View attachment 232519
I see this gif is going to get excellent mileage out of it in this thread.
Glad I pegged you correctly. I'd hate to chastise a fellow brother in Christ but your actions gave it away... you're a Godless swine just like 97% of this forum.
You don't know a damn thing about me as evidenced in your post. Feel free to start at page 1 and work your way forward, else keep being utterly and completely wrong about me because you're an NPC at this point... most of you are when it comes to me.Even Dom who has been here much longer than you cannot list a SINGLE "belief" that I supposedly hold that I'm abhorred for.
I'm glad you're here though, Numbers. I always love adding more hatertots to my collection that keep me company in my thread!
View attachment 232520
Get fucking wrecked Dom you disingenuous piece of shit. Go beat the shit out of some women, k?
Something is literally broken in your head. What part of "I'm blissfully happy" did you not catch? Remember, Godless person, I'm a Christian: I don't lie.Serious advice Steve: Bupropion or some other manic depression medication
Go directly to your primary care provider and request it
Its obvious you're in desperate need of it
It's very simple homeslice: If you're not a Christian then you calling me Satan is drool-pool levels of stupid.I’m not godless swine, but I’m also not a shitty fake Christian either. Nice going there, not judging me because I don’t follow your fake religion. Your personal relationship with Jesus needs a lot of work, Satan.
Okay then; since this is your prerogative and I respect that, you can at least *try* to be rational and stop attributing characterizations about me just because of what you actually know (i.e. "She's a tranny!") versus what you think you know (i.e. I believe I'm a woman). I mean this respectfully and not to insult: You are ignorant about who I am, what I believe, and what I stand for. This is a fact. It's not meant to insult you, it's just the truth.I won’t be reading your tranny Aggregate My Assumptions from page 1.
I actually was concerned that my 2nd only to Hodj retard who's obsessed with me went missing. Welcome back retard.I don't think there is a single person left that has engaged in debate with you, that didn't end up getting insulted.
Obviously all of FoH are assholes, and you are the shining beacon of virtue.
I’m not godless swine, but I’m also not a shitty fake Christian either.
I actually was concerned that my 2nd only to Hodj retard who's obsessed with me went missing. Welcome back retard.
Something is literally broken in your head. What part of "I'm blissfully happy" did you not catch? Remember, Godless person, I'm a Christian: I don't lie.
I swear this entire back-half of this thread is just my hatertots making up lies about me... so bizarre. So utterly bizarre. Oh well... guess hateful Godless people need a strawman to punch to release their darkness out in the world in some way... better than shooting up a synagogue I guess.
It's very simple homeslice: If you're not a Christian then you calling me Satan is drool-pool levels of stupid.
I'd love to know what you actually believe then, if you'd like to share. I find interest in many avenues of belief... hell, I absolutely LOVE Richard Dawkins and Hitch as people... I can do that while completely disagreeing with their beliefs because, as a Christian, loving your enemies isn't just a nice catchphrase for us. I truly embrace it; but I will also call out the truth when need be, especially when confronted by illogicalness, which my hatertots harbor in spades.
Okay then; since this is your prerogative and I respect that, you can at least *try* to be rational and stop attributing characterizations about me just because of what you actually know (i.e. "She's a tranny!") versus what you think you know (i.e. I believe I'm a woman). I mean this respectfully and not to insult: You are ignorant about who I am, what I believe, and what I stand for. This is a fact. It's not meant to insult you, it's just the truth.
Hence why I suggested you add a FAQ, one that can be elaborated on as you. This IS an AMA, no? I suggested a form as well, that reflects what you thought initially, why, what has changed (if) and why. Brief. On every question. Like a FAQ. To sum up the AMA. No need to make a video you cannot edit as such. Although that would be nice on top, suggar on the top. Not trying to catch you or trick you, but rather it would be interesting to see if you've changed your opinion(s), on anything from the small questions, favorite dish, to the central on your life and your transition etc. Really, make a FAQ in that post in the first page you reserved. Cheers.Yup, because..... you're delusional sir.
