Let's repost one of my favorite posts of all time so you mentally deficient monkeys can swallow these hard facts one more time. Denying clinical research is tantamount to denying reality, living in delusion, and being, quite frankly, ignorant. Enjoy your blissful ignorance while I will enjoy being on the side of the practices of civil society.
Let's start with this one basic fact: I'm the only one providing links, citations and references about
all of this. Go me.
Fact: Gender Dysphoria is a real, mental illness (or condition / problem etc.)
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Transsexualism (ICD-10),[1] or gender identity disorder (DSM-IV),[2] is a condition in which a person's gender identity - the sense of being a man or a woman - contradicts his or her bodily sex characteristics. The individual experiences gender dysphoria and desires to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex.
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Gender dysphoria is a discomfiting mental state associated with a disparity between one's internal sense of being either male or female and one's external anatomical sexual characteristics. Because most persons have never experienced such a disparity, perhaps one could empathize by imagining what it would be like for a man to wake up one morning to discover that his penis was gone. Further, imagine that it had been replaced by a vagina, with enlarged breasts on the chest. Surely, the man would feel extremely uncomfortable; manifesting a strong desire to change his body; a desire that is far more intense than a simple cosmetic desire. One could similarly imagine the inverse scenario for a woman. Such intense discomfort, accompanied by a desire for change, is the hallmark of gender dysphoria.
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The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)1 defines gender dysphoria (GD) as a condition in which a person has marked incongruence between the expressed or experienced gender and the biological sex at birth. This causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. Individuals with GD experience a strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender different from their assigned gender) and/or to be rid of their sex characteristics, and/or the strong conviction of having feelings and reactions typical of the other gender (or some alternative gender).
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Gender dysphoria (GD) represents a condition where a person's gender assigned at birth and the gender with which they identify themselves are incongruent. Hence, these individuals can be very uncomfortable with their biological sex, primary and secondary sex characteristics, and social gender roles and they experience various levels of distress.
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This paper is heavily focused on trans voice, but still states:
Gender dysphoria (also known as “transsexualism”) is characterized as a discrepancy between anatomical sex and gender identity. Research points towards neurobiological influences."
Fact: Social transition is the "cure" for GD and is the best treatment for GD (thus far).
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One hundred ninety-one had been men with female surgical reassignment. One hundred thirty-three had been women with male surgical reassignment. In most cases, such surgery had diminished the distress of gender dysphoria.
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Even though surgery and hormonal therapy alleviates gender dysphoria, it is apparently not sufficient to remedy the high rates of morbidity and mortality found among transsexual persons.
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This search found a robust international consensus in the peer-reviewed literature that gender transition, including medical treatments such as hormone therapy and surgeries, improves the overall well-being of transgender individuals.
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Although many studies have reported psychiatric and psychological improvement after hormonal and/or surgical treatment,[7], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16] other have reported on regrets,[17] psychiatric morbidity, and suicide attempts after SRS.[9], [18] A recent systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that approximately 80% reported subjective improvement in terms of gender dysphoria, quality of life, and psychological symptoms, but also that there are studies reporting high psychiatric morbidity and suicide rates after sex reassignment.
Fact: Children exhibiting gender "issues" pre-puberty will, 80% of the time, resolve these issues via puberty.
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In contrast to the first two models, no assumption is made that every child exhibiting a gender nonconforming presentation is in need of mental health treatment.
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Children represent a small number of individuals with gender dysphoria and in only 10-20% of the children, gender dysphoria will continue to manifest in adolescence
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Many individuals continue renegotiating their gender throughout childhood or adulthood, with no observable detriment to their mental health
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Evidence from the 10 available prospective follow-up studies from childhood to adolescence (reviewed in the study by Ristori and Steensma28) indicates that for ~80% of children who meet the criteria for GDC, the GD recedes with puberty.
Fact: In cases of true trans-kids, puberty blockers are both beneficial and effective.
