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- 1,379
Back at it with the Gay shit are we?
Whatever gets you through the day mr soft dick lover.
Back at it with the Gay shit are we?
It is unearned and she will gloat and bloviate unendingly, but on the very real likelihood that Hodj does check in again, it would be the most supremely triggering thing to have done.
It's an easy way to make sure I piss everyone off.
Now all that is left is for Tranbo Steve to show up 3 days from now and post a long diatribe about how everyone got Rekt, as it takes an unearned victory lap while posting about how he fooled some drunk faggot during the bars last call into hitting on it.
You are an ugly dude.LoL I'll be terse; so much goodness to catch up on and going on right now!
The green text is what I can get behind and what I agree with that is part of the Christian faith / tenet. The red is incongruent with my faith. The yellow is just shampoo instructions.Follow God's will
Ignore God's will
Ask for God's forgiveness as you are just a natural sinner like all of God's children
Be absolved of sin
Repeat process
Another telling line right here:That isn't responsibility, that's cowardice and a refusal to come to terms with who you are instead of what other people have told you to be. I would think someone that struggles with this shit on a daily basis due to your trans nature would be able to recognize it for what it is.
If He is non-existent, sure this is hugely problematic and EVERYTHING you said is spot on. Clearly we disagree on His actual existence.You placed a non existent entity above yourself the moment you chose to participate in the faith, and removed the only thing that truly matters when it comes to being a person of strong character: The ultimate responsibility for yourself, your beliefs, and your actions.
That ultimate responsibility is the only thing that elevates you above being a walking talking meatsack. Abandoning it to follow the "teachings" of other people makes you a drone. Those teachings having unassailable (within the faith)answers for everything makes you a puppet on top of being a drone.
Correct. I never said anything to the contrary.You don't need faith to be a good person or to do good things.
I'll tie this into the thread theme LoL.Do u like the snowVanessa ?
You're still mean Dick. Forest Green.When will you ask her favorite color or did you already do that? Do you get cucked by your girlfriend?
I'd say on the real too to show some solidarity, but I'm always on the real so... it comes from the same place that looks at your spelling of judgment in your quote and feels sympathy for you. Hope that answered your question.On the real, what is it that gives you this unearned confidence to pass sweeping judgement as if you were some sort of intellectual authority?
LoL are you enjoying psychoanalysing me? I know I am enjoying it, just wondering if you were too. Btw... I won. You know. At that thing.I've never seen a level of introspection or assessment that would lead me to believe that you're really examining your own views or the views or those who you're talking to. Like, all your posts just consist of you stating the same, predictable shit over and over while claiming victory in some imagined contest
I feel it's extremely telling you think that my desire to debate someone on a hot mic is a lunatic trial. I shit you not, this says more about you than it does me.challenging people to lunatic trials like "debating you in a podcast". To me, your whole bit just seems kind of nonsensical.
I misshodj
Yes (You forgot already!)Vanessa do u like rollercoasters
Agree 100% but when the retards go to hyperboletown they tend to focus on mount twinsmore LoLLooking back on a post a while back I think it needs to be brought up that showing your tits off isn't the only way to be a functional attention whore.... #justsayin .![]()
Yeah that whole waking up, drinking coffee and replying to internet dweebs thing is a trip man.Imagine being this insane?
Fantastic! Never said they do.Christians do not own the bible.
Fantastic! Never said I was!You're not the Bible Master.
No, the point of the bible is that it is complete, finished, and perfekt und heiligIf more study beyond said book is required, I'd love for you to post that here
This entire chunk of words is another psychoanalysis that is yet again askew from who I really am. I'm actually happy that I can provide this entertainment for you all to try and figure me out; I think by now you've realized that I'm perfectly comfortable with any type of scrutiny and armchair summations of my life.You definitely need therapy. The kind that tells you to stop being a raging faggot. And not faggot in the gay sense, but in the Louie CK sense, where you're being a faggot. It has nothing to do with your sexuality, your sex, your gender. You're just a faggot. Plain and simple. You are different from others for no good reason. Gender Dysphoria? I will admit that is probably a legit condition from which you are not afflicted. You are basically for the lack of a better term, a piece of shit. You're a narcissist that was gaslighted into believing you can be important in the world BECAUSE YOU FEEL DIFFERENT. Feelings are not always true representations of reality, and, they are most always NOT true representations of reality. You're walking around living a lie because they are other liars now that say "Yes, this liar is telling the truth!" AND WE ALL KNOW THIS. WE KNOW YOU AND THEM ARE TOTAL BULLSHIT!
No I don't think you do, and never will. Therein lies the problem. That's not a knock on your intelligence or comprehension btw so don't get all defensive on me... it simply means that a non-gender-dysphoric person cannot know what it feels like to have gender dysphoria. Just as a non-schizophrenic cannot know what a schizophrenic feels. It's all just mental illness to me. Well there you go. I'm glad you're "normal".I get it
Ummmmm.... I'll let other posters read this and weep.you're Frosty the Snowman that can't decide to be snow because this winter is not acting like winter. Maybe it's acting like global climate change.
Okay, and in fact, we'll go VERY slowly to show what I mean when I say "You don't get it" as said above ^But let me get this straight.
YesYou're born a man
choose to think you're a woman
Eh, more on that later, but the conservative part is just politics... just another overlap of values.and conservative, yet you're obviously a man and it's obviously damn near 70 degrees in the beginning of 2021 in fucking Richmond goddamn that-shit-city-smells-like-close-your-car-vents-we-need-to-breathe-non-shit-air-for-5-fucking-minutes-at-60mph-go-faster-please-we-are-suffocating-from-the-stench Virginia?
Nothing in my head is contradictory. People have claimed this and it's not a surprise to me why you and others would say this but all the pieces of the proverbial puzzle just align correctly.Your entire life is a contradiction.
Riiight.Not sure if that's a compliment, or a compliment.
Me: Well, I took 2 weeks off to spend time with the family and then another week to get caught up on work from the time off. Lets start moderating.
-Opens this thread and starts reading-
Also Me:
For once...ONE TIME make a post longer than one sentence in my thread that actually expresses something decent I can reply to. Anything! Your posts are just terrible my guy. That's my FoH birthday wish btw. I want Joz123 to de-retard himself!!!Just make a new area called "mental ward" where Steve can just reply to his own posts all day long.
You didn't miss anything. So that post was from 2016 and I've certainly grown since then and modified my life choices. I will have to answer to God for past deeds, yep! In 2016 I violated God's laws, you are absolutely correct and I both own that and repent of that.I thought you said you werent gay and so going to heaven, I mean if you receive from all then that is in clear violation of you bible..or am I missing something here?
The mere correction on your part and asking of why is the same type of mentality that the leftist trannies have. You guys just exit the port from different places.He
Why do you keep using female pronouns when talking about Vanessa when even he doesn't?
So like, that's a lot of text, as usual. BUt again, on the real, you think that challenging people to debates on podcasts is a normal thing? Or jsut, maybe take it down a notch, you think challenging people to debates is a normal thing that people do? Are you surrounded by people just challenging each other to debates all the time?
Yeah but she's in our age group. She's actually older than me. I get that kids are self-important and full of themselves, raised on social media to think that every issue requires a response, that their take is somehow important or valid because they had it. But she grew up in our day so... wtf is that? Even then, kids spout shit off on social media, they don't engage in rigorous debateOH GOD THERES MORE.
We're old men chaos. Challenging people to honorable combat in the podcast arena is becoming socially normalized.
Give it another 15 years and it's how kids will talk to each other. The only facetime they'll ever spend with one another is telling each other to visit this url for their latest hot take on <issue>. lol.