Warrior poet is a compliment inside of a joke, I told you that but you do more writing poems than reading.
You could take a sentence like “He came to the blue door and opened it” and sit there for an entire week debating on what it means that the door is blue.
You sure do weird victory laps, Gerb.
Yeah it's a unique animal that is weird. Here is how I see it.I'm willing to both take and offer the olive branch.
But this point still remains: I should not have posted in the 'Grown-Up' section. My gut told me that it would get me in trouble and lo-and-behold it has. Even back when I ran for Amod, I promised that I would not tone-police the Hug-Box. I refused to do it before the first vote was ever cast. (Go back an re-read my initial 'application' message).
I can't censor myself. It's not a thing that is inside me. I think I would rather be banned from 1000 message boards than to censor myself.
Call me self-righteous, call me a warrior poet, call me whatever the hell you want to, but I'm not going to pretend to be anything other than I am.
It is my firm opinion that it is not my place to soften my language but rather, it is y'alls place to toughen the fuck up.
Yeah it's a unique animal that is weird. Here is how I see it.
We are total complete assholes here. Sometimes people want to talk about real problems they are having and take off the mask a bit. Talk about problems with their wives etc. I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea to have a space for that.
That being said you had two infractions there I think and one of them was not for the grown up section.
No, I admit that your propagandistic meme has unfortunately taken hold. Well done.
DickTrickle can call me a warrior poet if he wants and I can laugh at it because I know that it has become a meme. But the only reason it was ever a meme is because you didn't like my style in general and you gave it a name, 'warrior poet'. I never gave myself that name, you gave it to me. And you were always wrong about me. You have never understood me and have opted to think the worst of me at every opportunity.
The Grown-Up section has always given me the heeby-jeebys. I had an instinct that told me to stay the fuck away from it because I knew it was actually the Child's-Section. The place where posting things that are even mildly offensive is a ticket to the shaw.
I should have followed my instinct. I went there because I thought I might have something to contribute to the COVID19 discussion. But yeah, I guess I took a jab at Vanessa in the process. Maybe jabs like that are not allowed in a literal hug-box.
Like I said when I begged you to de-mod me, I just want to go back to shitposting with the plebs.
Fucking nazi amods. Fuck Tarrant for creating such a weak faggoty place to begin with.
Dude, sometimes people just want to talk to others about their wife or kids or cooking or whatever without dealing with all the board warrior bullshit. Everything in life isn't about challenging yourself, there's plenty of board space left for shenanigans. People jab each other all the time in there, it's the run of the mill faggotry that wasn't allowed.Vanessa and I slap-fight quite often, but the truth is that I'd probably rather have a beer with Vanessa than with the vast majority of the amods.
The 'Grown-Up Forum' is exactly the opposite of that in my opinion. It is actually the child's forum or the kid-glove section. Khorum used to call it 'Tarrant's Hug-Box'.
I have avoided it like the plague for damn near a decade because I knew what it actually was. I finally stepped foot in there, I am my normal self, and within 2 weeks am shawed.
Fuck that place. I am done with it. I knew I shouldn't have attempted to foray into the kid-glove section but I did it anyway. Never again. That place is the death of the soul.
I hope some people find some value from it. But I will say this, whatever value you people find within the confines of Tarrant's Hug-Box, I promise you that you would find even more value if you put the same effort into a dangerous space rather than a safe space. But hey, that's just like, my opinion man.
Fucking nazi amods. Fuck Tarrant for creating such a weak faggoty place to begin with.
I had reported the post by our resident faggot that AG replied to, with the reply that got him shawed. Instead of removing this purposely inflammatory and off-topic post in the adult section, I was told to ignore the poster. This was a failure of moderation. You would have most likely failed in the same manner. Down with mods.I would have nailed you for it too. You seem to be the only person being a faggot about any of this.