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Reports of the outcomes of puberty suppression treatment in adolescents have shown reasonable safety and good outcomes regarding patient satisfaction and psychosocial functioning
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In the Dutch authors’ words, the treatment, including puberty suppression, cross-sex hormones, and then in adulthood gender affirmation surgery, “leads to improved psychological functioning of transgender adolescents. While enabling them to make important age-appropriate developmental transitions, it contributes to a satisfactory objective and subjective well-being in young adulthood”.33 The authors propose that not only early medical intervention, but also a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach contributes to the youth’s gender health.
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However, psychological therapy and support are highly recommended; while such services are now far more widely available, they are still insufficient to provide for complete wellbeing of these patients. Inadequate management of children with persistent gender dysphoria can lead to isolation, feeling of self-hatred, and suicidal ideas and attempts. Also, “passing through the wrong puberty” can have serious consequences for these individuals. Viable treatment options vary from fully reversible treatment, such as puberty-suppressing gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRH) to partly reversible treatment, gonadal steroid treatment, as well as irreversible treatment, such as surgical removal of genitalia and reconstruction of new ones according to the desired gender.
De Vries et al. were the first to introduce the concept and research on the use of puberty blockers for treatment of transgender youth. The main idea behind the suppression of endogenous puberty was to decrease distress by preventing the development of “noncongruent” secondary sexual characteristics. This would give young individuals more time to get accustomed to their situation and to better explore their gender. In the examined group, all of 70 eligible candidates showed improved mental health and general functioning.
In light of all this, I'm betting some of you will
still perform mental gymnastics in order to argue with me about this, that or whatever. Pretty fucking ironic that the forum tranny is the
only one providing data, papers, and facts on the matter and the bulk of YOU all are the ones acting like a posse of frothing SJW leftists.
I have NO agenda to push, I have always stated time and time again that
ALL I WANT are science, data, research, and testing done to separate fact from fiction, reality from feels. You all are MORE than welcome (and I'm sure some of you will! Hi Mario / Zyyz / wormie) to sling shit, deny the mountain of evidence slapping you in the face that everything I have said is true but I hope the moderate and rational among you realize that willful ignorance on the subject is not cool. Not cool at all.
What I, personally, have gleaned a better understanding of is what some of you have brought up already and that is the fact that 4 out of 5 (on average) kids exhibiting gender incongruence (in some form or another) will "get over it" during puberty. This was something that I myself was ignorant on before now. This isn't something to sweep under the rug. False flags (for lack of better words) are tantamount to a tragedy that I and certainly none of you want to see happen. Yet there's also the study that states that ALL 70 youth undergoing puberty blockers had a better life due to them. What that tells me is that the teams of psychologists and doctors working with the kids and parents are doing their due diligence to separate the true trannies from the cases where "Joey likes dolls, but he's not actually trans, just a gay-boi" etc.
So yes, on the one hand my heart and mind want to say that 80% is too high a number to ignore and medical intervention for trannies needs to wait until 18... bar none. Yet there's still that nagging truth that is documented that true trannies that go through puberty will undergo mental health problems themselves, so I can't ALSO say "Think of the kids, but the trans kids? Eh fuck
them tho". If anyone is rational on the matter, the best course of action would be (as I've said before in this thread) to continue to have
very strict and regimented medical and psychological professionals dedicated to case by case families to absolutely, 100% ensure that the right patients are getting the right treatments so that literally everyone comes out happy.
Evidence is showing this seems to be the case, and that's wonderful news. Have evidence to the contrary? Post it.
No one is denying it's a very
very fucking tricky situation. It sucks... it's something I honestly simply wish didn't exist in the world.. this evil, mental illness of a thing called GD. But it
does and no amount of whining, bitching, shitposting and being bigoted assfaces about it is going to just make it "go away" or flush away the facts on the matter about it.
To quote one of my favorite people of all time, Ben Shapiro:
Facts don't care about your feelings.