Christians do not own the bible. You're not the Bible Master. It's a free (well, unless you pay someone, which Jesus likes to have you do unless you stay in one of his many homo/tels) book that anyone can study. If more study beyond said book is required, I'd love for you to post that here so we may inform all follower of Jesus that they need additional study beyond that of a stripper fuck-room.
You definitely need therapy. The kind that tells you to stop being a raging faggot. And not faggot in the gay sense, but in the Louie CK sense, where you're being a faggot. It has nothing to do with your sexuality, your sex, your gender. You're just a faggot. Plain and simple. You are different from others for no good reason. Gender Dysphoria? I will admit that is probably a legit condition from which you are not afflicted. You are basically for the lack of a better term, a piece of shit. You're a narcissist that was gaslighted into believing you can be important in the world BECAUSE YOU FEEL DIFFERENT. Feelings are not always true representations of reality, and, they are most always NOT true representations of reality. You're walking around living a lie because they are other liars now that say "Yes, this liar is telling the truth!" AND WE ALL KNOW THIS. WE KNOW YOU AND THEM ARE TOTAL BULLSHIT!
Dude smoke some weed. You're so far up your own ass your hat is a turd.
Just get a room with that new faggot mod already.
@a_skeleton_02 I think his name is? That's a pretty transfaggot name that is clawing for a partner.
Bro, you are broken. You were born a man, but you decided not to be one because other people said you could and you were like "Okay?"
I get it, you're Frosty the Snowman that can't decide to be snow because this winter is not acting like winter. Maybe it's acting like global climate change. But let me get this straight. You're born a man, choose to think you're a woman, and conservative, yet you're obviously a man and it's obviously damn near 70 degrees in the beginning of 2021 in fucking Richmond goddamn that-shit-city-smells-like-close-your-car-vents-we-need-to-breathe-non-shit-air-for-5-fucking-minutes-at-60mph-go-faster-please-we-are-suffocating-from-the-stench Virginia?
Your entire life is a contradiction. If it were any more of a contradiction, you would shit a vagina, attached to a womb, with a live baby inside it, crying, "Vanessa, please don't abort me into the tissues!"