Give me a list, right now, of these "beliefs" that I harbor that are so terrible. I fucking GUARANTEE that it'll be strawmanned shit that I don't actually espouse.
Tranbo Steve also has a "HEY LOOK AT ME I AM ATTENTION SEEKING FAGGOT" thread in the Grownup section of the site, but he abandoned it once he got blown the fuck out with opinions that didn't align with his own. So now he is posting directly in the shaw and continues to harp on how if a tranny is "passable" it somehow negates the fact that they are unstable mentally ill people just days away from becoming another statistic. It doesn't matter if the Tranny has feminine features or looks like a clown demon from hell the illness is still the same.
Plus one would think the last thing a tranbo would focus on is appearance you know because of basic empathy for what they have to go through, but the reality here is Tranbo Steve is just a mentally ill narcissistic delusional sociopath who is embarrassed about his adams apple and inability to actually pass for a woman.
Exactly. It isn't the fact that its a tranny, per se. There's no reason, on the internet, to know someone is trans. If a trans person is in the community, we shouldn't know it. They say "I'm X gender", which is the gender they identify as, and that's that. No pictures necessary, no one will question it. Its all personalities on the internet, not physical identities.
So the only reason to immediately start throwing out your sexuality within a handful of posts is because you're a piece of garbage trying to fill an empty hole inside with drama and horseshit (pun intended).
I mean if a woman (or a man) came here and immediately started posting naked pics, the same could be said of them. Ravenn was a great example.
That's really the point I have here.
Trannies who get naked that fast in front of aging neckbeards are looking for a profit. Nothing else. Be it emotional, financial, sexual, whatever.
Ulterior motives = piece of garbage.
He might believe in the catholic church, but the catholic church doesn't believe in transgenders.
Just in june this year the Vatican released its first extensive statement on transgender identity.
The document rejects the idea that gender is distinct from biological sex. A transgender identity, the document asserts, seeks to “annihilate" the concept of nature.
The pope said (quote from point 6):
While the ideologies of gender claim to respond, as Pope Francis has indicated, “to what are at times understandable aspirations”, they also seek “to assert themselves as absolute and unquestionable, even dictating how children should be raised”, and thus preclude dialogue.
Based on previous experience I am sure Vanessa thinks he is a fine christian, and the pope is a disingenuous asshole.
Tiresome, but also somewhat entertaining.
It's very simple homeslice: If you're not a Christian then you calling me Satan is drool-pool levels of stupid.
I'd love to know what you actually believe then, if you'd like to share. I find interest in many avenues of belief... hell, I absolutely LOVE Richard Dawkins and Hitch as people... I can do that while completely disagreeing with their beliefs because, as a Christian, loving your enemies isn't just a nice catchphrase for us. I truly embrace it; but I will also call out the truth when need be, especially when confronted by illogicalness, which my hatertots harbor in spades.
Okay then; since this is your prerogative and I respect that, you can at least *try* to be rational and stop attributing characterizations about me just because of what you actually know (i.e. "She's a tranny!") versus what you think you know (i.e. I believe I'm a woman). I mean this respectfully and not to insult: You are ignorant about who I am, what I believe, and what I stand for. This is a fact. It's not meant to insult you, it's just the truth.
He might believe in the catholic church, but the catholic church doesn't believe in transgenders.
Just in june this year the Vatican released its first extensive statement on transgender identity.
The document rejects the idea that gender is distinct from biological sex. A transgender identity, the document asserts, seeks to “annihilate" the concept of nature.
The pope said (quote from point 6):
While the ideologies of gender claim to respond, as Pope Francis has indicated, “to what are at times understandable aspirations”, they also seek “to assert themselves as absolute and unquestionable, even dictating how children should be raised”, and thus preclude dialogue.
Based on previous experience I am sure Vanessa thinks he is a fine christian, and the pope is a disingenuous asshole.
Tiresome, but also somewhat entertaining.
I'm like a mirror. I reflect back what you put out. I honestly SHOULD turn the other cheek, with that much you are correct about, but my ego won't let me and thus I continue to wreck you poor plebes.You sure seem very hateful for a pseudo-christian.