Then a discord conversation will make no difference. Hearing them talk versus reading what they write isn't going to make any kind of difference.
I can only imagine you think you'll get some kind of "gotcha" mistake when there's less time to react. That's not shedding light on any kind of truth.
Doubtful that will happen in our lifetimes. At least in American society, people still largely treat children as possessions rather than as entities in their own right and ignore science whenever convenient. We've known for decades that hitting kids is harmful, but people do it, even take pride in it. Or the anti-vaxxer bs. Or just people who feed their kids weird ass politics, ie homeschooling christians, westboro baptist types, muslim extremists, nazis, etc. You'll often hear something along the lines of "what people decide to do with their own kids is their business". The good of the child largely takes a back seat to the imposition of the parent's will. I don't think this situation will be any different.
Welcome to page 110-220 (estimating)... this has already been discussed completely and fully by the written word and dumbfucks like Boozecube and Punko obsessively bring this up just to
A) lie about my position
B) troll me
I'm less hung up about it versus shining a spotlight on the entire narrative that these clowns are pushing.
Cockroaches flee from the light and hide in dark corners.
Telling someone to go kill themselves is an infraction that will result in a rickshaw in short order (board rules). These people would gladly go tell others to kill themselves but they'd rather not be stuck in the rickshaw permanently so they skirt around the issue indirectly.
I'm not a chaser. Just a nice guy to the girls
Hey Dom!! Everyone is valid! You have to love and accept yourself and others! Just because people may not look like what your opinion of a gender should be does not mean they aren't! Remember a smile and words of kindness cost you nothing!Dear Tranny Foler
(Long time reader. First time writer)
What is your opinion of trannies that can't pass, yet think they look good. Are they really just sad individuals we must take pity on, or should we shame them for subjecting the rest of us with their delusions? Would they not be received better if they had an ounce of humility?
PS: @Lunis would probably pay you for nudes
Remember a smile and words of kindness cost you nothing!
Everyone is VALID.Neither does telling insane people that they are lunatics.
Hey Dom!! Everyone is valid! You have to love and accept yourself and others! Just because people may not look like what your opinion of a gender should be does not mean they aren't! Remember a smile and words of kindness cost you nothing!
It is possible to recognize the invalidity of certain beliefs while remaining civil and promoting love. In fact sometimes love demands that we hurt those we care about to extricate them from the ruinous haze of malignant thought. Love and truth are not at odds my friends.