So, the "listen to the doctors" thing is a copout given there is no objective testing. ffs, look at that kid in Texas. Doctor approved, clearly some other shit going on there. Do we imagine that kid is unique?
What she did was do stuff like this: Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread
First off, that post is fucking unreadable. Not one person on this board read that entire post. I poke at Lithose for being too wordy, but jeesus christ. Second, right there, "yes using puberty blockers is absolutely the right course of action for some kids with GD". I'm not going to go through the posts and find them, but when pressed on this she then said that it should only be used on the "real trannies". When pressed for how to define that, and pressed on the 80% or "real trannies" who just outgrow it with puberty, and pressed on the side effects of puberty blockers even in actual trans children who won't grow out of it, straight to the appeal to authority, trust the doctors. Trust the same doctors that are going to turn that kid in Texas into a girl because his psycho mom says so, who have no objective testing for any trans issues.
Doctors also used to perform lobotomies on loose women and prescribe heroin for fucking headaches.
Precisely. You are the person who actually "gets it" Melon, thank you. The most amazing joke of all of this is that I made statements and claims. Zyyz's dumbass said "where are the peer reviewed papers that back up your claims" and when I posted them, people went APESHIT... absolutely apeshit because I legitimately think that people just humored me and my thoughts as what I believed as being non-scientific and just a man playing dress up and when I actually dropped bombshells on the community that hey, there IS legitimate research that was done and PROVES that everything I have ever said in this thread is not only true but backed up by science... well that's where everyone's brains broke and leaked out and here we are.It just followed that if we are to believe the sources that she cites, then that is what ought to be done. And that is true *if* we believe her sources are true.
I linked a page where you talked about the benefits of administering puberty blockers to kids. Like you have for months. We've endlessly debated about this. I linked one post, but there's hundreds of them from you. I'm just of weirded out that you're doing this denial bullshit after all the fight you put up over the "real trannies" etc.You just linked a page where I posted my vids and talked about me getting laid... congrats?
3 strikes and you're out. All we have is you, YET AGAIN, spreading bullshit about me and not backing up your claims that I advocate for kids being put on hormones or puberty blockers. Well done Chaos, well done.
But, she did. She talked at length about the "real trannies" about about how suffering among trans kids would be reduced through the use of puberty blockers. She stated, point blank, that there were no bad side effects from puberty blockers and that they were totally harmless and reversible. I can't beleive the amount of time I've wasted on this today, tbh. But here's another one: #Gamergate and all things SJWYeah, I don't be agree that we should just listen to the doctors. I think my posts attest to that. I don't no like the nebulous concept of the "true granny" either. However the objection that Vanessa raised was that she never advocated for placing children on puberty blockers. Directly, she did not. It just followed that if we are to believe the sources that she cites, then that is what ought to be done. And that is true *if* we believe her sources are true.
Rather than waste time debating her position, it's better do what you did here and lay out why appeals to authority are no bueno and cite other sources who believe blockers are a bad idea. THere has been quite a bit of the latter including that letter from the pediatrics association fellow or whatver it was that I think Punko posted.
FOr myself, I think it is also worthwhile to discuss alternative treatments. I don't like the idea of "this is how it is, case closed, no discussion," when there is plenty of evidence that many people recover from the condition. I think there is a very strong argument for psychotherapy and lifestyle changes to overcome dysphoria. Placating delusion is just wrong, because it only makes life more difficult unless society collectively embraces the delusion.
But, she did. She talked at length about the "real trannies" about about how suffering among trans kids would be reduced through the use of puberty blockers. She stated, point blank, that there were no bad side effects from puberty blockers and that they were totally harmless and reversible. I can't beleive the amount of time I've wasted on this today, tbh. But here's another one: #Gamergate and all things SJW
"Long story short, I'm pro-blockers for transgender children because of MY OWN life experience... it is indeed a huge help to a true transkid. " In that same post, straight up appeal to authority with the doctor bit. She did this nonstop for months in multiple threads in discussion with multiple people. Feels like the fucking Twilight Zone in here with the sudden denial and reversal.
Precisely. You are the person who actually "gets it" Melon, thank you.
Aren't you just splitting hairs now? Ba-dum-tsh.Yeppers, I make a lot of overly finite distinctions that people usually don't get too. I don't agree with your sources though and think the concept of "true tranny" is particularly dangerous because it encourages people to double down on their feelings or risk having them deligitimized. I think you will end up with more detransitioners as a result.
Are you legitimately dumb Chaos? I mean honestly brother, are you mentally disabled?But, she did. She talked at length about the "real trannies" about about how suffering among trans kids would be reduced through the use of puberty blockers. She stated, point blank, that there were no bad side effects from puberty blockers and that they were totally harmless and reversible. I can't beleive the amount of time I've wasted on this today, tbh. But here's another one: #Gamergate and all things SJW
"Long story short, I'm pro-blockers for transgender children because of MY OWN life experience... it is indeed a huge help to a true transkid. " In that same post, straight up appeal to authority with the doctor bit. She did this nonstop for months in multiple threads in discussion with multiple people. Feels like the fucking Twilight Zone in here with the sudden denial and reversal.
No, I'm not into any Blizzard games. I beat Diablo 1 a long time ago but that's about itDid you watch Blizzcon at allVanessa ? If so, what were your thoughts
Once you quote me, I will retort in a manner that isn't me shitting on your stupidity.