTHING in this upside down world and have 0 fear of getting banned. THAT is the cotton floor I'm talking about. No eggshells... it's wonderful. Yet, due to both my beliefs and my identity, the walls are fire. I get a lot of flak, and I'm okay with that, I can handle it, but the abuse IS real. Other people will stick up for me from time to time and I appreciate that, I do. I don't ask for it, but people DO see what other people are doing and they bring it to light.
I make long posts. Sorry that my life is a story

But it is. If the fucked up people that harass me on a daily want to look at THIS post and call it a meltdown... fine. My thread gets rickshawed after like 2 1/2 years in SS and that's still not enough for some people. I'm done trying to please certain fucktards though. I mentioned to the ladyfriend that people online were interested in this situation and talked to her about it (Oh btw DickTrickle, her answer for you was
1 day. LoL) However she saw what Foler posted. It triggered her and she left, because she has been raped in her past. I'm dead fucking serious. All her shit is here and I don't know what the fuck tomorrow is going to bring now. I am NOT calling for ANYTHING to happen to anyone of course. But yes, this forum has affected my RL just as Dom predicted. If mods want proof of these claims, just PM me... I can deliver because I don't lie, unlike my hatertots.
I don't
really want anyone banned, I'm sorry I called for it. I just want the obsessives to get a life and get off my nuts. Is that asking too much? Probably, but... it is what it is. Again, the same freedoms that let me speak my mind here are the same freedoms that let others speak their mind here. Everyone knows what that means.
A former mod suggested a new tranny thread in the grown up section. Bandwagon, a current mod, has stated that this thread is like two threads in one (how ironic and apropros!) and with how I see it too, that being:
- A serious debate about transgender issues in today's political climate
- A troll thread full of cringe and really horrible shit
So, this thread will continue to be #2. #1 will be created by ...