I've been told to kill myself by so many people and there have been many mods come and go throughout that. Any current or former mod can feel free to step up and say how many reports I've made concerning people telling me to off myself. I literally do NOT give a shit what y'all think of me in any capacity... I don't know how clear that can be haha. Y'all can think many things of me, but being a thin-skinned pussy is NOT one of those things from those that know the drill.ProbablyVanessa - brought visitors to this dead thread.
I wonder who reported it.
I would have nailed you for it too.
They're a fag though.
Eat a shotgun, burn myself at the stake, eat shit... and THEN die. All roads lead to Rome! People love telling me to cease existing haha.oh, told nessa to eat a shotgun.
Loss, you're still here? Making those really useful, important contributions to the thread as usual?“Don’t judge me like I judge you!”
Okay, Peter Pan.
You're such a colossal pussy.I had reported the post by our resident faggot that AG replied to, with the reply that got him shawed. Instead of removing this purposely inflammatory and off-topic post in the adult section, I was told to ignore the poster. This was a failure of moderation. You would have most likely failed in the same manner. Down with mods.
Shut up faggotI've been told to kill myself by so many people and there have been many mods come and go throughout that. Any current or former mod can feel free to step up and say how many reports I've made concerning people telling me to off myself. I literally do NOT give a shit what y'all think of me in any capacity... I don't know how clear that can be haha. Y'all can think many things of me, but being a thin-skinned pussy is NOT one of those things from those that know the drill.
This thread has always had spurts of activity. I really don't care what happens to it, just like I didn't care when it was finally moved out of screenshots to here. That made the traffic and postings go down but at the end of the day, it's just numbers. If what makes you happy are numbers on social media (i.e. # of followers, # of likes, # of friends etc) I think your priorities are a bit out of tune with what's important in life.
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Before Dom comes in to roast me for being crazy and no one reads what I have to say; just remember: you're the mod actively moving posts just because of what you THOUGHT might occur, not based on actual actions. Then a_skeleton_02 stupid ass came in and said "We're tired of the tranny shit, that's why it was moved" and yet there was NOTHING about tranny shit in the posts. Y'all sucked as mods. Period. End of discussion. Busy body losers on a power trip over an INTERNET FORUM was all it was and I still haven't publicly shown the PM I got from you about sharing a fake phone number. You fucking self-righteous numbskull... it is YOU who think people would give a shit to call me. No one cares, idiot.
Eat a shotgun, burn myself at the stake, eat shit... and THEN die. All roads lead to Rome! People love telling me to cease existing haha.
Ahh, my adoring public.
Loss, you're still here? Making those really useful, important contributions to the thread as usual?
You're such a colossal pussy.
While I'm here and to keep it thread-purposed, one of my favorite trannies uploaded a new Before/After on reddit:
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A+ transition.
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Before Dom comes in to roast me for being crazy and no one reads what I have to say; just remember: you're the mod actively moving posts just because of what you THOUGHT might occur, not based on actual actions. Then a_skeleton_02 stupid ass came in and said "We're tired of the tranny shit, that's why it was moved" and yet there was NOTHING about tranny shit in the posts. Y'all sucked as mods. Period. End of discussion. Busy body losers on a power trip over an INTERNET FORUM was all it was and I still haven't publicly shown the PM I got from you about sharing a fake phone number. You fucking self-righteous numbskull... it is YOU who think people would give a shit to call me. No one cares, idiot.
Dude, every post is a battle waiting to be fought, to purify your noble convictions in the fires of conversational war at every turn. To acquiesce to any degree is to be dead inside and turned over to communism. Only through the journey into the darkest of trolling assholes can the honed sword of truth light the way. You're either on board or you're one of the mainstream braindead zombies. Get rektDude, sometimes people just want to talk to others about their wife or kids or cooking or whatever without dealing with all the board warrior bullshit. Everything in life isn't about challenging yourself, there's plenty of board space left for shenanigans. People jab each other all the time in there, it's the run of the mill faggotry that wasn't allowed.
Report me, maybe that will will do the trick. Oh wait, you tried already. How'd that work out for you, Godless-wonder?Shut up faggot
Busting balls, I didn't think you actually did.I didn't report it
You should have been banned for it.