So a combination of god of the gaps and the watchmaker argument has you convinced, okay.
Totally unrelated: do you own a lot of tv-shop products?
A belief in something as profound as the creator isn't just boiled down to a couple of concepts such as that but a lifetime of questioning, debating, rationalizing etc. It's like trying to sum up a marriage in a few words... there's so much in it that transcends mere labels / words and such.So a combination of god of the gaps and the watchmaker argument has you convinced, okay.
No clue what you're talking about BUT I think the answer is no if I have to ask what that means LoL Going by numbers followup post, do you mean infomercial gadgets? If so... I own none of them. Never once bought shit from an infomercial. I'd get a My Pillow though to support Mike Lindell though.. he's actually an amazing dude with an amazing story.Totally unrelated: do you own a lot of tv-shop products?
A belief in something as profound as the creator isn't just boiled down to a couple of concepts such as that but a lifetime of questioning, debating, rationalizing etc. It's like trying to sum up a marriage in a few words... there's so much in it that transcends mere labels / words and such.
No clue what you're talking about BUT I think the answer is no if I have to ask what that means LoL Going by numbers followup post, do you mean infomercial gadgets? If so... I own none of them. Never once bought shit from an infomercial. I'd get a My Pillow though to support Mike Lindell though.. he's actually an amazing dude with an amazing story.
Sure your answer does boil down to the god of the gaps and the watchmaker. Not knowing and not understanding creation, as well as seen wonders and attributing it divinity where simply evolution is. Bias in disregarding non-wonders, horrors, unfairness etc etc. Time spent is not a reliable indicator of the validity of the conclusion. If you asked an intelligent question in the first getgo, you'd be done fast. I'm assuming you're not married, making a false equivalence argument. Keep asking questions,A belief in something as profound as the creator isn't just boiled down to a couple of concepts such as that but a lifetime of questioning, debating, rationalizing etc. It's like trying to sum up a marriage in a few words... there's so much in it that transcends mere labels / words and such.
No clue what you're talking about BUT I think the answer is no if I have to ask what that means LoL Going by numbers followup post, do you mean infomercial gadgets? If so... I own none of them. Never once bought shit from an infomercial. I'd get a My Pillow though to support Mike Lindell though.. he's actually an amazing dude with an amazing story.
OMG thanks for the question, Dick. Listen babe, gonna hit the hay (lol!) for tonight but totes got you in the morning with those answers hun.OMG! I am so excited there's another tranny to ask inane questions to!
Do you like thumbs?
What's the highest number of skips achieved when skipping a stone?
How big a black dildo do you use to dilate your front hole?
Sure your answer does boil down to the god of the gaps and the watchmaker. Not knowing and not understanding creation, as well as seen wonders and attributing it divinity where simply evolution is. Bias in disregarding non-wonders, horrors, unfairness etc etc. Time spent is not a reliable indicator of the validity of the conclusion. If you asked an intelligent question in the first getgo, you'd be done fast. I'm assuming you're not married, making a false equivalence argument. Keep asking questions,Vanessa .
Of course I'm not married! Women are smart enough to avoid meSure your answer does boil down to the god of the gaps and the watchmaker. Not knowing and not understanding creation, as well as seen wonders and attributing it divinity where simply evolution is. Bias in disregarding non-wonders, horrors, unfairness etc etc. Time spent is not a reliable indicator of the validity of the conclusion. If you asked an intelligent question in the first getgo, you'd be done fast. I'm assuming you're not married, making a false equivalence argument. Keep asking questions,Vanessa .
Cool story bro... now do you want to debate me with McFly moderating it in Discord so you can get hit with a clue-by-four on this topic or are you simply content being a strawmanning dullard that thrives on being a complete shit-puddle because all you have is inner negativity and hate oozing out of your pores?Vanessa how about that you vile piece of worthless shit.
Sure it can: Close coexistance for mutual benefits and security of the offspring, if any. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.Of course I'm not married! Women are smart enough to avoid meMen... not smart enough!
But I don't need to be married to understand what a marriage is. Just like a married couple who has shared their most private thoughts, their fears, their hopes and the pleasures and ecstasy of mutual love and dissolvement of their egos to be comfortably naked as partners through and through this journey of life, the many moments of what a marriage *is* over the course of many years cannot be boiled down to a 2 sentence explanation.
That's what divining the nature of God is like. It's simultaneously as simple as 1+1=2 and as complex as trying to comprehend a being that isn't just eternal, but ... has always been.
I'm sorry folks but that's my earnest answer to the question "Why Belief in God?" Other Christians I have talked to "get it" and atheists/agnostics I have talked to just seem to look at the fundamental nature of God completely wrong. Like I'm not trying to throw shade out now or play some holier-than-thou game.. I'm being as humble and honest as I can be about the topic. Your best and brightest Hitchens / Harris / Dawkins etc all reveal themselves by their words that they too fundamentally don't understand God at all, and of course the irony is choking to me because they are indeed VERY intelligent people that I respect. Hence, Romans 1:22
Oh nevermind... damn Booze, I'm sorry I think I confused you with someone who would actually have the balls to have a rational, articulate debate about this topic via Discord and not just some retarded drunk troll pussy sputtering off like they had a modicum of knowledge about what it's like being mentally ill.
My mistake :x
Cool story bro... now do you want to debate me with McFly moderating it in Discord so you can get hit with a clue-by-four on this topic or are you simply content being a strawmanning dullard that thrives on being a complete shit-puddle because all you have is inner negativity and hate oozing out of your pores?
It'd be embarrassing if your ignorance about me was... y'know... brought to light. A real shame indeed.