hope u have a good new years
You too Coleslaw, thank you! If my friend is still on board with going and giving me a lift I'll be going to a party. If not, I'll be at home! (I hate showing up to parties alone... it's just too...

So your god made you a dude, but you are like "nope, fuck that shit...I want me some titties" and you think hes ok with that?
The way you're wording this is telling... almost as if this is how
you as a cis-guy comprehends Gender Dysphoria if YOU tried to relate to having it (if that makes sense). This is not how I think about this situation whatsoever, therefore NO, I am NOT "
like "nope, fuck that shit... I want me some titties". I'm not trying to be a smart ass to you Sevens because thus far you're not coming across as a total douchebag to me, therefore, I am giving you your answers as real and base as I can. GD does not manifest itself like that so the question, the way you word it, is moot.
God knows my heart and knows that my intentions are pure.
I mean according to your god a man doesnt even have to sleep with a woman to commit adultery
Sort of! "
But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Had the sentence ended after adultery you would be correct. It's merely saying that to lust after her with the eyes is committing adultery IN THE HEART.. meaning you have already done the deed in your mind but that's NOT the same as literally committing adultery. Best bet? Don't think of or treat women like fuck toys.
Im really seriously trying to understand how you can hold such contradictory thoughts in your head?
I promise I appreciate your tone and am happy to try to explain it. When you act like a raging faggot like Boozecube, wormie, etc you will get the same treatment by me in return and when you treat me with a modicum of respect, you will get that in return.
In my head, nothing is contradictory; it may SEEM contradictory to YOU because you don't
truly understand the nature of Gender Dysphoria as a cis person and you don't
truly understand the nature of God's forgiveness as an atheist.
I've already explained and provided research to back up that I was born with this, therefore I accept that a loving God would not create a creation without hope of redemption via His Son. P.S. I love God so much that His will takes precedence over my own selfish desires and thoughts. If He rejects me at judgment day because I failed Him, then I'd rather be in hell for eternity than force a fake acceptance and love from Him. THIS is what true love is, and it comes from me, and it comes from God, and this is EXACTLY what God does for YOU... not force YOUR love on HIM, but instead leaves it to YOU to love Him. This is why you will never find proof of His existence... that would MAKE you believe in Him which in turn would FORCE your love and devotion on Him. It is that purest form of love that will save me from my sins as a human... transgenderism and everything.
Can we have all these before/after pictures without makeup? I know a lot of dudes love makeup (not me, it's worse in real life than in pictures), but I think judging passability has to be without temporary assists.
I mean, if all you care about is a fuck or a wank (don't get me wrong, dude looks like good wank material in that last pic), that's fine, but if you want anything more, they should be acceptable without makeup.
Well I post these before/afters because I find them to be amazing and love seeing people bettering themselves.
Women who wear makeup do it first and foremost for themselves. The notion that women do it to attract men is complete bullshit. Women do it to boost their own confidence and look. This is why the most successful transitioners tend to wear makeup the best. It's not about fooling people, it's an issue of selfcare and THAT'S what I find enlightening with good transitions. You can just tell that that person takes really good care of themselves.
But yeah I agree... the ultimate test for a tranny is makeupless passability. Trust me, in the trans community it's the holy grail of a successful transition (Ego time: I received this one day a couple weeks ago at work when I wasn't wearing makeup)
I don't know for sure, Vanessa would have to answer. That's what I thought the implication was in his post. Good chance her beliefs are quite a... hodge podge.
I think homosexuality is a sin, yes. Do *
I* personally care if two men or two women have sex or love each other? No, of course not. I don't think homosexuality makes people horrible people either. This is where a lot of people (especially LGBTQWTF people) misunderstand the Christian tenet. We don't hate gays. We just know it's a sin. We truly DO hate the sin, not the sinner. But people enjoy being victims, so...
But I support their right to be homosexual under the rule of law. That's what conservatives do... they will allow gays to be gays in their own homes and that's fine but also want to conserve what marriage is: The holy union of a man and a woman. We believe marriage is sacred and started with Adam and Eve with God at the center of the union. The notion of gay marriage is... contradictory in terms. But I think gays will just think we oppose gay marriage because we're haters... so not true.
Does mantranny take hormones?
it WANTS attention, even negative attention,
I'm just posting, sorry. If I was flashing my tits, then yeah... I'm looking for attention. I stopped doing that here.