So, the "listen to the doctors" thing is a copout given there is no objective testing. ffs, look at that kid in Texas. Doctor approved, clearly some other shit going on there. Do we imagine that kid is unique?
What she did was do stuff like this:
Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread
First off, that post is fucking unreadable. Not one person on this board read that entire post. I poke at Lithose for being too wordy, but jeesus christ. Second, right there, "yes using puberty blockers is absolutely the right course of action for some kids with GD". I'm not going to go through the posts and find them, but when pressed on this she then said that it should only be used on the "real trannies". When pressed for how to define that, and pressed on the 80% or "real trannies" who just outgrow it with puberty, and pressed on the side effects of puberty blockers even in actual trans children who won't grow out of it, straight to the appeal to authority, trust the doctors. Trust the same doctors that are going to turn that kid in Texas into a girl because his psycho mom says so, who have no objective testing for any trans issues.
Doctors also used to perform lobotomies on loose women and prescribe heroin for fucking headaches.