You went from being an average poster that deserved some sympathy because of the clowns constantly harassing you, to being an obnoxious imbecile that gives Brando a run for his money.
Better watch out @Dom he's trying to words words words you to death because he knows you're right
I can't give you a list because you're trying to argue something that has fuck all to do with what I said, or was trying to say. TLDR: You're so far up your own ass that you just assumed I was criticizing your beliefs and not just pointing out that people are disliking you because they strongly disagree with them, and your methods of trying to defend them.
You went from being an average poster that deserved some sympathy because of the clowns constantly harassing you, to being an obnoxious imbecile that gives Brando a run for his money. And you will not even hesitate long enough to be self-aware at a level that comes close to recognizing it. You'll just go on thinking it's because you're a tranny.
The majority of your fucking posts now can be summed up as:
...when challenged. I simply asked you "What are my beliefs that are horrible" that deserve people to shit on me? YOU are the stupid motherfucker asserting a claim that you CANNOT back up because your entire argument is bullshit and you're getting called out on it. I also loved that you literally in the first post I quoted admit that as an average poster I was STILL being constantly harassed. You just proved blatant transphobic behavior was taking place but *I* am the one on here with my head up my ass???And people have been shitting all over your actions and beliefs far more than your identity, not that you have the courage to acknowledge it.
You went from being an average poster that deserved some sympathy because of the clowns constantly harassing you
You'll just go on thinking it's because you're a tranny.
Yep, just the true ones, correct.You speak for all the trannies? Oh, just the “true” ones.
Yep, because an internet forum is real-life. I buy my bread, pump my gas, and interact with people face to face on FoH. Ya got me!!!Yet, here you are, not blending in, and your own thread is in the special place.
Two ways this goes; two paths, if you will:Not an atheist either, also not religious.
This sounds very un-Christian-like so I'm going to go with Path 2. Go fuck yourself, you agnostic jackass.I do like the idea of the mentally fucked wearing a button though.
Yet the forum knows you.
In other words, you've completely failed to back up your own claim of:
...when challenged. I simply asked you "What are my beliefs that are horrible" that deserve people to shit on me? YOU are the stupid motherfucker asserting a claim that you CANNOT back up because your entire argument is bullshit and you're getting called out on it. I also loved that you literally in the first post I quoted admit that as an average poster I was STILL being constantly harassed. You just proved blatant transphobic behavior was taking place but *I* am the one on here with my head up my ass???
Get fucking wrecked Dom you disingenuous piece of shit. Go beat the shit out of some women, k?
P.S. For the record, I don't care that I get shit on, but don't sit on a throne of lies acting like the ONLY reason I DO get shit on is because of my "beliefs" that you can't even list out because I've constantly and consistently shown that people attribute complete and utter horseshit to me... it's fucking weird but half this forum is mentally ill in their own ways anyway. The mere fact that people want this forum as anonymous as possible is very VERY telling.
Yep, just the true ones, correct.
Yep, because an internet forum is real-life. I buy my bread, pump my gas, and interact with people face to face on FoH. Ya got me!!!
Two ways this goes; two paths, if you will:
Path 1: Many Christians say they're not religious either. It's kinda semantical, but I understand the notion. If you, 3301, have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, your comment has 0 rebuttal from me and I accept your opinion of calling me Satan valid, brother.
Path 2: If not, go fuck yourself, you agnostic jackass.
This sounds very un-Christian-like so I'm going to go with Path 2. Go fuck yourself, you agnostic jackass.
lol, not agnostic either. Perhaps your keen ability to assume is why you can’t accept that you’re a man. You don’t even make a good woman.
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And another lol at Internet is not real life. Separation of electronic devices grants you the ability to be anonymous. Yet the forum knows you. Because you choose to reject the anonymity. You don’t want to blend in. You want the world to bow to your jesus backed ego and be celebrated as the most beautiful woman ever. By drunk people. Uninhibited. Looking for a one night stand at a motel. Hey, at least it has a bible, so you can read up god after getting raped in the ass.
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I see this gif is going to get excellent mileage out of it in this thread.
Glad I pegged you correctly. I'd hate to chastise a fellow brother in Christ but your actions gave it away... you're a Godless swine just like 97% of this forum.
You don't know a damn thing about me as evidenced in your post. Feel free to start at page 1 and work your way forward, else keep being utterly and completely wrong about me because you're an NPC at this point... most of you are when it comes to me.Even Dom who has been here much longer than you cannot list a SINGLE "belief" that I supposedly hold that I'm abhorred for.
I'm glad you're here though, Numbers. I always love adding more hatertots to my collection that keep me company in my thread!
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How about: Time to stop being a gluttonous mound of flesh so you won't die before you're 45?Time for another nearly month hiatus Steve
How about: Time to stop being a gluttonous mound of flesh so you won't die before you're 45?
I'm already happy; like... blissfully happy. I come here to balance things out, actuallywords words words
no one reads them
no one cares
stop attention whoring and looking for validation about yourself here and elsewhere through others and find it in yourself or you'll never find happiness.
Uh oh, he's restorting to his safe-space codewords again.didn't read and dont care
You are going to blow your brains out long before Hodj keels over. I'd wager that the numbers on your life clock have turned red and are flashing.