Tranny Chaser
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So you prefer to look at other cocks as opposed to experiencing great orgasms being intact? Huh.A much higher rate of gross cock though.
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So you prefer to look at other cocks as opposed to experiencing great orgasms being intact? Huh.A much higher rate of gross cock though.
I'm several pages behind here. I hadn't heard of this concept, though. Saw a Contrapoints video, who I am sure is quite popular around here, about that and it was interesting. And funny, when she tells the "transtrender" "Because you gross me out, bitch" I laughed. But it was interesting to think about, how and why people categorize themselves other demand others adhere to their categories, whether the categories are useful and meaningful or not.Here's the part where I said you're not wrong, but still wrong. Yeah being "transgender" the FAD of it will die off but the rare cases of true transssexuals with GD since birth will always be around because that mental illness is just in the gene pool all over the world somehow. Idk how or why or what; just is.
I think the transtrenders (<-- mind the spelling) will be unfashionable in less time than a century. They WILL be replaced on the oppression train and that's totally fine with me but it won't be fine with the leftist trannies... you say it's transhumanists.. I said it would be furries. Might be a mixture of the two; who really knows.
We cannot allow users to be abusive, overly aggressive, threatening, or to "troll". This does not follow our rules. Your message may have been removed or altered.You're not a very good Christian then.Vanessa said:
Btw, you're like a hipster evolutionist with this quote, you know that. "I'd tell you about the intricacies of biology and evolution, but you wouldn't understand it!" Not a single thing they talked about was difficult to grasp or offensive to a Christian like me. Just saying.
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Actual Christians believe that all life is designed by God which means that COVID19 was designed by God.
If you were able to follow Bret and Heather's discussion, then that means that you already know too much about evolution and that you are an actual heretic.
Please burn yourself at the stake.
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By the way @Amod how long am I shawed for? There has been no communication regarding my sentence.
Hangin in there palHope ur doing okay in the quarantineVanessa !!!!
It probably won't do any good AG, but yep, no offense taken at that whatsoever if that's what got you shawed.Vanessa knows I meant it in jest.
You can occasionally take a break from your self righteousness, warrior poet.
So you admit to running on the warrior poet shit?lol. Well put. I can laugh at myself.
But hey, I am me. I can't be anything other than me.
Did you vote for me in the first two Amod elections? I ran on this shit.
So you admit to running on the warrior poet shit?
You can occasionally take a break from your self righteousness, warrior poet.
Warrior poet is a compliment inside of a joke, I told you that but you do more writing poems than reading.No, I admit that your propagandistic meme has unfortunately taken hold. Well done.
DickTrickle can call me a warrior poet if he wants and I can laugh at it because I know that it has become a meme. But the only reason it was ever a meme is because you didn't like my style in general and you gave it a name, 'warrior poet'. I never gave myself that name, you gave it to me. And you were always wrong about me. You have never understood me and have opted to think the worst of me at every opportunity.
The Grown-Up section has always given me the heeby-jeebys. I had an instinct that told me to stay the fuck away from it because I knew it was actually the Child's-Section. The place where posting things that are even mildly offensive is a ticket to the shaw.
I should have followed my instinct. I went there because I thought I might have something to contribute to the COVID19 discussion. But yeah, I guess I took a jab at Vanessa in the process. Maybe jabs like that are not allowed in a literal hug-box.
Like I said when I begged you to de-mod me, I just want to go back to shitposting with the plebs.